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I have heard some calling for zombie dogs to be implemented, I disagree with this. Although, I do think that regular non-zombie wolves should be implemented. As it is, the only thing to fear in a forest is running into another player or sometimes passing too close to a deer stand. I feel that wolves could add another dimension of fear and gameplay. They could track players in packs and employ the AI’s flanking tactics when they attack. They would naturally be faster than the player but would normally not travel at full speed everywhere. A player would need to either find a place to stand his ground (his back to a wall or similar) or attempt to shake them off his trail (running through pond water or on a road that doesn’t carry sent well for a ways could be ways to do this). Wolves would tend to hunt from dusk to dawn and rest during the day (so you would fear the night and the howl of the wolves). My thinking is wolves should fear the light in general, especially fire. This would make running with a flare a way to scare off wolves but a great way to draw the attention of other things like players.

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I like the idea, althouth it has already been suggested plenty of times.

Just imagine the adrenaline kick you would get when you start hearing barking and growling in the middle of a dark forest!!

Edited by VISION305

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Regular dogs would be a lot scarier than wolves, wolves will only attack humans if they are absolutely desperate whereas wild dogs will go out of their way to do it.

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Regular dogs would be a lot scarier than wolves, wolves will only attack humans if they are absolutely desperate whereas wild dogs will go out of their way to do it.

I think the principle is the same for either wolves or dogs. It is mostly a matter of the AI behaviour.

...and VISION305 is right. I should delete this thread (if I can?) and post my support under an existing thread.

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Regular dogs would be a lot scarier than wolves, wolves will only attack humans if they are absolutely desperate whereas wild dogs will go out of their way to do it.


The evolved predator that is exponentially stronger is less aggressive than the evolved scavenger? Neither are particularly aggressive towards humans, but dogs are far less, and they are also far weaker.

It would be cool to implement to keep me on my toes on the way to the NW airfield

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The evolved predator that is exponentially stronger is less aggressive than the evolved scavenger? Neither are particularly aggressive towards humans, but dogs are far less, and they are also far weaker.

It would be cool to implement to keep me on my toes on the way to the NW airfield

Yep. Wolves are afraid of humans, dogs aren't. Dogs are used to us, we made them.

Have you ever met feral dogs? Most fucking scary thing ever. They are intelligent, they work as a team and they are not weak.

There are almost no documented cases of wolves attacking humans, dogs attack humans everyday. They are up to something, I swear.

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I have heard some calling for zombie dogs to be implemented, I disagree with this. Although, I do think that regular non-zombie wolves should be implemented. As it is, the only thing to fear in a forest is running into another player or sometimes passing too close to a deer stand. I feel that wolves could add another dimension of fear and gameplay. They could track players in packs and employ the AI’s flanking tactics when they attack. They would naturally be faster than the player but would normally not travel at full speed everywhere. A player would need to either find a place to stand his ground (his back to a wall or similar) or attempt to shake them off his trail (running through pond water or on a road that doesn’t carry sent well for a ways could be ways to do this). Wolves would tend to hunt from dusk to dawn and rest during the day (so you would fear the night and the howl of the wolves). My thinking is wolves should fear the light in general, especially fire. This would make running with a flare a way to scare off wolves but a great way to draw the attention of other things like players.

Wolves don't attack people. As someone who lives in BC and sees wolves regularly they never, ever attack humans. Over the last 10 or so years there have only been a couple wolf attacks worldwide,and all of these were due to starvation. Having them hunt players in packs, especially with hundreds deer, boars, and slow, easy to hunt zombies running around is just ridiculous.

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Wolves don't attack people. As someone who lives in BC and sees wolves regularly they never, ever attack humans. Over the last 10 or so years there have only been a couple wolf attacks worldwide,and all of these were due to starvation. Having them hunt players in packs, especially with hundreds deer, boars, and slow, easy to hunt zombies running around is just ridiculous.

Exactly. Dogs on the other hand, are bastards.

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The evolved predator that is exponentially stronger is less aggressive than the evolved scavenger? Neither are particularly aggressive towards humans, but dogs are far less, and they are also far weaker.

It would be cool to implement to keep me on my toes on the way to the NW airfield

Um... what? Wolves, who hunt weak/injured herbavores and who are regularly hunted by, and therefore scared of humans are less aggressive than dogs who are specifically trained to be aggressive towards humans? Yeah, I'd rather be attacked by a dog than a wolf, but which one am I more likely to be attacked by? Compare ~5 wolf attacks worldwide over the last 25 years to the thousands of people who are hospatalized each day IN THE US ALONE. These are recorded statistics and don't even include countries that have higher feral dog population or the attacks that don't require hostpatalization or on people who can't afford it.

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Wolves don't attack people. As someone who lives in BC and sees wolves regularly they never, ever attack humans. Over the last 10 or so years there have only been a couple wolf attacks worldwide,and all of these were due to starvation. Having them hunt players in packs, especially with hundreds deer, boars, and slow, easy to hunt zombies running around is just ridiculous.

Um... what? Wolves, who hunt weak/injured herbavores and who are regularly hunted by, and therefore scared of humans are less aggressive than dogs who are specifically trained to be aggressive towards humans? Yeah, I'd rather be attacked by a dog than a wolf, but which one am I more likely to be attacked by? Compare ~5 wolf attacks worldwide over the last 25 years to the thousands of people who are hospatalized each day IN THE US ALONE. These are recorded statistics and don't even include countries that have higher feral dog population or the attacks that don't require hostpatalization or on people who can't afford it.

This is getting off topic.

I will grant that reality does not support wolves hunting humans. However, this is a gameplay suggestion, not a debate about real life wolf attack statistics.

I am assuming both of you don't like the suggestion because it is not realistic(you didn't actually say anything about the suggestion as an aspect of gameplay).

I do not think, "it is not realistic" is a good argument for rejecting the suggestion as a possible aspect of gameplay.

I would argue that wolves would hunt players differently than dogs do. Different animal, different threat (yes, I know they are very, very closely related).

That is my thinking. Wolves would be a different kind of threat than what is in the game now. Dogs would also have a place too, but would be separate and distinct from wolves.

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Exactly. Dogs on the other hand, are bastards.

I've heard of two cougar attacks in the last 10 years, none by wolves, one by a bear. And this was from a guy who lived with bears for over 13 years, and frequently touched them. Wild animals are almost never aggressive towards humans. The only animal attacks towards humans in this area are from wild animals who were frequently fed by tourists or had their habitat invaded. Every attack I've heard of was provoked or at the fault of humans in some other way. Up north more and more Polar Bears are having to be put down because they are becoming tame and accustomed to humans by living off garbage or similar stuff (this is because they are being forced south by the polar ice caps melting through global warming). I have come within 20 feet of wolves and bears a few times each, known many people who have been as close to a cougar. But I've never had any fear towards a wild animal. On the other hand, I've been attacked by a dog twice, as have many of my friends, one of them has been bitten in the eye by a horse, I know a few people who have suffered concussions or broken ribs from cow/horse/mule kicks, and know many people who have been attacked by other domesticated animals including turkeys, peacocks, llamas, and alpacas. Wild animals are not dangerous. Domesticated ones are.

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This is getting off topic.

I will grant that reality does not support wolves hunting humans. However, this is a gameplay suggestion, not a debate about real life wolf attack statistics.

I am assuming both of you don't like the suggestion because it is not realistic(you didn't actually say anything about the suggestion as an aspect of gameplay).

I do not think, "it is not realistic" is a good argument for rejecting the suggestion as a possible aspect of gameplay.

I would argue that wolves would hunt players differently than dogs do. Different animal, different threat (yes, I know they are very, very closely related).

That is my thinking. Wolves would be a different kind of threat than what is in the game now. Dogs would also have a place too, but would be separate and distinct from wolves.

I know arguing for realism in a zombie game sounds stupid, but if a zombie attack happened, this is an accurate simulation of what it would be like. I would feel some of that realism taken away by wolf attacks.

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I've heard of two cougar attacks in the last 10 years, none by wolves, one by a bear. And this was from a guy who lived with bears for over 13 years, and frequently touched them. Wild animals are almost never aggressive towards humans. The only animal attacks towards humans in this area are from wild animals who were frequently fed by tourists or had their habitat invaded. Every attack I've heard of was provoked or at the fault of humans in some other way. Up north more and more Polar Bears are having to be put down because they are becoming tame and accustomed to humans by living off garbage or similar stuff (this is because they are being forced south by the polar ice caps melting through global warming). I have come within 20 feet of wolves and bears a few times each, known many people who have been as close to a cougar. But I've never had any fear towards a wild animal. On the other hand, I've been attacked by a dog twice, as have many of my friends, one of them has been bitten in the eye by a horse, I know a few people who have suffered concussions or broken ribs from cow/horse/mule kicks, and know many people who have been attacked by other domesticated animals including turkeys, peacocks, llamas, and alpacas. Wild animals are not dangerous. Domesticated ones are.

You are preaching to the choir man. I ran into a pack of wild dogs once, in the middle of nowhere in Greece. Nearly shat myself.

You have to throw rocks at them, flail your arms wildly and yell like a crazy person. Then you get to walk a couple of kilometers like that while they circle you looking for an opening.

EDIT: It's perfectly ok getting off topic, there are tons of threads on this subject. You could have used the search function.

Edited by Max Planck

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You are preaching to the choir man. I ran into a pack of wild dogs once, in the middle of nowhere in Greece. Nearly shat myself.

You have to throw rocks at them, flail your arms wildly and yell like a crazy person. Then you get to walk a couple of kilometers like that while they circle you looking for an opening.

EDIT: It's perfectly ok getting off topic, there are tons of threads on this subject. You could have used the search function.

Feral dogs are dangerous, yes. I would count them as domesticated animals though, seeing as they have probably had an owner at one point and the species have been bred by humans.

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EDIT: It's perfectly ok getting off topic, there are tons of threads on this subject. You could have used the search function.

I would deleted the topic if I could figure out how to.

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nah dont delete just keep it going. Sometimes its good to bring up old topics even though the men on here complain about it like women on their period.

They dont have to be wolves or zombie wolves but what if the same disease makes certain animals more aggressive? Throw wild boars into this, wolves and even angry chickens. Would make hunting a bit more dangerous too. You cant just walk up and axes a boar without risking serious injuries haha. I like this idea

Edited by VISION305

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If packs of wild dogs are implemented, they should have a chance to random spawn when you gut an animal (attracted by the kill). Imagine the oh shit factor if you think you're alone in the forest, happily slicing up a boar, and suddenly you hear growling, slavering dogs surrounding you.

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Good idea, some sort of aggressive animal/s would add another element.

Yep, Wolfes and brown Bear would be very Nice.

Wolfes can be alone or in Groups.

Lone Wolf - can, but dont have to, attacking only a single player or a single Zombie

Wolfs group - can attacking player groups or group of Zombies

I like the idea of feeling the fear if you hear a Wolf howl and then u start thinking "damn is it a lone wolf or getting trouble because it is a group.

(btw. people that talking about Wolfes dont attack...yeah u right...but have u ever see a Zombie walking across the Street? No? Ok, dont talk about Realism ;) )

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(btw. people that talking about Wolfes dont attack...yeah u right...but have u ever see a Zombie walking across the Street? No? Ok, dont talk about Realism ;) )

Using that argument we might as well add shoes that eat people and dinosaurs with skyscrapers on their heads.

Just because it's a zombie game there is no reason not to aim for something a bit more authentic.

Edited by Max Planck

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Wolves would only likely attack very weakened humans that present an easy target. Otherwise they leave humans alone.

The sentiment behind the idea is fine though, and I think there should be dangerous wildlife, appropriate to the setting of the map. Would be interesting if you had to hunt something dangerous for food out of desperation!

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Ignoring the whole feral dogs vs wolves debate, this would actually be quite nice to see if the wolves attacked zombies, too. It'd be interesting to stumble upon a city and find a pack of wolves going at it with some freshly-spawned zombies. It would also add to the "dog eat dog" post-apocalyptic world of Chernarus, instead of feeling like everything is only out to get "you."

For God's sake, though, do not have them run around zigzagging as cartoonishly as the zombies already do. If these things are going to be considerably faster than an average player, then they need to be somewhat manageable.

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U ever stepped into Wolfs territory? I dont believe so! Ever Saw a Wolfs mother with her children? Nah...u dont know bout Wolves...its like bears....steppin into them territory makes u a target...

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