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Former Miltary: Love this mod!

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Just wanted to tell the dev team that myself, and a bunch of buddies love this mod, it's getting us together to game across the world, utilizing hard won fieldcraft and landnav skills seldom utilized now that the majority of us are civvys.

Awesome job guys, I appreciate the work!

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Heh, DayZ is a very good mod for getting together (Because it's probably the only way you can survive, but do you also play the base game, ARMA2? You use land navigation and field craft, and is much more similar to the Military than DayZ is.

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Wanna test land nav skills? Play at night without the gamma turned up using the map and compass. Had me some fun times last night moving from Zelengorsk to Devils Castle. XD

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Current military here. Being taught land nav (mostly terrain association) among other things from my infantry training has saved me alot of grief.

Except I have been playing with bohemia since OFP lol.

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Pretty sure that as an ex-military you would enjoy ArmA II with ACE and ACRE mixed together with WarFX more than DayZ on its own.

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