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Rising (DayZ)

Splash Screen Tutorial for New Players

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While I too love the concept of throwing new players into the deep end and letting them figure things out on their own, I can't help but feel sorry for the ones who have never played an ArmA game. I honestly feel that a new player literally has 0% chance of survival if he/she fails to at least look over the game controls and keybindings once before starting a new game. The game engine is hard enough, let's try giving them a CS-style splash screen while the game is loading. Show basic default key commands for voice and text chat. How to open your backpack and use items. You know, the most basic controls and interface. This could even decrease senseless conflicts that could otherwise have been avoided, but either player decided to open fire because of total lack of communication. Who knows... if they knew how to talk to each other, they could have ended up friends... and then backstab them much later.

So instead of a black screen, let's design a proper tutorial splash screen plz.

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I disagree with this idea, to be honest. Suggesting that new players will be completely lost is a bit silly. I've never played an ArmA game before, ever. I still haven't. I spawned in DayZ, and figured it out. For the weirder controls, yea, I'd check the Options -> Controls, but introducing them through a splash screen just..doesn't sit right with me for some reason. I can't provide a good reason, so I guess the idea still stands, but I don't like it.

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