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The direction dayZ is being developed in.

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As of now, dayZ is in a very bad state (while still totally awesome.) in some areas, mainly stability and "balance" issues Things like

Tents despawning

Server hopping / disconnecting

Loot disappearing / despawning randomly

Lag, desync

Duping stuff

All manner of bugs (In / out of car while actually still riding in it comes to mind)

But what i see from the day Z developers, is there aim is to broaden the game instead of deepen it, in a sense.

I see new things being talked of being "in development" and "coming soon" (Hi bear trap) when you havent even sorted the fundamentals of the game.

I would like to see all "production" stop and the focus shift 100% to the bug fixing and adjustments that need to be made, the game would be completely epic if these stability and stupid bugs could just be fixed first.

I am sure if these things we're fixed, the influx of over 500,000 players you had, would all immediately shut the **** up and enjoy playing too, instead of whining.

I just feel maybe you guys are rushing things too much and getting ahead of yourselves, focus on whats at hand and not whats ahead. Fix the current issues you have instead of creating more, it seems as if your trying to add more things but breaking more in the process.

I know this is easier said then done (very much so) and it wont happen overnight of course, but it seems as if your concentrating on adding more and more content as opposed to fixing what you already have.

Peace, Capped

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It's an alpha lol. That means that they've not finished adding in core functionallity yet - ie. in alpha you dont always focus on bugs, you tend to leave most until the alpha phase is complete, prior to beta. There are a lot of people that seem to think the game is released already... We just have a rare opportunity to help the developers shape it whilst its in alpha form. So what people need to do (besides pointing out bugs) is suggest cool things that the majority of players would enjoy.

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Alpha = getting content into the game, Beta = bugfixes

So much this!

I feel exactly the opposite of the OP, i think the game is fairly stable (although friday's 20th juli update may have introduced some out of sync things) and the focus should be on testing features, so the beartrap is just one item that once the code is fairly optimized could fuel all sorts of traps & security systems. That (to me) is what alpha should be about: you create a somewhat stable platform and on this you start to implement all sorts of ideas to see if they work. And i would love to see more of this experimentation.

Instead of trying to fix bugs in a Mod that may soon move towards being a Standalone game, in which everything changes, the fixes you made for the mod may not be needed or be entirely different, because these don't have to run alongside or 'on' the sourcecode, you can just integrate them INTO the sourcecode. This likely means that all the effort is waisted on fixing stuff 'now' thats going to be entirely different in 6months time, while all that time could have also been spend on creating features (that true, may be coded entirely different in a standalone) that can be evaluated for their gameplay value and impact ON the game as a whole... so that in 6months time you know whether you actually want them in the game...

Edited by L0GIN

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Ive been seriously wondering why people dont realize what an alpha is, or that this is an alpha.

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Yea, you know, there are some "Triple A" games that release in a state like this (hi there Alpha Protocol). The fact that this game runs as well as it does, has managed to amass a player number exceeding 700,000 players, and at it's core hits the general atmosphere it is aiming for is pretty impressive considering it is still in alpha.

This style of software development, similar to how they made minecraft, is by large a new frontier. We as consumers need to adjust to this and level our expectations accordingly.

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I love how people are saying i dont know what alpha is, then somebody links to alpha and it says, and i quote

"The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly"

I smell trolololol?

Thats basically what im saying, no? Make the servers stable, without the bullshit. then everything can work later. Things such as the desync, and the disconnecting, because the disconnecting constantly is really hurting the testing of the game.

Aggro a zombie? log out.

Get shot at? Log out

Sneaking at someone and accidently make noise / aggro a zombie? Log out.

Good testing, The disconnect button works!

Either way, just a suggestion.

Edited by Capped
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I love how people are saying i dont know what alpha is, then somebody links to alpha and it says, and i quote

"The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly"

I smell trolololol?

Thats basically what im saying, no? Make the servers stable, without the bullshit. then everything can work later. Things such as the desync, and the disconnecting, because the disconnecting constantly is really hurting the testing of the game.

Aggro a zombie? log out.

Get shot at? Log out

Sneaking at someone and accidently make noise / aggro a zombie? Log out.

Good testing, The disconnect button works!

Either way, just a suggestion, go back in your hole hater kiddies

haha, perfect

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When i see the devolopers including beartraps, instead of fixing the bugs i just can say: fail.

The developers should let end the alpha-phase and close the game, still they are not releasing it

Edited by Ha1

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When i see the devolopers including beartraps, instead of fixing the bugs i just can say: fail.

Say whatever the fuck you want, Francis.

Alpha is precisely the phase in which new features and mechanics are tested in unfinished states. Bug fixing is not the point of an Alpha.

Someone already explained it to you in this thread, yet you still make this post: fail.

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you idiot the no stuff is anti server hopping.

this is alpa >>>beta>>>release

somekiddies here ...

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u can call it whatever u want but the fact that over 700k people play this project make it a game and not a testversion that is being played inhouse where u add broken new mechanics. dont get me wrong, i like dayz; its a very decent game and although there are many bugs and gamebreaking exploits i have more fun with it than with other full price AAA titles, however i play dayz now whether i will be playing it in two or three month is a different thing... i dont know, maybe not, maybe... so I would like to see the current bugs and exploits fixed rather than new stuff added. dayz's game mechanics are good as they are, we dont need a lot more just some balancing and bug fixing...

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This is a test version. That much is obvious. I'd like you to answer me, though...how much of the test results can be considered legitimate, when there are these sorts of issues? Server hopping ruins a potentially useful testing environment, and hacking seriously disrupts the loot probability.

Testing cannot continue in a reliable manner until the major issues are fixed.

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This is a test version. That much is obvious. I'd like you to answer me, though...how much of the test results can be considered legitimate, when there are these sorts of issues? Server hopping ruins a potentially useful testing environment, and hacking seriously disrupts the loot probability.

Testing cannot continue in a reliable manner until the major issues are fixed.

'Test' version means alpha.

Just for reference, if you have difficult with synonyms.

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