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The ultimate answer to Banditry

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Change nothing. Leave banditry the way it is. Because there is no problem, which means there is no answer. Why try to fix something that isn't broken by suggesting bandits be penalized for what they do?

What many of you are asking for is some invisible and artificial punishment that everyone must undergo if they cross the line from survivor to bandit. Which is often referred to as rules.

However, some of you forget that DayZ has no rules. You play the game the way you want, not the way someone else wants. Want to climb that mountain? Go right ahead. Want to shoot that stranger on the road? You got it! This is a game about freedom, not following a set path or being bound by restrictions.

Balance? This is the zombie apocalypse. There is no balance. It's not supposed to be fair. The strong devour the weak, someone with a sniper rifle can shoot a survivor with merely an axe and damn well get away with it. This is why I love this game, and if you try to restrict my freedom to make my own decisions within this wonderful cruel and lawless world...

Then I will fight you tooth and nail to the bitter end.

Edited by Senrain
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I had my troll cannon loaded and cocked and now I have to fire it at someone else. Thanks a lot ;)

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I had my troll cannon loaded and cocked and now I have to fire it at someone else. Thanks a lot ;)

Oh trust me, there's plenty of other dumb suggestions to fire that cannon at.

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I gave you beans because i appreciate the sentiment, but no sense posting this in the suggestion thread because its just as pointless as the threads whining about "fixing" banditry.

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Change nothing. Leave banditry the way it is. Because there is no problem, which means there is no answer. Why try to fix something that isn't broken by suggesting bandits be penalized for what they do?

What many of you are asking for is some invisible and artificial punishment that everyone must undergo if they cross the line from survivor to bandit. Which is often referred to as rules.

However, some of you forget that DayZ has no rules. You play the game the way you want, not the way someone else wants. Want to climb that mountain? Go right ahead. Want to shoot that stranger on the road? You got it! This is a game about freedom, not following a set path or being bound by restrictions.

Balance? This is the zombie apocalypse. There is no balance. It's not supposed to be fair. The strong devour the weak, someone with a sniper rifle can shoot a survivor with merely an axe and damn well get away with it. This is why I love this game, and if you try to restrict my freedom to make my own decisions within this wonderful cruel and lawless world...

Then I will fight you tooth and nail to the bitter end.

I did do PvP in Eve and I feel that the kind of PvP they have there, how you do it and for what reasons, are more reasonable then in this game. Not only that: PvP in Eve does stand toe-to-toe against it's counterpart known as PvE. That there's actually some real content for doing PvE and grouping together, something I feel lacks in DayZ since it's too easy to survive on your own, just one example.

Further: dying in Eve wasn't that bad and it wasn't even hard to regain, in safety also, all the lost equipments - that is if you knew what you where doing. In Dayz you can forget experiencing any true counterpart to PvP. This is so sad.

But my real point isn't about the lack of PvE content. My real point is about this funny mindset about what this game really is about or should be about. And how peoples seems to take only extreme stances and absolutely dismisses the other side of the argument.

You so boldly claims that "You play the game the way you want, not the way someone else wants" but misses the point that you're forcing yourself upon peoples by the way you're playing the game. Forcing peoples to react in ways to your style of playing the game and in doing so you're leading them down a, more or less, predetermined path. Why do I think that this might become a problem in this game?

Well firstly we got this lack of content that isn't about PvP, purely, and it's too easy to survive on your own. And players actually reacting to other players behaviours isn't that bad, it's absolutely makes perfect sense, if it doesn't determine the actions taken, for most part, and most of the behaviours of the player even outside the events of PvP. There is no way to escape PvP in this game all the time, neither in Eve, and this is good for several reasons but it's suffocating when you absolutely is forced to behave as you might die any moment by another players hand, for no apparent reasons on top on that.

What I'm claiming is that: if one group of players is effecting another group of players, to such an extent that the effected group behaviour is more then often a reaction or precaution to the effecting group ways of playing the game, then this is close to being equal to as forcing them to play the game as you want to.

You may see this as semantics with a twist or illogical reasoning trying to highlight your kind of players as bad but this isn't what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do is to show you that you're actually effecting players to a larger extent that any suggestions, that is the sensible ones, that tries to put some kind of mechanics on PvP, or plain ways of identifying PvPers and avoiding them without needing to evacuate an entire area.

Yes, the truth is that all players that do not wish to be in combat with other players can leave and search for other areas within the game world. But this is still pretty much forcing a major action upon these players from your ways of playing the game, becoming guilty of that what you accuse your opponent of being with their criticism and suggestions. The other players are only presented with two real options to deal with griefers and obsessive PvPers: to flee or fight against you and become PvPers themselves even if it's against their will.

But, in regards to this, the opposite side exists, the PvE-side, and that side can be just as damaging if only listened too. The difficult part here is to find a way to have FFA PvP not being so pervading that it's dominating the game and all players behaviours to it. One major part of doing this is to add content that should be wiser to do in groups and to make it much harder to survive alone in the game. Also it should be a painful experience to die and it should also be more valuable not to kill another player, just because you can, and instead join team with him/her. This isn't a way to punish a PvPer since its just another way of adding value of not killing another player, something that the game at this moment lacks.

Oh, just one thought: this game isn't about the strong devouring the weak - it's about the few survivors trying to make it in a very cruel world. And killing peoples on random isn't even close to a logical or sane behaviour in a catastrophe, it wouldn't even be a wide spread problem, and therefore the PvPers slant on the killing of players by other players is wrong. Peoples in this kind of crisis would rather band together then turn against each others, they would surely still be able to identify the current threat and what's the most pressing matter at the moment. Think of it like this: if some infected is trying to eat your eyeballs you wouldn't shoot the survivor that just came running to your aid in the head just because he/she is a stranger and perhaps a potential risk. Rather you would accept the help and then try to deal with the new situation, perhaps both would agree that banding together is the most sane course of action or perhaps both would trade words and then go separate ways.

I wish I had the time to continue but I can't since I need some sleep now.

Take care.

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Completely agreed to Dream Dragon.

You are claiming your freedom by restricting others freedom. It's quite obvious that a freshly spawned player cannot compete with your sniper rifle.

People go to the major cities seeking for loot and they should either fight or cooperate with people they find, not just be a target to a bored sniper.

Still, i totally agree with you. The current system should not be changed at all. No rewards for peaceful players, no punishments for banditry. In reality, undoubtedly there would be a fuck nuts laying with his sniper rifle killing live people for sickly twisted fun, but look at the statistics: about 1 in each 6 players killed another player. That means no cooperation at all. Just that 1 in each 6 of us wishes to be one of those sick twisted bastards on real life. And Its kinda fun being a real long shot to trust people you don't know.

I've started to play soon after the update that removed bandit skins on the game, but a way to tell friendly from bandit would be apreciated. I've seen the number of bandits alive skyrocket with murders while the bandits killed plummeted. On reports I've seen, some people actually hated beeing bandits because survivors would shot on sight and actually team up to take down bandits. On sanctuary DayZ servers, where global chat is still on, people hunt down bandits. So the whole point is that there are not a single difference between that surgeon guy who goes around helping people and the dude who goes around the beach with a hatchet killing freshly spawned players. No consequences at all, that just helps people to troll.

We could have an incentive for players to cooperate, like DreamDragon said, surviving alone is too easy, but since none of my friends play DayZ, and many people play the game alone too, making the game harder will just make strong groups stronger and weak groups weaker.

Here's what I do:

If I wish to risk my character on a major city, I go to my tent, drop my gear there and go where I want to go. Simple. If I die, no bandit will take my gear. The only concern is for the gear I left in the tent. Anybody can take it, but since is on a really remote location, on one server out of 1600 other, its a very small chance.

Since its a suggestion thread, the only thing I'd add is a who killed who message. Would make sense in the real world, like rumors of a sniper taking down people somewhere would spread like wildfire on a post apocaliptical settlement. The other suggestion I'd have is to fix the problem with losing dropped gear and tents losing their content when server restarts, that is planned I know, but i've recently lost some gear due to that and is really and just annoying. I'd even suggest some kind of vault only you can open, but when you die, what happens? If only you can still open it, doesn't make sense, and if you can't open it, what would be the point?

@edit: Just looked at the statistics again. Comparing the number of murders occured with the number of bandits alive+killed means that each bandit who ever lived killed 5 other people. Now, back to when i've said 1 each 6 of us is a bandit, it would mean everyone alive is a bandit. That states that there is close to 0 cooperation between players, wich is far too unrealistic.

Edited by Thauã

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how bout unless youre shot in the head, you have the option to come back AS A ZOMBIE!!! lol

then you have a chance for revenge and can only melee and run!

that would be a lot more work for the devs, BUT AWESOME!

the game wouldnt even end at death! epic zombie game becoming more epic


btw i gave my 'beans' to the post starter, what does that mean exactly? i havent used that feature before, is it just some strange point system for commentors similar to facebook 'liking'?

Edited by ssjenforcer

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go find us^^ big loaf - but remember, after you did, you are a bandid......irl

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save someone or slaughter them, its your choice

not many games do that, the only penalty should be the player own thoghts "was that the right thing to do? he didnt have anything i needed?"

been playing for only a week, and have killed 2 people, first one coz i paniced when i saw someone else coz i normally get blown away as soon as someone else is around

the second one was because i was low on ammo and i wanted his double barrel shotty lol

but i still feel bad about it, who knows, i could of teamed up with both of them and gotten better gear in the game

its all about choice

dont restrict choice

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this is suppose to be realistic and yet killing people has no effect on you which it does in real life unless your of a very small percentage of people.

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How could this have not simply been a post in any of the many 'the answer to bandits' threads ? please use [search] !

reported for merger with the first thread about bandits i find!

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So how do you propose to identify friendlies from hostiles in a non "gamey" way?

The only way i'd see it is if the player never fired a shot to another player. Anything else is subject to context.

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this is suppose to be realistic and yet killing people has no effect on you which it does in real life unless your of a very small percentage of people.

Back up your pseudo facts with proofs please.

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I hate senseless killing in this game, but OP speaks the truth. Without pvp this mod would not exist. If you want to hold hands and goose your buddy while running away from zombies find some other mod.

-Does this site have moderators? Sooo much worthless spam that needs to be deleted.

Edited by Nalyid

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