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Time and Zombie Sync issue

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NOTE: This is from a couple days ago. It may have been fixed with the recent updates, but did not see a similar report for it, hear of any fixes for it, and have not gotten a chance to test it lately.

Date/Time: 27APR12 ~0200 Eastern US

What happened: Clearing through a section of the airbase with a friend. He saw a zombie standing to our left that I could not see. He walked me onto the zombie on his screen, and I basically stood inside of him. About 10m away I then saw a zombie laying down. The type of zombie (police) was the same that he had seen as the other one, but he could not see this one. I walked him onto the zombie and took the screenshot below.

The other issue is that at this same time, I was in the map and it was daytime. He was on the map and it was nighttime. The time's were not syncing properly.

Where you were: NW Airbase

What you were doing: Clearing a section.

*Current installed version: Believe it was 1.4.23

*Server(s) you were on: I believe it was one of the FR servers, not positive.

*Your system specs: N/A

*Timeline of events before/after error: N/A


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I confirm that the times are not always on sync.

My clock was showing 19:30 and my mate's 18:45 and I ofc had darker environment cos of that.

I think i've seen someone else saying the same thing somewhere here but this was the first bug post about it that i found.

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