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Client - Server version mismatch, can't enter.

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I was playing on a server for 2 days, with the version 95054 and, when the server had the same

version in it's title.

Today when I tried to enter it didn't let me, and had a red X on the left side in the browser.

It said I need 1.62.93825 while I have 1.62.

I don't understand what does that mean. The server version in the title hasn't changed.

When looking into battleye site, the latest version is v1.61.94945+ which I already have.

Please don't tell me go to another server.

How do I update my version and what is that anyway?

95054 - Arma 2 beta patch - DayZ

v1.61.94945+ - Battleye

1.62.93825 - ???

Edited by cr0kes

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i cant help you , our clan server has the same issue we cant solve it for now.

btw your avatar makes my nazi senses tingle^^

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Servers update....... Just wait till that happens. + All servers (except private servers and hives) share the same profile. So if you have amazing gear on one server you will have it on ALL servers.

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Download the latest beta patch, which is highlighted in green at the top of that link (95208 currently), and join a server that is also updated.

This should solve your problem, if it doesn't, make sure your BattlEye client is properly updated as well.

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ok thanks,

Right now I am going to check how many servers have the latest patch, if there are enough I will update and hope that

my regular server did/will do the same.


I put 95208 in the filter,

and the servers apeared on the list required DIFFERENT versions (with a red X on the left side) comparing

to my current version 1.62 from the 95054:


-1.62.93825 Note this one






FYI - I haven't updated my client yet, I am just saying that even if I do, the 95208 servers have different requirements.

Edit #2:

Any chance someone tells me how to get the specific version above/Are the beta patches backwards compatible?

Edit #3:

I read somewhere that beta patches ARE backwards compatible

(although not always, ex - "this beta is 1.61.xxxxx and not MP compatible with old 1.60 betas")

Going to update to 95208 and try to hope back to my regular server.

Edited by cr0kes

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