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R.I.P. coolstorybro

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Rest in peace, coolstorybro. My squad was north of Cherno, planning to raid apartments and the hospital on the north side of town for medical supplies. We were setting up for overwatch when we heard Makarov fire. I looked at the apartments and saw you shooting your Makarov from the roof--at what, I don't know, though you fired at least 12 shots. I saw an Enfield rifle on your shoulder. We were headed toward those apartments, and I figured if you liked to shoot your pistol in plain sight so much, you might like to shoot it at us too. So I waited as you moved toward the ladder, and as you were getting in position to climb down, I took you down from 500 meters with my CZ 550. One shot was all it took. You died instantly.

I didn't want to shoot you--I don't consider myself a bandit by trade--but seeing what an itchy trigger finger you had, I decided it wasn't worth the risk. I got a photo from the top floor of your legs sticking out over the ladder. May it serve as a warning to all players to not announce their presence with gunfire from an open rooftop in the middle of a big city, exposed to a hill a few hundred meters away.

If it makes you feel any better, the gear screen gave me quite a time trying to look through your pack: it made me drop mine and then swapped mine with yours. I had to go on the roof to get it back.



Edited by Junos
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That would have been funny, but that kill message was just a coincidence. Both shots were of coolstorybro. :)

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oh so you killed a poorly geared idiot.

i'll file this one under don't care.

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fucking hate it when they wait until you're climbing the ladder then nail you. shoot like a fucking man

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oh so you killed a poorly geared idiot.

i'll file this one under don't care.

I posted it more for his own benefit than yours. Thanks for sharing your snideness, though. :)

hate it when they wait until you're climbing the ladder then nail you. shoot like a man

I suppose I could have spammed the roof as he ran around, wasting ammo, and perhaps causing him to jump to his death. The smart thing to do was shoot at the ladder. For this fish, I chose the smaller of the two barrels.

What's not manly is disconnecting or jumping servers during combat.

Lesson: be careful, especially in cities and on ladders.

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Yesterday I was laying in the gras and looking to a lonely building with zombies around it. I also saw a guy who was running around like an idiot and looking for loot. It was clear that he was a beginner. I was about 400 meters away from him. I wanted to test my CZ550 and to train a bit for a real fight, so I started to shot zombies. When I shot the first time I killed the zombie and the guy quikly ran into the building. It was great fun watching this guy through the windows knowing he is scared as hell and saying his prayers. But instead of running away or hiding he decided to go on the roof. Maybe he though he could see me better from there. I strugeled wether to kill him and teach him a lesson he wont forget, or to let him live and give him another chance. I decided to let him live cause it was too much fun watching him stumbling around the house searching for loot and agroing zombies.

I think this could be a very fun way of playing DayZ. Just watching noobs doing stupid things, and helping them by shooting zombies which attack them.

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That is a good idea, Vault, except that whenever you shoot, you'll give away your position, and probably get countersniped or flanked. :/

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I posted it more for his own benefit than yours. Thanks for sharing your snideness, though. :)

yeah i'm sure. just admit it, you want the attention.

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That is a good idea, Vault, except that whenever you shoot, you'll give away your position, and probably get countersniped or flanked. :/

Not when you are somewhere noone with a gun ever goes.

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