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Getting disconnected - you cannot play/edit this mission

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OKAY so, after trying to get this mod working I'm at a loss.

I have Arma 2 retail

Operation Arrowhead on steam.

In my Operation Arrowhead directory I have @dayz/addons with the relevant mod files. Also in the Arrowhead directory is the bohemia folder for the origional Arma 2 stuff and my Arma 2 is patched to 1.08.

I'm running the game under combined ops and with the shortcut launching as -World=Empty -nosplash -mod=@DayZ.

However I'm still getting booted for missing .chernarus

What am I doing wrong? I really can't see what I've missed.

Please help, I've been at this for the past 3 hours pulling my hair out.


40 views and no help? C'mon pleaaase :(

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Please can I get help!! I really want to play this mod :\

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Your best bet is to re-install as you are missing files or the files have been currupted or a previous mod has tampered with those files. Just re-install, then you should have no problems man.

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Already reinstalled Arma 2. Never used mods before.

Or do you mean reinstall everything? In that case I'd have to re-download OA :|

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I'm having the exact same problem, the only file it tells me I'm missing is .chernarus. I bought both ArmA2 and OA on STEAM last year, and reinstalled them this morning...OA worked fine, however I was unable to play ArmA2, it told me 'bad serial in Setup' or something along those lines. Uninstalled both, redownloading now. hopefully I can just install ArmA2, then OA, update with patches in that order and I think it will work. I'll let you know if it does.

Also, when I attempted to launch Combined Ops from STEAM earlier it gave me a brief error in a command prompt and failed to load. anyone else have that problem?

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You guys are not running Combined Operations.

Go to your main ArmA 2 folder (not OA) and copy your "AddOns" folder. Then navigate to your Operation Arrowhead folder and paste the "AddOns" folder. Launch, try again, if it doesn't work, come back.

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Yes, I am running combined operations.

Trying it now

Now it tells me that all the .pbo files are not key signed or something and kicks me out

Not signed by a key accepted by this server, to play on this server remove listed files or install additional accepted keys

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I was having the new problem described in the post above, which I fixed by reinstalling, now I'm having the original problem. Mine is the sprocket version of the game with both BAF and PMC, command line is correct, combined ops is running perfectly. I am confused.

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I've been trying with Arma 2 launcher.

Reinstalled Arma 2 and OA.

I patched and ran Arma 2 first. Then ran OA. Then I ran Combined ops to link them together.

Then I put @dayz in the dir but the game tells me that the frigging .pbo files still are not signed by a key accepted by the server.

I tried making my files like @dayz/addons/bla bla and vica versa, makes no sodding difference.

I even tried installing my Arma 2 to a seperate directory to see if that was causing the problem but no, same shit.

SO unbelievably fucking annoying. Like 3 days now trying to get this to work. Using that Arma 2 launcher sees @dayz and lets me run it under that as combined ops but the server just boots me out because of the friggin .pbo files.

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Apparantly 1.08 patch is NOT the latest patch.

There is a 1.11 patch that I did not know about.

Seems to have resolved the issue.


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Well that's good :) Unfortunately I do have all the latest patches, I uninstalled all of it, then installed A2, patched it to 1.11, then installed OA, patched it to 1.60, then installed BAF and PMC, then patched those using the 1.60 patch.

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Well that's good :) Unfortunately I do have all the latest patches' date=' I uninstalled all of it, then installed A2, patched it to 1.11, then installed OA, patched it to 1.60, then installed BAF and PMC, then patched those using the 1.60 patch.


You having the pbo error or the chernarus one?

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It's now a .pbo error, though it's the DayZ pbo files it's saying have been deleted when I try and join a server.

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Did you actually extract the individual dayz files that you downloaded?

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Yes but 7zip was broken somehow, I reinstalled that and tried again, all seems fine now :)

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ok boys I'm having some issues now! I think I followed all the instructions properly. Not quite sure what route to take now. Says I'm missing Chernarus.

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I'm having some problems now! I reinstalled it, brought my addons over to the new one, but it won't let me run CO. And when I try to do it in just OA it tells me I'm missing Days.vehicles or something of the other. Any help on how to fix the running of CO, and the deleted stuff?

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You need to run combined operations

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