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Random DayZ - Public TS3

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Hello, I've been an avid DayZ host for over six months now. I've learned a lot over that time and decided to focus my attention on a private hive server. Welcome to Random DayZ in Taviana 2.0. We're utilizing the latest *** detection applications and have an hourly backup.

Website: http://randomdayz.com

Random DayZ in Chernarus (Eastern Time and Server Location: Chicago)


Reboot Schedule: Every 12 hours

This is a fresh server that spawns ~70 vehicles. Good luck! Hope to see you there. We have active / responsible admin and hourly database backups that will only be restore in the event that a hacker ruins your day.

Edited by CamP

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I played on your server. Great server.

Fast load times and a moderate amount of people on. I would donate but I have no money atm.

Good server though.

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Hey, thanks for the post and I appreciate the review. If there's anything wrong with the server, or if anyone has an issue, please feel free to contact me via TeamSpeak 3, I'm typically always there. If I'm AFK, just leave me a message in the chat.

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only issue i had with your server is our camp and vehicles dissapeared repeatedly... other then that good server

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That's more of a DayZ problem then a server issue. I'm hoping that things have been a lot smoother since the recent update.

Also note: If you put down a tent, try and wait for a server reboot before placing any items in them.

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We had a little bit of a rough patch for a while during the versions. Everything's cleared up now and loads fairly quickly. I'm typically always on the Random TS3 server if anyone has any further issues. There are only two reboots a day (12 PM/AM).

Reminder, once you put down a tent or find a vehicle, save it, then leave empty until the next server reboot. After that point you should be able to store items.

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Nvm it was down.

Ryan and night banned me for 7 days on the teamspeak for them coming into the channel we were playing DayZ in and randomly banning me. There are some great mods you got there ....

Edited by MyNameIsJordan

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You've been unbanned, and their 'admin' abilities have been revoked.

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Encountered a hacker group. Dont now all the names but a couple are James Bond, Noblesss and HomerGuy (i think)

I have witnessed them teleport hack to bring back their dead mates back to them and James Bond took control of my mate and killed me.

Please look into this.



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Encountered a hacker group. Dont now all the names but a couple are James Bond, Noblesss and HomerGuy (i think)

I have witnessed them teleport hack to bring back their dead mates back to them and James Bond took control of my mate and killed me.

Please look into this.



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I've been playing on your server for just over a week now. I'm loving it except for one thing...

I attemped to log in today and apparently you banned me for having a satchel charge. Why? I found it in a tent on the coast. is it against server rules to have one?

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Satchel charges are so rare that it's sketchy if you do have one, or in your case, multiple.

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Double Post: Sorry

Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, I'll be letting the subscription on this server run out. I do plan on setting up a Taviana server due to cheaper cost. It's been a blast guys and I plan on providing a server for Stand Alone. Good luck!

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