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My first bandit kill.

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It all started on a partly cloudy day as me and my group make our way to the NW airfield to loot the barracks. As we are leaving the first barrack the point man in the group sees another player on the other side of a concrete fence and asks over TS if it is any of us as we are answering a shot rings out hitting our poor point-man, but not killing him. He makes a valiant run to get back behind the fence and cover as our team waits for him to come around the corner each person covering a different entrance of the fence line. As this disgusting excuse for a bandit makes his way around the fence to take out a wounded player that he purposely shot at He came face to face with 5 barrels pointed his way and opening fire at him. Before he got off another shot he was dead. And my team got some nice loot like his silenced rifle (not sure of the name I didn't get it), a range finder, alice pack, a tent and some magazines, civie clothes and other various medical and general goodies. So I want to say thank you random bandit who tried to win a 5 vs 1 fight. Thank you for your death and I hope you learned your lesson. Don't bring one gun to a five gun fight.

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Maybe he will have learnt his lesson and will forget his bandit days...or maybe he will join a bandit clan...who knows? But congratulations on the kill, still yet to make my first!

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