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Server admins stealing GUIDs for spoofing

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He is talking abount DayZ that is in beta not friking Arma 2 . think the game was out a few yers ago so if it was still in alpha i think we would have a huge probleme.

Clearly, your level of understanding in regards to that users post and the importance of hack prevention are, how do i say... lacking.

I play on one server alone, alot.. and see 10+ hackers a day.. daily.. its really bad right now. Yea im sure some kiddies are getting pissed about getting sniped on the cherno beach and crying hacks but that does not mean this isnt an extremely important issue for the future of this mod and game. i sure as hell want to be playing Dayz as a stand alone, sipping beer some time in the future. What is going on greatly effects that possibility.

edit: also french guy... Dayz is in alpha, not beta.

Edited by Dj Mikey

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I bought Arma 2 nearly a month ago, and never ever played singleplayer, only played DayZ. So yeah i paid for DayZ.

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I bought Arma 2 nearly a month ago, and never ever played singleplayer, only played DayZ. So yeah i paid for DayZ.

That's your hangup then. I can pay for warcraft 3 just to play dota, but I have no right to complain about dota using the "I payed for this game so i expect a certain experience" argument. Are there legitimate issues that need fixed in DayZ? YES, but you should not complain about how you spent 17-20-30 dollars and you want your money worth because you didn't spend that much on dayz, you spent that much for the plethora of released features ARMA2 and OA offers. You just happened to get access to DayZ as a result. Those are the facts.

If you have a suggestion for a new feature or mechanic then make a suggestion in the suggestion forum. If you have feedback for a particular issue, then use your search bar and post in the myriad of other feedback threads. If you came here to complain that you wasted your money on an alpha version of a mod for a released game, then go somewhere else because nobody cares.

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No one has payed for dayz.

Paid for the GUID that was stolen you fucking ignorant shit.

And last i checked CD keys are not free.

Edited by Koshin
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I didn't pay for DayZ, But I DID buy Arma 2 OA Just for this mod...have never loaded a game of OA lol...that goes for the 5 people that I convinced to buy OA just to play DayZ with me

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Paid for the GUID that was stolen you fucking ignorant shit.

And last i checked CD keys are not free.

I heard name-calling makes you sound important. My comment was directed towards the attitude by the op that people who play DayZ are owed something because they spent money on arma2 and OA to get it.

I didn't pay for DayZ, But I DID buy Arma 2 OA Just for this mod...have never loaded a game of OA lol...that goes for the 5 people that I convinced to buy OA just to play DayZ with me

That's your mistake if you are ignoring the wonderful completed game that Arma2 and OA are. Please read my previous post to understand why no one here cares you spent money on a completed game just to play an incomplete test of a mod for said game.

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every game has hackers thats a fact you did not pay for dayz that is another fact you may only play the mod and ask for your moneys worth and look like a tool but rocket isn't receiving money for working on dayz sure you can present the arguement he got hired and Bohemia because of dayz or I bet some of our money is paying his salary at Bohemia but its your concious choice to only play dayz. It is your fault and nobody elses that you wish to only play dayz I do not disagree that there are hackers and it needs to be fixed but please realise every game has hackers.

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Nobody cares about Arma 2, everyone only bought it for DayZ. No we didn't pay for DayZ, but we did pay to play it

You are a fool and the typical noob that bought this game for an alpha mod. lol

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You are a fool and the typical noob that bought this game for an alpha mod. lol

I bet over 70% of the DayZ players bougth Arma2:CO only to play DayZ and this is exactly why the mod is so successfull and this is why there are new beta-patches coming for Arma2.

So you are a fool and the typical noob that thinks DayZ would be the same as it is if there werent people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. lol.

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You bring up a valid point but the issue is players leaving the game, not whether they are paying for it or not. Addressing the issue of hackers ruining the game should be #1 priority.

And when your GUID gets banned for someone hacking with it, then i assume your tone will be VERY different. I personally havent seen any hacks in this game yet, only heard and watched youtube vids but this GUID spoofing def worries me.

Dont get me wrong...Alt-F4s are ruining players experience as well, but hackign always has and always will be the issue that never gets fully fixed, but must at least get a decent try.

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I bet over 70% of the DayZ players bougth Arma2:CO only to play DayZ and this is exactly why the mod is so successfull and this is why there are new beta-patches coming for Arma2.

So you are a fool and the typical noob that thinks DayZ would be the same as it is if there werent people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. lol.

Except most of that anecdotal 70% don't use that fact to try and leverage what they want out of the mod. I definately bought Arma2 and OA when i heard about DayZ, and when something really bugs me about the mod I go contribute on the forums then go play some single-player mode in the game I bought.

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Although you may have purchased Arma exclusively to play DayZ, if for some reason the mod were completely scrapped, you would not be entitled to a refund...

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If I understand correctly, if the problem is that GUIDs are being stolen and spoofed by hackers, the problem rests with BE and not DayZ (or possibly even ArmA 2).

Why don't we (everyone who has purchased a copy of ArmA 2 [bE included]) use our combined consumer leverage to get BE to look into this issue?

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Some DayZ servers (and ARMA II servers) foolishly post the full logs of their servers on their clans website. I know of at least 6 major DayZ servers that do this, all servers that have been running since May (they appear to have the logs folders shared on the web server and they are publically accessible..... everything from BELogs to chat logs automatically gets saved there, so you can even read what people say in direct chat).

If it's true that people are stealing other players' GUIDs, I'd recommend that you avoid playing on servers that are run by large gaming clans. Just Google search your own GUID or IP address and you'll probably find the servers I'm talking about if you've been playing ARMA II or DayZ since May. At the time they were one of the only decent DayZ servers.


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The topic went from, Hackers, to "Who bought Arma 2 for DayZ". The more posts that end up on this thread, the more the topic is lost in it's slander.

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I recently see a lot of HAKERU.Man they really do not like.

Please setup an anti-hacker protection.

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I don't get why people are arguing here. Hackers must be dealt with, if you believe otherwise there is something wrong with your attitude.

Just because DayZ is free and the team doesn't owe us anything doesn't mean hackers should be able to go ahead and ruin everyone's day. That's a bullshit argument and is completely irrelevant.

Edited by Menny

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No one has payed for dayz.

If I heard correctly they want to make DayZ stand-alone this year. If this problem isn't solved I am not buying the stand-alone version. Why bother if hackers have free reign?

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If I heard correctly they want to make DayZ stand-alone this year. If this problem isn't solved I am not buying the stand-alone version. Why bother if hackers have free reign?

Going standalone i assume would give the creators WAY MORE control over what can and can not be injected, edited, scripted etc. Just my 2 cents.

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No one has payed for dayz.

And if things continue as they have the past two weeks nobody ever will.

The retarded arguments about who paid what for what, what is in alpha and what isn't, whose responsibility it is to fix X and deal with Y are just a smokescreen. One wonders why people are putting up a smokescreen to distract people from the real problem?

Hacking of DayZ servers is not rare. It is not unusual. In the past two weeks it has become the norm, not the exception. Without some visible demonstration to convince the players that steps are being taken to not only end the current spree but pro-actively put a damper on future ones a great many people are going to lose faith in the mod's future. Those same people are the ones who have been convincing others to buy ArmaII/OA just to play it.

If you want DayZ to wither on the vine then by all means continue to put a towel over you head hoping that since you can't see the hackers that they can't see you.

Edited by random51
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AFAIK they can only be spoofed when a client is "not responsive" after ending the process. Your argument is shit, you don't even have any proof of concept.

Edited by Chernarus

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AFAIK they can only be spoofed when a client is "not responsive" after ending the process. Your argument is shit, you don't even have any proof of concept.

Haven't argued a thing, take a pill.

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Haven't argued a thing, take a pill.

"False" is a argument bro, if you can't back it up then you're speaking out the ass.

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