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Pet that can attack or call out if people are near or hideing,

Also have to feed pet with cans of pet food , and water

To find a pet go into town's

and you need to feed it so it be comes faithful to you.

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There was actually some footage about this on an interview with Rocket (aint got link) but he talked about adding Dogs as companions.

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Yeah, he couldn't get them to run up hills though.

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Can a Dog look up?

I don't know, but elephants can't jump. That I do know.

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Yes this is a great idea, They can also be used to sniff out hidden players or snipers. thus helping the bandit problem sometimes.

But then bandits would do the same against you.

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But then bandits would do the same against you.

I don't think being a sniper would have much worth with a dog running around you :D

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The pet will run to near the bandit way from you depens on how close.

then bark .

if some one come near you and you disable the bark the pet will attack

Or dont disable the bark and if you hear a dog barking you will now go near it lol

and bandit will have the same but if there 2 pets thay will attack each other till there's one or some one recalls with pet whistle.

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Do we realy have to make the game so simple?

But then what walkers get dogs to?

or the dogs run wild in trees and wilderness?

hmm some Z-dogs this could be funny

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I don't think being a sniper would have much worth with a dog running around you :D

Then game has to introduce a wind, and wind has to have a direction.

Anyone who had a dog knows how easy it is to hide from it, when it can't smell or hear you. Just stay steady while trying to blend with surroundings (something that snipers do anyway), like crouching in high grass, bushes, and don't make sharp movements - if a dog is more than 50 meters away it's a pretty good chance dog won't spot you.

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could have it so if there is a wind element added, said dog could pick up the smell of a person/zed/animal and let out a low growl that only u hear and slowly head in the direction of it, i dont think anyone would be showering to often in a zombie apocolyse, and each person bodie oder is differnt, but that would add an extra layer of complesity to the game a wind system, plus dogs being able to pick up smells on it depending on which way the wind is blowing

goood idea tho, just would take a lot of work to impletment ingame

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Do we realy have to make the game so simple?

But then what walkers get dogs to?

or the dogs run wild in trees and wilderness?

hmm some Z-dogs this could be funny

Z-dogs, like in "I am Legend". That would be very funny.

(scary at the same time though)

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