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Wrong version? Please help!

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Alright, so basically 95% of servers I try to join all reject me due to a bad version. I notice in the game browser it says I have 1.61, and where it says "Required", in red letters it says I need 1.61.95054. Now, I had already had that version.. but oh well, I try to go install it again. When I try to install that version... It's telling me I have a later version (1.62) and can't install the 95054. I never even installed anything after this beta patch. What's going on here?

Edit: Ok, so apparently my six launcher updated me to 95168. Anyone know a safe way of downgrading?

Edited by ShiZaNkY

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Edited by Dokrane

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the latest version is 1.62.95168, not 95054. 95099 is the previous patch, so your a few patches behind.

You updated the beta RC to 1.62.

As far as I can tell from forums and google searches, you need to downgrade to 1.61, then update a beta patch to the newest one.

You can't join a server running 1.61.95208 if you have 1.62.95208.

nope, you can install the latest one, if you're unable to delete your beta folder and let six launcher do it's thing. he's not updated. that's it.

Edited by Inspector_Gadget

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Anyone know of a way or have a link to a guide on how to safely downgrade? Last time I tried I all sorts of effed it up.

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Will all this be cleared up once the servers update...?

I'd imagine so, yes. The problem here definitely is the fact that people are updating to a later version than what the vast majority of servers are running. I just accidentally updated without knowing. So you can rather 1. Wait for servers to update to your version. 2. Downgrade (A bit risky, I and others have messed that up) or 3. Play on servers with your version (GL finding one that'll match your preferences)

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UP! your version is low, not high it's like you want to downgrade to 1.60

there's many servers out there, so look.

Edited by Inspector_Gadget

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My version is low? How is that possible when I'm on 95168 and I need 95054. Also the fact I'm on 1.62, and I need 1.61. I need to downgrade, and here is a link to others with this problem who need to downgrade - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37268-how-to-downgradeupdate-arma-2-beta-patch/page__hl__downgrade

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ok... it's not like there's 200+ servers that run that right now... and you can't find a server... ok, do yourself a favor. when you open up your game does it tell you you're running 1.62.95168 in the bottom right corner? because there's a lot that'll accept you. and on the new one after that one 208 there's at the very least 95-100. so i think there's something wrong..

fine fine go to the freaking ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95054.zip go play on a server that's 3-4 versions behind.

Edited by Inspector_Gadget

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so is ther an actual solution to this?

my six launcher is but no servers work and this goes for my team that i play with.

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so is ther an actual solution to this?

my six launcher is but no servers work and this goes for my team that i play with.

no, that's dayz.

when you open up six launcher, look down and to your left, by the options button and the fackbook and twitter buttons as well.

Edited by Inspector_Gadget

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I have now spent more time TRYING to play Dayz, than actually playing. stoopid patches. They should do this shit once a week. Like a Sunday night. That way everyone that wants to deal with the issue can get up bright and early Monday, and everyone else can wait till Tuesday when all the wrinkles have been worked out.

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I Tried it all

but still no good?

Used to see 15 to 20 Australian servers now only see two?

Lots of bad versions

Appreciate the video tho

Edited by Ree

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