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fratzi (DayZ)

Zombies are too strong! (

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Hi guys,

in my opinion zombies are too strong. (

After fighting and gathering again one hour through a city and hiding from bandits (I think this was my 30rd death), I found a water supply well. Everything is clear, so I started to fill my bottle and a zombie ran into me, instantly knocked me out and ate my flesh till death.

This is just one story of dozens.

Very frustrating.

Edited by fratzi

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Did you by chance have less then 9000 blood? if so, its been like that for awhile, they have a chance to knock you out at that low blood level.

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This happends quite alot to me and it's always been when I'm under 9k blood, I guess that's your case too then.

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ZOMBIES too strong.. xD

Well however when you are below 9k blood they can and will beat you unconscious.. to prevent them from doing so eat or use a blood pack to heal yourself.

But seriously.. zombies... too strong... meh. Check some survival tutorials on youtube.

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Yadda yadda, agree with above posters about 9k blood blah blah zombies too strong is laughable hurr durr game not hard enough.

Did I miss anything? <_<

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Heres me thinking they are to weak and don't pose much of a threat except in large numbers. Dam silly me.

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Maybe they should remake the zombies.

What if they were stronger but slower so you could run away from them after a while. Maybe that would ruin the gameplay. D:

I like how they made zombies knock you over but maybe when you were under 7k blood? Anyways I think you're right about that they are OP but it works, don't it?

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I one shoot zombies (no its not a sniper rifle) to death that doesnt seem hard, and it doenst matter were one hits them....

Edited by derailed000

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Zombies are to weak once you figure out how to deal with them. They are to strong for those that don't know how. Rocket said this is an anti game designed to be very hard.

I feel like zombies are just about right for people we no equipment or guns. Crawl and pray or run for your life and try to lose them in buildings until you arm yourself.

The issue for people with military stuff up north is that zombies become minor threats. But the perplexing question is, how the hell can you scale the difficulty in such a way that it makes sense.

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I don't feel that zombies are too strong. I just feel that their ungodly eyesight and absurd numbers is unfair. I've aggro'd zombies whilst crawling through brush. They were fine before 1.7.1, but I've heard nothing but complaints since the update. Certain functions implemented to limit their destruction (not being able to see through objects, poor hearing, etc.) are spotty, at best, or just generally don't work. It's very frustrating.

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same here, their strength is ok but their sometimes unpredictable detection mechanics can be really annoying

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Zombies.... Infected.... Too easy. Mostly because of bugs or idiosyncrasies with their behaviour.

Yes, they need a lot of work.

But I certainly don't get that "oh shit, I'm going to die" feeling even with a dozen chasing me.

Yes, their erratic light speed movement and zig zagging is annoying. No, they aren't slow moving horded

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Apparently, iPad + posting errors is resulting in an ease of double posting for me today.


Edited by Disgraced

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Yadda yadda, agree with above posters about 9k blood blah blah zombies too strong is laughable hurr durr game not hard enough.

Did I miss anything? <_<

Yes, being helpful to a new player. Oh, I see you're from NY. That explains everything.

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Yes, being helpful to a new player. Oh, I see you're from NY. That explains everything.

My desire to be helpful relates directly to how redundant a thread is usually, sorry to disappoint you. But feel free to judge my character based on a single post, I don't mind at all. :lol:

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ahh you would have loved the 1 shot kill and 1 shot legbreak from every second zombie back in 1.6.1....umm was it 4? that was fun

Z got a lucky hit when you were already injured

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Zombies are actually a joke in this game once you know how to deal with them. Don't seem to remember the last time I was killed by a zombie.

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I have been at full health with no conditions and hit by a zombie and died. Quite frustrating if you ask me but the game is in alpha so what are we gonna do right ?

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Thanks for all the replies. Most comments tend to disagree with me, but don't forget - players reading this forum are usually hardcore players (as I was myself years ago <- is this correct english?).

What's up with the rest?

I liked the following suggestions:

- Make them slower (but maybe stronger)

- Aggro range reduced


Maybe able to punch them with fists? Why do zombies do more damage then a human (= zero damage) being? :)


still a great mod!

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My desire to be helpful relates directly to how redundant a thread is usually, sorry to disappoint you. But feel free to judge my character based on a single post, I don't mind at all. :lol:

He's judging you because of your location.

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He's judging you because of your location.

Well that's not exactly unexpected considering the reputation of New York, but ignorance is ignorance is ignorance after all. ;)

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ignore ants?

Anyway I'd say on Veteran zombies are too strong.. always breaking my legs / making me bleed with one hit. Now I must carry 3 bandages at all times!

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