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55 Day Run Finally Came To An End... Sorrow & Relief!!!

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I'm sorry to say that tonight my greying fifty-five day old survivor finally met his doom at the hands of lone sniper in the northern highlands of Chernarus, amongst the pines and open spaces he loved. The echo of a single distant shot was the only music before the Red Hand of Peace came to guide another soul to a better place.... Survivors take a moment....

Bandits and Survivors alike, it was a good run...But alas all things come to an end...

Now I can throw caution to the wind.. No longer on Safari.

Rocket your DayZ experiment is great. What did I take away from this? I'm amazed how the sense of self-preservation is drawn out by the game. Every firefight or close encounter (and there were many of those) left my heart racing. I can hardly wait to set out again...

P.S. A word of warning. Beware of snipers positioning themselves at least 1/2 a kilometer off the map looking back. It was the last place the old bugger never looked. P.P.S I literally stared at the screen, mouth open, stunned for at least a minute... Very funny..

Finally fellow forum members, if you don't have anything constructive to say, I'd rather you didn't waste your time replying...

Edited by -Cdn-Chard
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Well done, my longest run was 15 days...

Must have been a fairly bored guy sniping you, how often do he get to shoot at something out there?

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Looks like the old guy took his eyes off the prize. Happens in the Autumn years, so they say.

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I'm sorry to say that tonight my greying fifty-five day old survivor finally met his doom at the hands of lone sniper in the northern highlands of Chernarus, amongst the pines and open spaces he loved. The echo of a single distant shot was the only music before the Red Hand of Peace came to guide another soul to a better place.... Survivors take a moment....

I feel your pain and offer beans as condolence :( Impressive run

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Day 30 was my record. It was sad seeing him go... Moreso because I died to a glitch. Was getting out of the offroad and storing some gear... when I went to walk away I just broke my legs and blood dropped quick. My buddy tried to stop it and give me a transfusion but it was dropping too fast.

Edited by Sinful omnivore

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i keep making the same mistake of murdering someone near stary or the airport, loot their body, then get hunted down and killed within the hour. presumably by one (or more) of their clan mates.

haven't survived longer than 2 days.

Edited by tarquinbb

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Nice, gratz to the long run.

It's kinda annoying that there's actually people that sit all their time in this game, just camping for people to kill somewhere.

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I'm curious, how many murders did you have by the time you died. I assume they were in self defense since you are on the survivor forums, just curious.

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Surivior or Bandit, it's a question of taking another's life as a matter of self-defence or personal gain. I chose the former.

Suffice to say that the number was VERY low and in self defence... What the numbers don't tell is the times I've had players in my scopes, only to let them go about their merry way. Solo players I'd almost always leave alone and groups were often too dangerous to engage. After I had travelled to the airfields a number of times, I had all the basic gear I needed for survival, and didn't feel drawn to either PVP for the sake of a thrill or loot.

Personally I don't think the score counter should be on the HUD, but displayed at the time of death, along with interesting game stats (eg. hours played, longest session, total kills for each of zombies, murders, bandits (why segregate bandits?) and the number of headshots or a %.

Edited by -Cdn-Chard
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Raise your vodka and toast to our fallen comrade, may his soul rest in peace.

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I'm right there with you. May character just reached his 55th day yesterday. And I 100% agree with you about how every encounter still gets the adrenaline up. It's not that hard to make it that long really you just have to be really cautious and take your time. There have been many times when I have seen single survivors running almost 20 meters in front of me and I've let them go. I find the sneaking and stealth aspect of the game more gratifying than anything else. It does suck though how you were randomly gunned down though, but at least it wasn't a bug. Good run good sir.

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Dead men tell no tales.... But I will say that my kills decreased as my age increased...

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Crazy experience man.

Well I believe you had good times, too many good times within that life.

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This was my first Death :) Quite impressive. I'm still on my 2nd life and nowhere near as good as this one did!

(i wish they'd fix the fucking image tags)


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This was my first Death :) Quite impressive. I'm still on my 2nd life and nowhere near as good as this one did!

(i wish they'd fix the fucking image tags)


Seems like you left your blood hack on.

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