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Kaboshi (DayZ)

Becoming Friends With Strangers Stories

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I thought it be interesting to have a thread on how you became a friend or acquaintance with someone. I apologize if someone already made a thread.

I made a new steam friend on the first day I decided to play the game.

Scenario: I saw a stranger running in the open field, asked who it was in the chat and he stopped moving immediately.

It was also getting dark, and I wasn't looking forward to being by myself in the darkness so I stayed truthful and told him.

he obviously was suspicious of me as he really took his time to answer me.

So I also mentioned that if he didn't want to he could walk away and Id move on.

we ended up becoming buddies after killing a town full of zombies.

I mean I don't have advice but thats how something went down for me.

I think its a lot easier to make friends away from the cities imo.

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I was checking a town for loot when I had the chance to shoot another player.

I informed him that I could see him and then decided to risk teaming up with him.

It was a good choice, the following two hours of game were really enjoyable.

We were attempting to find him more gear.

Tragically, he died while we were fighting back to back in a heavily infested town.

Although I am sad our time had to come to a close, I appericate the epicness by which it did close.

It was a very rewarding gaming experience.

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yeah, we got pinned down in a farm house and because of how much space there was he accidentally shot me, he tried to pull me away so he could heal me before the zombies got closer but I got stuck on the wall haha.

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I regularly find new players on the coast. They often ask how to get somewhere, and for they're sake and my own, I often walk them where they want to be.

Its a great feeling, to find a fast friend in a harsh world.

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Was walking W along the coast through Balota, and decided that it wasn't worth attempting to hit the horde on the dock. I decided to swim under the dock (first mistake) and found the wonderful swim bug. I went over the top of the dock back to where I started swimming to see if the items had dropped (second mistake), but as I was walking past a survivor was laying down on the dock and started shooting at me with is Makarov. It was just some stupid case of an idiot with a gun not knowing what to do, so he started unloading at me (bad shot) and I walked over and shot him in the head. He had me down to 4k health so I was hurting bad, and I started heading W again towards Cherno (nothing left to lose). I ran into Zero and Porto on the way there and tagged along for some food. Zombieland friends :D

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I never make friends, all I find is some people one shoting me in the back or some arseholes you were friendly with just before getting shot in the face.

I dunno in other regions but in europe, it's just deathmatch. "Shoot everything that moves" rule.

That's kinda sad for a such great game.

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Was lost for 2 hours when i found a Guy by the road, he was lost aswell, we discuss where we thought we where and had some fun, then i found out he had a map and a compass. I shoot him in the face and continuef My journey.. Friendly fella :)

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I met a guy near the army medical tents and he said he wanted to check for supplies, but needed backup. We went in and were checking it out when some other guy runs in on the other side. We tried to tell him we were friendly, but he opened fire, immediately alerting every zombie in the camp. No idea what compelled him to shoot, because we were obviously better equipped than him. We took care of him and bolted. We got all of the zombies into a field and just unloaded on the lot. I ran out of ammo and they caught up to me, bringing me down to 3000 blood. He managed do finish off the rest of them, and helped me get over to a nearby hangar.

Unfortunately, the guy we killed earlier was pretty mad, and he had a stash of guns nearby, so he came gunning for us. We slipped out the side door during his mad rage unnoticed. Not paying attention, he got eaten by zombies. Even more unfortunately, I pass out just in time to see a horde of about 20 zombies or so come out from around the corner and swarm my buddy, and wake up just in time to watch him die and get killed myself.

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Found 3 others in the outskirts of a spawning town, we waited for my mate Connor to appear (who i was using teamspeak with) before heading off inland.

We hiked for quite some time before we managed to find what i think is "Little hill." We began cleansing the town and shared what food, ammo, weapons and other supplies together. It was all peachy, then we got 3/4s of the way through the town and found a well, we topped up our water and continued north.

However, in a completely bizzare and unexpected twist, no less than 10 zombies spawned LITERALLY around us! We tried falling back, bullets flying through the air, the 12 zombies quickly became around 2 dozen! panicking the 5 of us became separated! I chased who i thought was Connor into a nearby building, another of the group had followed me, but it became hopeless as we darted out the other side. I lured zombies as a comrade shot them off me until he ran out of ammo, i returned the favour!

Having been beaten and bruised, we returned to try and find the other survivors, we found no less than a dozen corpses in the building we had fled through, Connor had died and 2 of the other survivors had vanished. : ( Memory is a little blank after this, i think i decided to respawn and try to catch up with Connor, it was great that we all worked so well for the time though.

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I was meeting up with someone in Bor ... i was on a pavement road on a hill when i saw someone coming up the hill ... i called his name to see if he was friendly .. no reply .. i called 3 more times ... still no reply .. then i counted down ... 5, 4, ,3 ,2 ,1 ... POP ... shot him in the gut with the cz550, and he went down .. i wasn't sure if he was dead or not but i couldnt worry about that at the moment because zombies heard my shot

i took the zombies out and refocused on my target ... then finally on chat he said that someone was sniping him ... i ended up giving him blood and teaming up with him :P

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After nothing but bad experiences with other players I finally met someone helpful last night. I was in pretty rough shape after being attacked by a new player for no reason, but I had some pretty decent gear (for me) so was determined to stay alive. Got talking to someone on voice chat who seemed to genuinely want to help, with my blood and ammo pretty low I decided to take a chance and meet up.

I was just outside Kamehka moving up the coast and he was at Cherno, however I lied and said I was near Bolata as I didn't want to give my position away without taking a look. So he told me to wait and he'd come find me so I made it to the woods and set off sprinting towards Bolata, barely being able to see.

I was almost there when I strayed too close to a road and brough several zombies after me, I start pulling back towards the woods, doing my best to take them out with my limited vision. The guy I was going to meet is on chat saying he can hear the shots asking where I am. Then suddenly someone else pops up right from behind me (I must have literally ran right in front of his face) and helps me to take the z's down. He then tells me to keep still so he can patch me up. He does the transfusion, I thank him about 10 times and he tells me not to worry and begins moving back into cover. I honestly felt like such an ammatuer after watching him go about things.

So I'm now back to full health, with some decent gear (although very little ammo). And I have a dilemma, do I try to tag along with the guy who helped me and no doubt learn how to play better? Do I risk meeting up with the guy who genuinely seems to want to help? I know where he is after all I could take a look and see what I think. Do I try to get us all to band together? Or do I go it alone?

Well sadly I was robbed of the choice, I don't know if there was some sort of server issue or my connection went but it was game over and I couldn't get back in. Felt absolutely gutted, been dying to meet up with someone and now I potentially had two people and it was gone because of a connection issue. I can't complain my experiences have been relatively good especially considering its an Alpha but of all the times for it to happen. Why then.

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This is how I met the group I've been hanging with for a good few days now.

I was back in Chern, doing my usual quick raid of the apartments and hospital before heading north. I walk up a few stairs, my trusted Winchester in hand and .. FUCK A BANDIT! He fires a few shots at me and I run down, looking over my shoulder in panic.

Eventually I realise he isn't chasing me so I climb up onto the hospital, and start aiming at the stairway where he'll be forced to go down. He see him inching his way down and BAM! I fire, and I miss and he runs up again.

Now I write into chat "You in apartment, you friendly?" and he says "Yes!" and so I counter "You shot first!" and he defends himself with "You were aiming a rifle at me!" I asked for a bloodbag and he crawled over, asked for my Skype.

Now I hang with them and like five other guys. Good times.

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I started out in Kamenka and headed north. While on the way I found some guy hiding in a stand and we both indicated that we were friendly, so we decided to head north together. We went around Zelenogorsk and headed to Pogorevka and while there we ran out of ammo while being attacked by a horde. We killed all of them accept one and the stranger was down with a broken bone. I had to lead the last zed through a building to slow him down so I could run over to heal him. We ran like hell while the zed was chasing to Rogovo and I distracted the zed running around in circles while he had to sneak into town to find ammo. He found some and killed the zed, then we searched the town and found more ammo and supplies. We left town and headed north until we were on the road between Vybor and Kabanino when a bandit with a sniper rifle picked me off, but the stranger was able to log off before he was killed. That was the end of our 6 hour journey together.

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I was playing on a Swedish server as i am Swedish myself.

I was looting some houses in Chernogorsk(i think) and someone saw me looting and asked if i was friendly.

I said yes and we teamed up. We played for a couple of hours and helped 2 other guys out in Cherno at nighttime. He asked me if i had skype and i said yes. (By now we both had found out we were both Swedish)

Been playing with him ever since.

That was last week.

This also happened again 2 days later.

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Myself and a friend were rummaging through Berenzino when we heard shots. So like good fellows we called out in chat for whoever was in Berezino to identify themselves as Friend or Foe. Luckily 2 other survivors replied saying they were friends. We later saw the other survivors in the supermarket and another survivor was telling them he was friendly and not to shoot him, but they hadn't spotted him yet as he was crawling toward them along the road. I informed them of his position as we were watching them just to make sure they were not bandits. They invited into the store to share their fire. We all decided to team up and check out the hospital as several of us had an infection and needed anti-biotics. We found none. We probably attracted every zombie in Berezino and fought them off though not without some trouble and decide to leave for greener pastures. After getting to another village and alerting 2 more hordes we decided it was time to call it and cut our losses. As we were low on ammo and blood. Made 2 new friends that day. Even if we were the worst group at avoiding trouble.

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Me and my mate had been traveling towards the NE airfield for the better part of the morning until he had to leave. We had seen begs for help in the chat for the majority of the trip: "please help me i'm a the NE airfield with no blood". We took this as a bandits filthy trick and paid it no more tought. After my buddy left near Vybor i decided to keep heading to the airfield by myself. The begs for help continued all the time.

The time i reached the wall on the runway i decided to ask this poor souls location.

"whats your location ToxicWorm?"

"on the nw airfield please help!"

"ok sorry im on the other airfield."

"well come here then!"

"sorry no can do, too long walk there. would take an hour to reach you."

I did not want to give away my position so i lied about being on the NW airfield. After carefully searching the whole airfield area i decided he was not there and was simply trying to lure me in for a sniper kill from a surrounding hill. I then told him i was at the airfield and did not find him:

"you were not here ToxicWorm, i searched the whole area."

"im here and need help!"

A long discussion about helping him followed. Once he told me he had a bandit outfit i just gave up on him. But in the meantime a true hero had emerged: Tom the Truckdriver! This man of the north had over 1000 zombie kills and claimed to have stayed alive for 23 days. This was someone i wanted to meet!

Tom offered to help ToxicWorm whom i had abandoned for being a bandit. After Tom being so trusting for a bandit i had no other option than go to the rendezvous point he had pointed out near Grishno.

All this had a sour taste for me but i decided to take the bait if there was one. We told our location in the global chat for everyone to see. It was a dangerous game on our part. After a while we decided to add each other on steam for hidden communication. This took some of the edge out from the meeting, thou i still was very paranoid about our wounded bandit.

I happened to reach Tom first, a he indeed was the paramount of good will. We swapped some gear and blood and everything went well.

After this i decided to stay close by waiting our bandit. He came and the tension was high. I kept my sniper pointed at hes head during the whole meeting.


He proved to be trustworthy fellow against all my paranoia. We built a campfire and roasted some beef to seal our pact of trust. 2012052400012.jpg

This was the story of saving bandit ToxicWorms ass and meeting the King of the North - Tom the Truckdriver!

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Kaipio : He saw me at the Docks of Cherno from his rifle scope, he told me to "STOP", and we joined up for some long term fun when it turns out he needed me to help him with a Blood Transfusion.

Jorwol : I was in Pusta, all alone, for about 30 minutes, I looted the entire town, then, when I turn around the corner, and saw a crouch-walking survivor. I had good loot, didn't want to take a chance, couldn't even see his name on this Hardcore server... I shot one bullet in his head, and apologized in the chat, saying I didn't take the risk. He told me that I could have asked him, then I told him I wouldn't take his beans, and i'll wait for him to come pick up his gear. That's how you make friends ! Shoot them in the head at 20 minutes into the North, tell them to get their gear back.

Swinzly : We were the only ones talking in the side chat, in a silent 40-men server. We decided to meet up, and we ended up being total douches to everybody else, lying, killing and looting all thoses pesky mute survivors. Well, what can I say ? Bandit fun times = the Server isn't so silent after all :3

If you meet any of thoses three guys, trust them with your life, but make sure to chat a lot. Nobody likes a mute Lunatic.

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