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A few questions before a buy

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Hey guys, I've been looking at this a long time and am super interested. However, while I do own vanilla Arma 2, I sadly do not have infinite money, and thus was unwilling to pay for an expansion pack I don't plan on playing for a game I don't play anymore so I could play a mod I've never tried before.

BUT it's on sale now. I'm super excited, but there are a fewe things I want to verify, concerning whether and for how long I would actually be able to play.

FIRST, I already own Arma 2, and am considering buying OA. So I won't be buying "combined operations", which is what is always listed as the requirement, but will just own the two games separately (both on Steam). Will this effect my abillity to play?

SECOND, I've heard that this mod might become it's own game soon and come with a price tag. Is this true? If so, when will it come out? Will I still be able to play the mod? Will CO even be required at that point?

I would really appreciate knowing this, as I really don't want to pay $10 now, and then not be able to play, espescially if I won't even need OA in a couple of weeks.

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I have Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead separately too. You can play it with no problems. if you right click on Arrowhead in Steam, you will actually see an option to launch Combined Ops. No news on a stand alone release yet. I would say its a safe bet it will be awhile.

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It is just a thought that DayZ might be standalone. Don't count on it. And it will be a long time before that actually happened. Its worth buying right now with the Steam summer sale. There will be a standalone DayZ clone, War Z. It looks exactly the same with better graphics and a different environment, the release date is months from now.

I just suggest you grab the deal by the throat and get the game. You are missing out on lots of fun. If and when you do buy the game and download the mod, you can message me your Steam and I can help you with learning the game.

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First of all, both games will work fine.

Secondly - the mod will not become a game any time soon. I would say we have to wait a year and a half for the full game, and at least 6 months for the beta to be released - if not more. The full game will not cost you $60 either. I think it would be around a $25 mark at the maximum - I think this is what Rocket said, though please don't quote me on that

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Thanks guys, I think I have all the info I need, I'll not see you guys in Berezino.


Edited by SeptusCap

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