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Shitty Framerate

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Got it on steam and I use SixLauncher and I have tried Dayz Commander.

Shitty Fps all the time, only in towns its really bad like 20 no matter what I change the setting to it is bad either way. I love how I can Run games like Crysis 2 with DX11 and High Res Textures yet I can't run Arma 2 or Dayz,

amd athlon x4 640 @ 3.3Ghz (I know it isn't Great but it does the trick for most other games)

ASUS GTX 560ti 1GB

4gb DDr3 Ram

Windows 7 Ultimate

Edited by Tuckzz

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The engine my friend, the engine. It's not as optimized as other games but take a look at arma 3. From what I've heard, (got no sources) the alpha version runned better than arma 2. I got myself a pretty decent computer.

Intel i5 2500k

GTX 680 the 2gb version

8gb DDr3 Ram

and also windows 7 premium

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congratiulations you got the 1.000.000 posts about the same topic.

btw the only thing this engine cares about is your cpu :]

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congratiulations you got the 1.000.000 posts about the same topic.

btw the only thing this engine cares about is your cpu :]

I use same CPU as my friend, I have more RAM, and better graphic card, he can run game on very high settings, and I'm getting terrible FPS sometimes on lowest

Edited by Tox2401

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