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Harsher Death?

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Life will become that much more precious when you log on with your friends for an evening of Day Z with the knowledge that if you die, your gametime for the night ends early. Time is precious, especially leisure time

So we all would need at least a 2nd key ...

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Wouldnt this just cause more people to alt 4 since they dont want to die and wait an hour on this server where there friends are playing and there tents and stuff are on that server. I know your trying to make people think about what they do and be more cautious but it will cause more cheaters to Alt 4 the sound of a shot Alt 4 being shot at too. But it could work but i dunno.

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You guys have your points.What I think will start to make death more deadly feeling is when (or if) Rocket decides to end duping and drop spawn rates of high tier weapons even further.I finally have the weapon I have been looking for(M249 SAW) and can tell you that this is first time I have become attached to my character.I logged off right after I got it and today I am playing much more cautiously.Think the saying...."don't get attached to your gear"....and imagine if weapons were very rare and players can't dupe weapons and ammo anymore. :)

Edited by wolfstriked

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