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Weapon spawn chance needs to decrease

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Basically what the title says,

To be more specific, I am referring to the Military grade weapons.

I think that the most common weapons should be Winchesters and maybe the MR43 (Double barrel).

Next up the line should be the Enfield, followed by the CZ 550 - though it would have to be a little bit more rare.

I think that the fully automatic/silenced/scoped Russian weapons should be RARE - and I don't mean AKM rare, I mean DMR rare. When you see the AKM you're supposed to be overjoyed, jumping up and down while screaming on direct chat (ok do not try this at home).

On the next level of rarity should be the US weapons, due to the fact they are quite a bit more exotic - to be honest I'm not sure if the infection broke out after Harvest Red or not so...

Anyhow that's my stupid little idea, say what you will.

TL;DR - Military grade weapons should be rare as hell, if you see one - it's your lucky day

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Basically what the title says,

To be more specific, I am referring to the Military grade weapons.

I think that the most common weapons should be Winchesters and maybe the MR43 (Double barrel).

Next up the line should be the Enfield, followed by the CZ 550 - though it would have to be a little bit more rare.

I think that the fully automatic/silenced/scoped Russian weapons should be RARE - and I don't mean AKM rare, I mean DMR rare. When you see the AKM you're supposed to be overjoyed, jumping up and down while screaming on direct chat (ok do not try this at home).

On the next level of rarity should be the US weapons, due to the fact they are quite a bit more exotic - to be honest I'm not sure if the infection broke out after Harvest Red or not so...

Anyhow that's my stupid little idea, say what you will.

TL;DR - Military grade weapons should be rare as hell, if you see one - it's your lucky day

Its tough to say how rare it should be, it all depends on when the infection broke out. Chernarus was in all out war between the russians, the civies and the americans. The story of DayZ is barely even developed, and going on what we see is all we can do, which is the infection broke out during or shortly after the american invasion - in which case, military grade weapons wouldnt be rare.

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Eh. This is something i believe should happen, but not something we need to worry about in the alpha. These kinds of balancing changes are best left for beta, right now we need to focus on adding and testing new features rather than spending time adjusting the balance of old ones.

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A few servers with this implemented would be fun - would make people actually think before they shoot~


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Because we need a lot of weapons, to fight against the op'ed zombies, that both run faster than you and are stronger :)

Also don't forget we need weapons now more than ever since stealth for some, is basically non-existent.

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Because we need a lot of weapons, to fight against the op'ed zombies, that both run faster than you and are stronger :)

Also don't forget we need weapons now more than ever since stealth for some, is basically non-existent.

Not sure what game you are playing.

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Agree with OP. But first you'd have to get rid of duping and reset all chars and tents. If a group of 10 people finds a DMR, they all have it in a matter of seconds.

Plus you'd need to fix the zombies so you can actually fight them in melee because right now you're just swinging randomly at randomly running olympic runners, unless indoors but that's to compensate for how buggy they are.

Because we need a lot of weapons, to fight against the op'ed zombies, that both run faster than you and are stronger :)

Also don't forget we need weapons now more than ever since stealth for some, is basically non-existent.

Zombies are 0 threat. You just run around corners and loose them. Or crouchrun through bushes/pinetrees. Zombies are so bad you don't have to fight them unless there is nowhere to loose them and they are standing on something you need.

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Why should russian weapons be rare in an old soviet state? ...

Western weapons sure... But Russian? no...

Military grade weapons are not readily available to civilians non the less. They should be more common than US but not as common as they are.

Also, duping needs to be fixed before this happens

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Agreed, and the same goes for ammo. I´m practicly never empty. I´ve been alive with a character for a while, wielding a revolver and a DMR, i find ammo for those guns as fast as i spend them. I´ve left ammo beind because i was full.

I´m always with a group of 2-5 though, but still. Our group is usually so stock full of guns and ammo that we leave behind military grade guns and ammo.

I think the same goes for solo (if you know what you´re doing). I died the other day and got seperated from my group. I had to run north to find them again. On my way i found the CZ Sniper, 2x double barrel shotgun, Einfeld, AKM and a silanced M9. 3 of those guns were all in the same barn. I probably got a little lucky THAT time, but it´s still way to common.

A part of the Day-Z experience is managing your supplies, if you´re solo and don´t know the map it can be a challenge but if you´re in a group of more than 2 then you simply don´t have to worry. I wan´t to worry, i wan´t to choose my shots carefully so i don´t waste ammo, i want the survival feeling.

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Yeah. Good point.

I've never had an ammo problem either, I think that making every shot count is a large part of the survival

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