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Hacker on DE 397. Please help!

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Hi all

Before someone complains against me, the Admin of DE 397, I will inform you all that we have hackers on the server.

We have seen 3 helicopters and someone destroyed a part of cherno. There was a big explosion which killed many players.

I looked into the logs and found.... NOTHING!!! I have no names and also no entrys that shows me what has happend.

Please Dev´s help us against the hackers. We can´t do nothing against bypass-scripts.

We just want to play and have fun. But it is not possible atm.

I´m getting more and more frustrated to invest my money for this amazing Mod and hosting a server for the growing amount of players, and some stupid idiots ruins the game.

Thanks in advance


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Honestly, your best bet is probably to drop the server for a couple of hours and hope the hacker gets bored and moves on. Unless you can figure out his BE player ID and ban it. Did you look through all the logs?

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Yes i looked throug all logs. In the Config folder = arma2oaserver.RPT and in the Battleye folder = script.log. Have i forgot some?

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We've got an auto-kick function on DE 335 if someone is higher than 110 ms, but a lot of people can stay on the server with an 200ms and up ping...

Is this thing not working or what?

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I don't think the BattleEye ping enforcement works. At least on my server, I have to manually kick people above the ping threshold (which I do).

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Battleye kicking is working for to high pings.

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