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TheBadger (DayZ)

Unconscious Player Interaction.

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Alright, I'm first off going to state this is probably more realistically a concept for the standalone edition rather than the ArmA alpha as it's already blatantly apparent that the current engine is not capable of preforming these acts, but here is what I wanted to propose:

It would be an amazing addition to the game as a whole if there were options to carry / drag unconscious teammates / enemies to different locations. Haven't you found yourself stuck in a situation where your partner has fallen unconscious in battle and you really REALLY need to make a hasty exit?

Or furthermore, wouldn't you adore the idea of towering over your victims limp torso and finish him by dragging him to a vunerable location, firing off a shot and watching the zombies do your dirty work? Obviously there would have to be some sort of abort lock so they don't just quit out and the option to break the carrying when the player becomes conscious again-- which furthermore brings me onto another potential proposal:

Subduing enemies. Although this isn't really relevant, more peaceful means of neutralizing enemies would be amazing for players wishing to be civil minded, or don't want to be too big of dicks to new players starting out in Electro. Like an attachment that fired weighted bean bags to knock others out on contact like you're the riot police rolling up like you're the hottest thing since Gorillaz hit the scene.

Really, these are moreso ideas to discuss, because I'm frankly more interested to hear on your input to the matter. What do you say, guys?

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In answer to your first point: dragging unconscious players is already implemented, though I've never tried it myself. There is a YouTube video showing a player being dragged at the Balota Airstrip.

I can't find the link right now, but try searching YouTube.

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Ye can already drag peeps and pick em up in arma, dunno if you can pick em but im pretty sure you can already drag unconscious players in DayZ too XD

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I've tried a few google searches here and there but I'm not turning anything up on this particular subject.

Edited by TheBadger

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although ive seen it suggested before, i do like the idea of subdueing enemies through non lethal weapons, and ziptying/handcuffin them, effectively binding them to the server or preventing them from logging out, its been debated either way.

either way i do like some kind of imprisonment system, whether for friendly precautions or day light robbery XD

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Nothing turning up in the wiki, nothing on the google search, you think there'd be more people talking about such a critical function. Because of this, although I don't say I'm 100% certain, I do not believe it is possible in DayZ as of yet.

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Nothing turning up in the wiki, nothing on the google search, you think there'd be more people talking about such a critical function. Because of this, although I don't say I'm 100% certain, I do not believe it is possible in DayZ as of yet.

It's possible, I've seen the option to drag my friends body when he was unconscious before. And you are taught about it in basic training. The thing is nobody uses it because it's pretty much suicide if you're in a tense situation with either players or zombies.

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