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Dr Wasteland MD

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Signing off for a little

Ausmisc still needs help down near Kamenka if anyone can help

3 patients rescued and lots of distance traveled on foot, nothing like a brisk jog in the middle of the night :P

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Need a non-essential blood transfusion in Solnichy

Edit: Non-essential being not bleeding further, but still 4.8k isn't fun! Krasnostav now

Edited by jwjw

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Doctor Obvious is now available at your service!

Just poke me on the TWM Ts ^^


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Thank you Kowalski for making a long track and help me from imminent death

if you ever need help let me know bro


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Looking to get whitelisted, so if anybody needs help in NE please ring me up.

Offering free medical suplies and/or food (cooked meat).. and an extra gift for trusting me to get whitelisted: map / matches / hunting knife.

I've helped few people before but don't have any of their contact info. Got humanity of 4500, if anybody neds screenshot feel free to ask.

In game name: meshin

skype or TS3.. info's on PM

any questions ask

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lol anyone out there with the magical antibiotics - around NW airfield

Edited by Zendorean

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Broken leg. No morphine. Need assistance. Please either message me on the forums or add me on Steam: FaintPulse

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Medic back on duty.

Currently in the wilderness between Cherno and Elektro.

PM here and add on steam if help required.

Additionally - any medics with transport available for a lift up north (Berezino area) - you would save my poor legs!

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Many thanks to SoulShaper2, saved my life up near Berezino

I second this, soulshaper2 saved both of us, many thanks to him!

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I just wanted to thank TurkeyBacon and share the story of what happened.

Well the first problem we ran into was simply that we were using different versions of DayZ. So while I was updating, he went out gathering the necessary supplies to heal my broken leg (and some ammo). Then I attempted to join a server so we could start, except one server for some reason started me at the coast instead of near Mogilevka. Specifically the coast of Elektro (kinda on the outside of it). I assume the issue had to do with that I was using an old version of Arma 2. Then while I was updating the version of Arma 2, he unfortunately ran into some bandits.

So i finally figured out how to do that, and then some different bandits kill him before he could get to me. Oh and did I mention that this server I joined spawned me next to a zombie, while I was unarmed with a broken leg?

And then bandits killed him on his way around north of Elektro.

And then he finds a bus, and thinks "hey why not rescue him in a frikken bus?"

The bus blew up.

And then a miracle happened.

Presumably there was a shootout in Elektro as there were quite a few unlooted dead bodies. Among those corpses he found NV goggles, an AK, Morphine, a bloodbag, a sidearm and ammo and the rest of the supplies to last him quite a while.

This time he managed to get to me.

So the moral of the story is that medics are damn dedicated, and bandits be bitches.

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I want to say thank you to Obvious for helping me out after I got sick and then was shot up by bandits. Much love <3

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Thanks to Paradox, Sarge & Awesome-0 for the funtimes gearing up the new heli (that Paradox fail-parked!!!) that we can hopefully salvage.

Im down to do it all again today and will be lurking in TMW TS today starting at 1pm (GMT-8) (Pacifc Daylight Time) If anyone needs anything, im looking to get white listed so hit me up in their teamspeak.

Gave up my L85 (thermal rifle) last night to Paradox (*flexes dedication muscles*)

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Medic is online in the NE, Add me on steam: Soulshaper2 or poke me in TS: ts.ourdomain.me:9990

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TMW suffered at the hands of hackers last night AA gun shot down our heli and pilot. A couple guys got ambushed by silenced AKs! It was a rough day, but we persevere and I am back and ready to assist.

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Damn, after hearing what happened to Turkey after I left, the past two days have been a real tragedy for medics. Aside from me and him desperately trying to re-gear over and over, two other medics also got gunned down yesterday and Kydoimos lost his helicopter and his life while attempting to help me and Turkey.

Someone is out to kill us all...

Anyway, I'm available to help anyone near Elektro or Cherno. I don't have much right now, I'm working out of the starter pack. But I can reach you wherever you are (or die trying) with all basic medical supplies except antibiotics. Add me on steam (Askar) or PM me here for assistance.

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Damn, after hearing what happened to Turkey after I left, the past two days have been a real tragedy for medics. Aside from me and him desperately trying to re-gear over and over, two other medics also got gunned down yesterday and Kydoimos lost his helicopter and his life while attempting to help me and Turkey.

Someone is out to kill us all...

Anyway, I'm available to help anyone near Elektro or Cherno. I don't have much right now, I'm working out of the starter pack. But I can reach you wherever you are (or die trying) with all basic medical supplies except antibiotics. Add me on steam (Askar) or PM me here for assistance.

Paradox scored a new Heli last night (but it may need some work due to a parking job gone awry. Has some good loot in it too. Talk to him to find out the details.

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