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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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EDIT: Anthony (forumname gs3) has been assisted.

Thanks to Transporter1 and his group for the help.

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Need a transfusion near the NE airfield. Any takers?

Add me on Steam or PM me your Steam/Skype.

Whitelist Medic online for a couple hours with Heli for fast travel.

Edited by ProjectSeoul

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I would like to help Dr. Harry M.D. for the assistance he provided to me tonight on US IL 5 when I literally had to jump off a crane after i glitched through the floor. Thank you Dr. for the bandages and the blood transfusion and if there is a way I can repay you, just let me know

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I would like to help Dr. Harry M.D. for the assistance he provided to me tonight on US IL 5 when I literally had to jump off a crane after i glitched through the floor. Thank you Dr. for the bandages and the blood transfusion and if there is a way I can repay you, just let me know

Just glad you're okay. Let me know if you need any further assistance!

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Im about 15 minutes from there, I can help you although i'm not a whitelisted medic...

Saucy I added you to steam friends - boobs.

Edited by chanrobi

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I'm at Stary, my character name is Deathhunter_6666 and I need antibiotics for my infection. I never shot a survivor, only looted a few. I'm currently wearing a ghillie suit. I could give you a blood transfusion if you don't have full health.

Edit: I would trade my ghillie suit, if I have to :( .

Edit2: Two looks into the eastern hospital in Cherno and found antibiotics myself :-).

Edited by argagr

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Looking for help at Stary i have a broken leg and would love a morphine plz, only help me if ur close i dont want anyone going to extremes to help :) i have a server thats almost always empty but its a night server ( but its a server ). id appreciate the help from a fellow medic :)

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Hello survivors out there,

this time I'm in bad trouble.

I'm in Novy Sobor with broken legs, blood would be good, but isn't necessary. I searched the whole town, but without a hospital my chances are bad.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Fractal

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im heading that way now dude, i'll let you know when i'm near.

i should point out im not on the whitelist but if your willing take a chance on me i'd be glad to help.

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im heading that way now dude, i'll let you know when i'm near.

i should point out im not on the whitelist but if your willing take a chance on me i'd be glad to help.

I just got fixed up by this guy! A total recommendition for the whitelist from my side, that was fast as hell.

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Glad i could help! had a bit of a zombie conga line going for a while but managed to get rid of them in the end :blush:

Hanging around Stary Sobor for a while now if anyone else needs assistance.

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I'm 300 meters east of the Airfield, I'm in serious need of blood as I've got no matches to cook meat for blood and I literally can't see anything!

Any help appreticated, I got a blood bag and I've go no valuable things but am willing to trade some supplies for your help.

Steam: NiVoXE

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It's the one at the very top of the map, so I assume so :)

if you can help me I'd be in eternal dept to you!

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theres two airfields in the north, did you see how many hangers there was? the one in the north east has only 2 big hangers , but the north west airfield has a shit load.

also the northwest airfield is surrounded by trees, but the northeast is out in the open.

Edited by Fluxley58

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I'm at the North west airfield with 6 hangars just 300m east of it, are you nearby?

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@Dr Nobody

I'm not a trusted medic (yet) but i'd be happy to help, im in the south so if you like i can start heading your way then let you know when im close so you can log on.

got NVG's and GPS so night server is perfect :D

PM me or contact me on steam http://steamcommunit...61198020490195/

Sorry buddy a mate patched me up ( i wasnt in any immediate danger as i had 10000 blood :) ) but thanks anyway for the offer :D , if u ever run low on supplies ill be happy to help, ill be doing supply runs down into elktro and cherno now that i at least have a bike :P PM me on here if u ever need back up or want a good server to do medic trips :) ( but its a right now )

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Hello survivors out there,

this time I'm in bad trouble.

I'm in Novy Sobor with broken legs, blood would be good, but isn't necessary. I searched the whole town, but without a hospital my chances are bad.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

i am in the exact same situation. ave looted everything i can find. i dont really have any good gear. am very new to the game and just looking to survive.

Ave never killed anyone, and i dont plan on doing so in the near future. Am hiding about a 100 meters north-east from Novy Sobor in some bushes.

Edit: I can jump on any server you need me to!

Edited by mariolicious

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@NVXEE yeah im just past Grishino east of the NWairfield, be there soon

@Dr Nobody, np man, glad you got sorted, and thanks for the offer :) im sure an extra pair of eyes will come in handy one day.

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@NVXEE yeah im just past Grishino east of the NWairfield, be there soon

@Dr Nobody, np man, glad you got sorted, and thanks for the offer :) im sure an extra pair of eyes will come in handy one day.

Yer your welcome buddy, im just looking to get whitelisted to :P

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