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To Admins/Clans who cant deal with getting their camps raided

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Here is to all you clans/admins who think they are safe in their camps and "hiding places" You must understand people like us, and there are alot of them out there. Thrive on finding base camps and clan HQs. We are going to take all of your stuff, including vehicles. Iam sorry that is just a part of the game. I cant count how many times we have completely wiped out a camp stolen everything and what a coincidence the server is no longer even listed and is down for days at a time. Iam not going to mention any specific servers this time to try and protect their privacy but heres what will happen if you steal something from the Admins Clan. They will frantically reset the server a few times in a row. They will turn it from 10am to 9pm to make the server dark on your and to limit overall server population so that they will have a better chance of finding their lost vehicles. Now I have started to notice you admins taking the server down for extended periods of time. SO all of a sudden a constant server that has been consistent for days at a time is all of a sudden offline and not even found in the server list. I just wish admins didn't have the power to take down their servers when they wanted to try and roll back their vehicles to their last save location. Yes yes its their server they pay for it, So i guess that allows them to use bitch tactics to get their stuff back. Most of the time we just blow them up and drive them into cherno and leave them there so that Others may try and repair them. Other times we put them to use (your Blue Ural and 2 White trucks) for example. People taking other player's stuff is going to happen. If you cannot deal with it I suggest you choose another game that is more suited for babies and children. To all the admins who practice this behavior, we are coming for you next. To all those Admins who ACTUALLY play legit, I salute you. ALot of people dont realize it costs like 100 a month to run and operate these servers that most of us dont stop to think someone is paying for that.

PS If the server doesn't come back up ill post what server and clan this was so that the Dayz community can be sure to avoid that server, if they want a clean game experience. Thanks again to the Admins who are not exploiting, you are awesome and I enjoy playing on your servers.

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In a way, I like this.

It's a sign of the evolution of the mod. Almost an economy of sorts?

I've been doing the same thing. I have good weapons, but while running throu the northern wilderness, its far easier to survive off of others conglomerated goods than to go into towns to take stuff.

Finding tents fairly often, looking for vehicles.

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You can add http://ckwgaming.com/ US 245 to the list of punk server owners. I found out that if you kill 2 of them then raid their camp they just ban you.

Edited by Mav311

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I remember people using exploits and/or stealing keys of players and looting their houses in UO. That was freakin fun! As Rocket intended, there are no "safe" zones. I thought people didn't want that? War Z will have save zones and merchant NPCs. Evertyhing in DayZ is fair game.

Edited by Rising

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finding a camp and raiding it is ok ... but if i find one i am thinking of the time they needed for all that - so i get what i need - mostly take a ride and remember the spot for next time, but destroying everything is a little bit stupid. What for?

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I came across a blown up bus (my teams from the previous day) and all the trees were knocked down around it, which means one thing, explosives. There was a few bodies around as well and then I noticed a player with an AS50 come to loot them, I killed him with my SAW and then a while later we found a camp with a bus in perfect condition and full fuel and all the tents had high end gear in them. About 10 mins later I had all my gear simply removed from my body apart from my pack and toolbelt, just like when you use a ghillie and end up swimming. Though I of course did not risk my gear with one nor did I have one, also I did not end up swimming in the ground. Moments later my legs were broken, no shots. no one near. I disconnected.

About 15 seconds later I get back in and there is an ATV and someone is looting the body of the well geared player I killed about 10-15mins before. My mate and I waited a while before going back in and there was no one around, looted some more stuff from the camp, put a grenade under the bus and took the ATV... the ATV was in perfect condition with full fuel just like the bus was. All very very sus and it was on US 265.

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People we need to ban together and stop abuse like this. Please post any reports of hacking or abuse and note what server it was on. We have to do our part. Let me clarify, I am not saying ALL admins are abusing their powers. That is simply not true at all. I have played on many very good servers where I never thought for a second anything was going on. The vast majority of server owners are doing so legitimately, please remember that these people are using small donations and in most cases money on from their own pockets to keep the server running. We do appreciate it and I want to personally thank you guys for hosting. Just report any suspicious activity on the forums and hopefully we can sort it out that way. Its just bitchmode to abuse your server admin power and I KNOW that there are clans/admins doing just that. The specific clan/server I am speaking about even was using other exploits to ensure the safety of their vehicles. Duping Tents to use as physical barriers...... Woops the cat might be out of the bag now!

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