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Rocket, please read.

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The admin kept asking where I found the heli' date=' I kept saying I did not not. Admin then said in chat "well I hope you enjoyed it while you could." then it was reset.

but hey....I am sure I could have video of the guy doing it and you still would say it wasnt enough proof.


So you claim something have happened that you cannot back up, and then say "hey, if I had proof I guess you would say that I don't have enough proof". Isn't your argument about the present situation? And if the fact of the matter is that you claim they've wronged you and you have no proof of it, then you have no case at all.

A clan doesnt generate this much hatred by being nice/decent people' date=' so turning around and saying everyone has no proof you are what people say is a little well, dumb. you simply do not garner such a piss poor rep if you are decent humans.

on topic however, why not use the email they use to setup servers? matt@dayzmod or whatever it was.. he deals with alot of the server stuff does he not?


Are you actually saying that gossip and rumourmill have never given a bad rep to decent people? Common, communities are filled with hearsay.

And why are people jumping on legion here? I understand that they are not well liked, but lets review what is going on here;

Legion have no access to their servers, they ask Rocket to give them access but he have not replied, they write a thread about it asking another time because they want their servers they've payed for.

Community goes off about how they disrespect creators, the game, how they deserve everything they are getting. Can you people learn to keep a thread in order? How the hell can you say that Legion is disrespecting the creator when they pay for their server and in that way endorse the game, and also nicely ask Rocket for an update on the server-issue, while you are flaring away with off topic shit just because you don't like the clan?

And some in this community claims it to be grown up, I've seen better manners on a CoD forum.

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Just wondering but why would you allow them root/admin access to your server and give them enough permissions to lock you out of your own server?

Regardless of who they are whether the dayz team are trustworthy or not they shouldn't have full admin access to anyone's servers.


The simple fact is' date=' people feel entitled. If you're on our server, and we want to make a slot for someone in the clan....we should be able to.

We pay 200 bucks a month for our servers. And it's not like we do it in a rude way, we warn people before we kick.


The rules regarding running a server do state that you cannot kick anyone to make room for someone else.

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

It's part of the agreement when you host a dayz mod that they have to have root access to the box you're using.

Also, as Rocket told us...we were having a ghost server issue...so he needed to investigate it.

The admin kept asking where I found the heli' date=' I kept saying I did not not. Admin then said in chat "well I hope you enjoyed it while you could." then it was reset.

but hey....I am sure I could have video of the guy doing it and you still would say it wasnt enough proof.


So you claim something have happened that you cannot back up, and then say "hey, if I had proof I guess you would say that I don't have enough proof". Isn't your argument about the present situation? And if the fact of the matter is that you claim they've wronged you and you have no proof of it, then you have no case at all.

A clan doesnt generate this much hatred by being nice/decent people' date=' so turning around and saying everyone has no proof you are what people say is a little well, dumb. you simply do not garner such a piss poor rep if you are decent humans.

on topic however, why not use the email they use to setup servers? matt@dayzmod or whatever it was.. he deals with alot of the server stuff does he not?


Are you actually saying that gossip and rumourmill have never given a bad rep to decent people? Common, communities are filled with hearsay.

And why are people jumping on legion here? I understand that they are not well liked, but lets review what is going on here;

Legion have no access to their servers, they ask Rocket to give them access but he have not replied, they write a thread about it asking another time because they want their servers they've payed for.

Community goes off about how they disrespect creators, the game, how they deserve everything they are getting. Can you people learn to keep a thread in order? How the hell can you say that Legion is disrespecting the creator when they pay for their server and in that way endorse the game, and also nicely ask Rocket for an update on the server-issue, while you are flaring away with off topic shit just because you don't like the clan?

And some in this community claims it to be grown up, I've seen better manners on a CoD forum.


I was beginning to think I was the only one that saw common sense and what was actually happening here.

Thank you.

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Just wondering but why would you allow them root/admin access to your server and give them enough permissions to lock you out of your own server?

Regardless of who they are whether the dayz team are trustworthy or not they shouldn't have full admin access to anyone's servers.


The simple fact is' date=' people feel entitled. If you're on our server, and we want to make a slot for someone in the clan....we should be able to.

We pay 200 bucks a month for our servers. And it's not like we do it in a rude way, we warn people before we kick.


The rules regarding running a server do state that you cannot kick anyone to make room for someone else.

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

It's part of the agreement when you host a dayz mod that they have to have root access to the box you're using.

Also, as Rocket told us...we were having a ghost server issue...so he needed to investigate it.

All I can say is that, every server owner should be disagreeing with this. Fair enough they may require admin access to certain parts of the system, thats just the way windows works, but it should be controlled as much as possible.

If anything the fact that you cant access your server any more is the best example of why admin access should be heavily restricted, especially when its a 3rd party accessing your box.

If/when you get admin access back I dont see how you can trust your server, since you have no access you cant monitor what they are doing with your box and as you mentioned, its used to host more than just dayz, what about your other users?

Audit audit audit as soon as you get control back.

And I strongly recommend you find a way of restricting access to the dayz team (and anyone else) to only the areas they require.

(that goes for any server owner)

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Another Legion thread? Why do you guys keep making these? You can get the same point across without making a thread like:






Seriously a thread titled "Need more communication regarding Dallas servers" would have served just fine. You could have been vague in the information provided so that only those in the know (you know the ones you want to talk to) would have gotten what you were saying. You guys always make these absurd threads loudly announcing yourselves then complain when people come here to bitch you out.

I harbor no love or hate for you guys, but I'm getting really sick of seeing your attention whore threads.

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Just wondering but why would you allow them root/admin access to your server and give them enough permissions to lock you out of your own server?

Regardless of who they are whether the dayz team are trustworthy or not they shouldn't have full admin access to anyone's servers.


The simple fact is' date=' people feel entitled. If you're on our server, and we want to make a slot for someone in the clan....we should be able to.

We pay 200 bucks a month for our servers. And it's not like we do it in a rude way, we warn people before we kick.


The rules regarding running a server do state that you cannot kick anyone to make room for someone else.

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

It's part of the agreement when you host a dayz mod that they have to have root access to the box you're using.

Also, as Rocket told us...we were having a ghost server issue...so he needed to investigate it.

All I can say is that, every server owner should be disagreeing with this. Fair enough they may require admin access to certain parts of the system, thats just the way windows works, but it should be controlled as much as possible.

If anything the fact that you cant access your server any more is the best example of why admin access should be heavily restricted, especially when its a 3rd party accessing your box.

If/when you get admin access back I dont see how you can trust your server, since you have no access you cant monitor what they are doing with your box and as you mentioned, its used to host more than just dayz, what about your other users?

Audit audit audit as soon as you get control back.

And I strongly recommend you find a way of restricting access to the dayz team (and anyone else) to only the areas they require.

(that goes for any server owner)

Oh I totally agree.

I was like wtf? When Nomad told me that he couldn't access the box and that he had been shut out of it by the DayZ team.

But, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt....and when we didn't get a response to any emails or anything...I made this thread to try and get some input as to why we can't access our server box.

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Just wondering but why would you allow them root/admin access to your server and give them enough permissions to lock you out of your own server?

Regardless of who they are whether the dayz team are trustworthy or not they shouldn't have full admin access to anyone's servers.


The simple fact is' date=' people feel entitled. If you're on our server, and we want to make a slot for someone in the clan....we should be able to.

We pay 200 bucks a month for our servers. And it's not like we do it in a rude way, we warn people before we kick.


The rules regarding running a server do state that you cannot kick anyone to make room for someone else.

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

It's part of the agreement when you host a dayz mod that they have to have root access to the box you're using.

Also, as Rocket told us...we were having a ghost server issue...so he needed to investigate it.

All I can say is that, every server owner should be disagreeing with this. Fair enough they may require admin access to certain parts of the system, thats just the way windows works, but it should be controlled as much as possible.

If anything the fact that you cant access your server any more is the best example of why admin access should be heavily restricted, especially when its a 3rd party accessing your box.

If/when you get admin access back I dont see how you can trust your server, since you have no access you cant monitor what they are doing with your box and as you mentioned, its used to host more than just dayz, what about your other users?

Audit audit audit as soon as you get control back.

And I strongly recommend you find a way of restricting access to the dayz team (and anyone else) to only the areas they require.

(that goes for any server owner)

Oh I totally agree.

I was like wtf? When Nomad told me that he couldn't access the box and that he had been shut out of it by the DayZ team.

But, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt....and when we didn't get a response to any emails or anything...I made this thread to try and get some input as to why we can't access our server box.

Windows isnt my strong point. But even if they require admin access, there are areas they dont need access to. For example it should be easy enough to create another admin group and disable any permissions that would allow that group to change any settings regarding login of users etc and apply it to any dayz users on your servers

Sould be simple enough, and you shouldn't get any complaints as they have no reason to be messing around with that kind of stuff.

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Nobody is forcing anyone to host the mod on the other hand... its part of the terms rocket makes, if you dont like it, then dont host the mod on your server... simple.

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Nobody is forcing anyone to host the mod on the other hand... its part of the terms rocket makes' date=' if you dont like it, then dont host the mod on your server... simple.


Sorry but thats not the point. You dont give full admin access to anyone, its as simple as that. Its one of the first things you do when you use/install a computer. You create another account that has permissions applicable to that user.

To do otherwise is stupid and a massive security risk.

The dayz team should know this. The fact is its easier to just give admin access but in doing so you open your computer to all sorts of problems.

Right now, the server in question cant be accessed by the owners because they have been locked out by the dayz team/whoever was working on it.

Right now there server could be used for anything. How do they know they can trust the people working on there server? they cant. and they shouldnt.

Regardless of how unlikely it is, there server is compromised. It cant be trusted because they have had no way of monitoring what was being done on there box.

All because they gave up admin access, were locked out and there has been no communication.

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People in this community gossip and drum up drama worse than a small town sewing circle. And I am not excluding people from my own clan in this statement nor myself. All the yentas need to put down the US weeklies with the clan marriages and the plastic surgeries and the "LLJK gained some weight" and the "Legion went on a coke binge". Stop living in Salem circa 1692 when it comes to hacking also. Just chill. Seriously, some of you are so embroiled in finger pointing, he said, she said "prove my opinion over yours" attitudes, I do not understand how you live without crippling ulcers from the fervor and negativity.

I too often play online videogames with a blanket hatred for an entire group of people I heard things about.

Life is too short.

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Killer Bees' pid='44129' dateline='1337624484']

People in this community gossip and drum up drama worse than a small town sewing circle.

Can I steal that for my sig? Beautifully worded and made me laugh.^^

Nobody is forcing anyone to host the mod on the other hand... its part of the terms rocket makes' date=' if you dont like it, then dont host the mod on your server... simple.


Criticism should be were criticism is due. I dont know Rocket, I know of him, so I dont know how used he is to doing this work. But I'm sure that he respects if server owners voice concerns about how he is handling things. If you do not take criticism, you will not improve. If Rocket was running an inefficient model, would it be better if everyone was silent about it? Should people not criticize his mod for example, so that he can develop it?

Those who can survive in a competitive landscape is those who can use criticism to craft a better product. And yes, I've written criticism far too much in this post...


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The community of this mod will be it's downfall. Some folks here are friendly and cordial. A far too large portion of them are absolutely out of line, rude, and down right malicious.

After reading some posts in this thread alone it is all too clear that the old axiom is true - People behind the anonymity of the internet will always revert to their most base monstrous selves.

Many posters in this thread have no sense of civility or common decency, and I hope you all realize this and rectify it post-haste.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves.


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This Thread has been closed, we are currently solving the problem which was caused by an unexpected server crashing and bootup errors and not by the DayZ server admin team.

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