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Official word on simply dropping dead?

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Have we heard or can we get official word on why you just drop dead sometimes? People THINK we may be sniped, maybe a bug, attacked through a wall or even hacked but I've heard nothing official. If it's a legitimate death I think we should always get an audible clue as to what caused it every time we die.

I've heard in real life that if a bullet enters your brain, then it's mush even before the sound waves hit your ear, so it may be realistic but this IS just a game and I'd like to know, if anything, what I've died from.

Edited by burmabaines

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If a sniper is really far away you might have not hear that shot coming. It could have also been a grenade or a silenced headshot.

Or just a good old - NOW YOU DIE - bug

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The only reason you would ever drop dead from anything other than a bullet or loss of blood is if you run into a variety of objects at a 'funny' angle.

Sometimes going prone near objects like bushes or walls or ladders can cause broken bones and death in some cases.

If you were shot you would hear the shot, even if it is a silenced weapon there is still a distinctive sound that you hear.

This game engine is buggy, try not to walk into awkward spaces with a mish-mash of objects surrounding you. Also, avoid bushes at all costs xD

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If you were shot you would hear the shot, even if it is a silenced weapon there is still a distinctive sound that you hear.

Not always... bullets traveling faster than sound and all that.

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If everyone on the server dies at the same time it's a pretty good hint that someone is using a script to do it.

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It just happened to me for the second time a few minutes ago. In a building, second floor in a corner of a room, looking out facing the only doorway with my pistol drawn coz I heard loud shots very close by. I could hear footsteps and zombie groans. All the glass windows of the room were intact. 11500 blood. Dropped dead. No idea why.

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It just happened to me for the second time a few minutes ago. In a building, second floor in a corner of a room, looking out facing the only doorway with my pistol drawn coz I heard loud shots very close by. I could hear footsteps and zombie groans. All the glass windows of the room were intact. 11500 blood. Dropped dead. No idea why.

Were there... windows in this building?

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This is the point I'm making though. Lots of people have an idea why, but no-one knows for sure. I'd like to hear official word.

Post a video of you dropping dead in a place where you could not possibly have been shot by another player and I think you're more likely to get a response.

Otherwise, what do you want them to comment on?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Were there... windows in this building?

You can answer your own question, ya know...

All the glass windows of the room were intact.

Not trying to be mean, just pointing out the obvious.

Sounds like you got sniped and then shot through a window. I've never just fallen over dead before... Is this really even a bug? As for the first random death, I think you got sniped from far away.

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Post a video of you dropping dead in a place where you could not possibly have been shot by another player and I think you're more likely to get a response.

Otherwise, what do you want them to comment on?

That it's possible to be killed with no audible clue. I was in a room alone with all the glass in the windows intact.

Edited by burmabaines

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That it's possible to be killed with no audible clue.

You have confirmation in this thread.

Sound travels realistically in DayZ as do bullets.

Sound travels at 340 m/s roughly. Bullets generally travel at least twice that speed.

So, yes, it's is "officially" possible for a bullet to reach you and kill you long before the sound does.

You can test this in the game yourself. Just have a friend stand about 500m away and shoot at his feet with a lee enfield. Your friend will experience bullet impact before hearing your gun.

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Do you know that as fact?

...holy fuck dude.


I just told you how you can go test it yourself.

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I have tried logging in on a newly restarted server, being the only player there, being in the middle of nowhere in a forest, having 12000 blood. Spawned in -> walked about 10 meters -> fell over dead. Yeah, I would say that there's a bug.

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I have tried logging in on a newly restarted server, being the only player there, being in the middle of nowhere in a forest, having 12000 blood. Spawned in -> walked about 10 meters -> fell over dead. Yeah, I would say that there's a bug.

And that's it right there. Could well be there's various reasons, bonafide or otherwise. It would be good to get clarification from the developers, and in my opinion, an audible clue for the purpose of gameplay, not realism.

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If you are sniped from a good distance away you don't hear the bullet, you just fall over dead.

Can't be sniped from a good distance away when I'm alone in a room! ;-)

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lmao twice in 10 minutes, this time it says i still had all my health -.-


Made it about half way to my previous body before dying again haha. Fair well dmr :(

Server was US369

Edited by Kuramashi

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AS50 and M107 have effective ranges of around 1000m, think around 1200m, the AS50 has an audible range of around 200m.

Both of these are .50 cal with a 1 shot kill to the body or the head.

Chances are if you drop dead randomly in a building with windows, you were sniped. Though there are some bugs which may cause death.

Also occasionally when you are 1 hit killed, you die so fast your blood doesn't register the hit.

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