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Helicopter WTF

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Was just playing on US 316 a minute ago. and me and my friend found a fully functioning helicoptor at NW airfield. After he was fired upon by someone unknown, the shooting stopped and he made a line straight to the chopper. Whoever was shooting at him was completely gone, never to be seen again.

The chopper takes off, we start to fly away and then poof! Helicopter is gone and the characters are falling to their deaths!

Has this happened to anyone else? or anyone heard of it? is it possible the person shooting was an admin and was butthurt by his chopper going missing?

Admin abuse or just alpha mod bug?

Really want to hear people thoughts.... it was a little heartbreaking

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Hacked most probably.

How do you mean? as in the chopper was hacked?

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From what I've been told, the Huey isn't available in this patch, which would mean that it was hacked in. If it truely was hacked in, I'm sure the hacker could've just turned off the program they were using to manipulate the server and, just like that, you're helicopter is gone and you are dead.

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Why is hacking so easy in this game?

I also see so many people with hacked weapons, that really sucks.

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yea, pretty devastating if that's the case. was so stoked lol.

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I was running to the southwest airstip by the southern beach and I saw a helicopter flying around, the guy got out and died from a sniper then some noob got in it and crashed it in the ground before even taking off. Then I walked up a mountain to hit a sniper with a military sniper rifle with my hatchet but he logged off so I couldn't get his items..

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