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how do i 'aim'

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Loving this game but I’m also remembering why I hated Arma 2, they incredibly confusing and clunky controls. I'm getting my head around it but I cant find anywhere that tells me how to aim, as in the green rectigal shows up. I had it for my first few games, but now it seems to have vanished.

I seem to be constantly shooting from the hip which is a waste of ammo

It doesn’t help that I’ve remaped my keys, but does anyone know the name for this binding in the options menu.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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You are playing on a server with crosshairs disabled.

I hit the V key to look through the weapon sights.

You are paying on a server with crosshairs disabled.

I hit the V key to look through the weapon sights.

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i'm not sure, but i cant look through my wepons sights either, it jsut zooms. Thanks for the info i'll try that i jsut hope i havnt remaped it, actually i have i belive v lets me climb over fences, bugger.

someone else said about a single click of the right mouse button, but oddly doesnt seem to do anything.

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V is to climb over

Hold Right mouse is zoom

Single or Double Click Right Mouse is Iron Sights

We really need a sticky......

All new players to ARMA thanks to Day Z need to play Boot Camp AT MINIMUM! Press SINGLE PLAYER instead of MP, Training, Boot Camp. Will save you questions looking like a n00b.

Also the ARMA 2 Manual is a good read as well;



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thnka yes i figured it out thanks to here (server had it turned off). As far as boot camp goes, Arma 2 is a horrid horrid game for the controls, i made it too about he 3rd chapter a few yeasrs back, a corupted bug ment i couldnt go no further. I thought i'd try it again recently before this mod came out and with a new rig and remeberd why i stoped, boot camp / the boat start is horrid.

the worst UI i think i;ve ever seen, but what you need for Day z isnt soo bad.

In short dont make people play boot camp to play this game, just have a controll sticky ;)

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