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The Bandit Dilemma: An Inner Look at the Economics and Psychology of Banditry and the Inevitable Collapse of Day Z

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Here's looking at you Harvey! You and your words thar noone will take seriously :)

Do I know you?

What did you not understand from my post?

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Let's enjoy playing some BattlefieldZ because honestly i don't think anything can be done about this.

Playing as a survivor won't grant "Bob" anything, but playing as a bandit? Different story.

This game has become a sniper simulation a long time ago, i don't care if people agree or not, that's what i think anyway.

You found a survivor, he didn't shoot you? Honestly, 90% chance (i'm just throwing a random HIGH number here, i don't care about the exact number, my point is that this happens almost in every encounter) that A ) he doesn't have a weapon, B ) he doesn't have ammo, C ) he's waiting for you to turn around to shoot you, D ) he is Jesus (very unlikely).

It's impossible to NOT get attached to your stuff, so you spent 10 hours finding good weapons and supply, you're gonna risk everything? No, you're gonna shoot everyone and everything that moves.

I like PVP, what i don't like is playing Battlefield in a bigger map with inferior graphics (compared to the newer games).

We don't need to remove PVP at all. And we also don't need penalties for people who want to play like bandits.

Like i said before, playing as bandit has it's benefits.

People need to see a benefit from playing as a survivor otherwise nothing is gonna happen.

This times a thousand. I got to the tip of the skill curve that you can by being friendly and after a while I just stopped playing Dayz cause it didn't offer anything past the added difficulty of going about being nice.

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Anecdotal evidence used as the base for a pseudo-analytical look at a perceived problem? Seems legit.


That's exactly what rocket wants in this game. He doesn't want a pve game. He wants everyone who isnt part of your group to be considered part of the giant FFA pvp game. If you choose to try and be diplomatic then you have a chance of making your group stronger, but there should never be any guarantees. The one thing I do agree with is that there is little reason to ever want to team up because survival is just too easy. For the solution to that there is another great thread that I think everyone should read before they make yet another "FIX BANDITS PVP" thread.


Uh you contradict yourself when you say that the point is to kill everyone NOT in your GROUP...how the fuck you gana have a group if all you do is kill on sight...the point is ya this should be a FFA but not a CoD game where the only objective is to kill people and ONLY kill people...which right now it is. So ya.

TBH WarZ is looking like a good alternative to this CoD heavy mod now where its only about killing and nothing else. WarZ will have a user generated objective system. Something i would love, because i think there should be at least some structure especially when dealing with random people on the internet. Maybe not structure persay but some list of optional activities. Like restoring power to the city or restoring the radio tower on green mt. so as to be able to broadcast stuff idk. Just random shit to actually DO other than just run around aimlessly wasting 3 hours just walking only to get sniped by a camping CoD bitch. People who PVP don't have perspective worth shit. They are the examples of braindead gamers who only like to shoot stuff that the media portrays...seems the media proves true on that subject. Since most people just want to run around for hours hoping to see someone to shoot...trigger happy people are equivalent to the middle class of america while the people who don't shoot ON SIGHT without question are more like the 1%.

Now i don't hold shoot on sight people in bad favor. After all there is NOTHING...ELSE...TO DO in dayz except fuck with other people....fucking with zombies is boring, they are just a pain in the ass not scary, not hard, just annoying.

I firmly belive if they give some optional objectives to do for fun that provide either satisfaction or reward i think the games PVP would balance to an appropriate level where we have killing but instead of seeing a person and thinking DEADLY ROBOT we think "hmmm wonder if I should kill him or talk to him" since the mindset would hopefully become whether or not everyone is just another FPS NPC or if they actually can communicate and talk or be toyed with liked a human being.

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I miss the very early days where everyone would group up, form convoys, and there would be tense group moments. And two bands coming face to face was actually tense and not just a firefight.

It was like a survival drama with zombies. Everyday was a new adventure, and I loved every minute of it. That's what DayZ has started to lose. (But, damn it, I still get into a badass Christmas Convoy chugging towards Cherno in hopes of plunder and zombie-slaying.)

This is such a damn good game that people get into these raging debates about economics and psychology. That happens in few to no other games. This is such a great community. :)

It is only a great community cause there are people opposing the trigger happy FPS gamers. If there were no carebears it would suck, if there was only FPS...it would suck. Unfortunately this game has more trigger happy FPS players than roleplayers...and that is why i think it is apprpriate to compare it to real life; which has bad as the majority and good as the minority...i guess it just goes to show how people are.

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Too right lol. If I ever feel the need to write a post as long as the OP, Im going to quit this game.

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People need to see a benefit from playing as a survivor otherwise nothing is gonna happen.

And what is the benefit? Here's my experience with other players:

1) Bigger groups means startling zombies more often; which leads to:

2) Less ammo for the group and individuals, but more people that now need guns and self defense

3) If you care about the integrity of the group you need to consider the needs of other players including medical supplies, food, drink, ammunition etc

Well organised teams have less of an issue with these things, but I've found that playing on my own, only needing to worry about myself, makes for a much easier game and I also get noticed a lot less. Working together to achieve these goals also isn't an answer. If I can do them on my own then I probably don't need a team, do I? And then, I usually need to team to rectify the issues it causes by being in the first place.

i.e. playing solo is easier than playing in a team because team play causes more issues.

Other than that I don't know what players do together. I've come across a few people and helpedn them out when they were nearly dead. That's as far as I could go to "work together" with them. I'm being quite sincere when I ask what benefit playing with others is.

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This is such a damn good game that people get into these raging debates about economics and psychology. That happens in few to no other games. This is such a great community. :)

You have to remember context and group mentality. People have been inherently treating DayZ as "something more" when you can pretty much sum it up as being free roam death matching. If you really wanted to you could apply similar discussions to any other shooter out there, but most other games don't call for it because that's not the focus of the community. That doesn;t make those games any more shallow than DayZ, or DayZ any more deep. It's just what the communities want, and as I said, the DayZ community seems to inherently treat DayZ with a sense of grandiuer that it doesn't really deserve yet.

I'd like to explain the above by saying this: if you put a bunch of players into any FPS map with guns guess what's going to happen. Yeah they'll shoot each other. Whether it's TF2, DoDS, CSS, CoD, Halo, Borderlands, Red Orchestra; it doesn't matter. Remove the rules from the system, people will eventually get bored and shoot each othe because that's what the tools they've been given do. If you gave them paint brushes they might paint a pretty picture instead, who knows. My point is that DayZ did something stupidly simple, something other games already do: it just removed the objectives and called it free roam instead of death match. The large map and these "get bored= kill" mechanics are completely incidental to the DayZ experience.

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...A really long post in a variety of unreadable text colors...

I think your post just made my eyes bleed. Seriously, I had to copy and paste it into MS Word just to get past the first paragraph.

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Orthus necro'ed a thread that hadn't had a post in over three weeks. Lock and graveyard plz.

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Oh god.

If u don't believe this stuff "banditry" wouldn't happen in a post apocalyptic world then u don't understand the human race.

People rape, kill, beat, abuse and mentally attack people in normal life so good luck thinking bandits are unreal and unfair in this game.

Your just shit at the game and you would die in real life cuz u don't get it.

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