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just recently found a ghillie suit and saw a ton of people complain on the forums about problems...are those fixed yet? I haven't been able to find an update saying those are completely fixed.

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There's a lot of people saying it's working. And some saying it's not. I would dump my inventory on the ground and try it on, just in case. Be sure to dont drop everything on the ground at the same space thou.

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Did it spawn or did you find it in a tent/on a player?

Which version/beta patch are you running?

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Where did you find it? I haven't seen a camo suit or ghillie suit since, and I used to find them all the time...

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Did it spawn or did you find it in a tent/on a player?

Which version/beta patch are you running?

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i actually ripped it off a dead corpse that i killed after her proceeded to try to kill me with a shotgun...and im too wimp to try it on due to the fact i dont want to lose my amazing stats

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