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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Need morphine: I'm stuck in electro on top of the powerplant's warehouse with broken legs.. I've finally got some decent loot to start my journey north and I lagged off the tower's roof... scared to crawl to the hospital, need help :/ PM me or Steam: number_forty_seven47

WTF are you doing up there lol.. contact me on steam and i try to get to you

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Hey, I'm North of Berezino and have a cold, if any medics have anti biotics let me know thanks

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Sorry Derek I can't even join a game. My internet is acting up tonight so hopefully there is another medic in your area. Just keep up with these posts and someone will aid U ;)

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could use antibiotics near nw airfield, have an atv so can get to you

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Wow great story man. Are U trying to become a medic? Either way its always good to save someone especially someone whos new at the game. Makes their experience better than them being shot in the face every time they spawn. Kuddos for going out of your way especially when things went to shitl. Made the ultimate sacrifice to save another :P

Thanks, I am looking to be a medic so when the doctor gets back I'll work on that. It's a lot more fun to have a purpose in this game than just scavenge pointlessly.

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could use antibiotics near nw airfield, have an atv so can get to you

I have antiboidics but you'll need to come south.

Add me on steam : Le'newb

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Thanks, I am looking to be a medic so when the doctor gets back I'll work on that. It's a lot more fun to have a purpose in this game than just scavenge pointlessly.

Well I am White Listed so if U need help with patients I am glad to assist. Right now I am having issues with my internet so I probably wont be on tonight :( But in the future we can travel around helping others. Are U looking to become White Listed or part of the TMW?

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Friend just flipped the atv while taking fire at the airfield so I won't be able to make it far atm

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I would really like to work with a medic to helpout in anyway I can. Reading these stories really hits home with how I would like to play this game. Thanks to Trooper yesterday as I am still alive today, I would like to do my part and help out. If any medic is interested or wouldn't mind the company pm me or add me on steam: Mobeavenger I'm near Zelenogorsk right now, if anyone that helps dwindle down who may be interested.

Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

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Broken bones, I'm between Khelm and Berezino.

I can fix you up. Add me on steam.

Edited by Snortan

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Well I am White Listed so if U need help with patients I am glad to assist. Right now I am having issues with my internet so I probably wont be on tonight :( But in the future we can travel around helping others. Are U looking to become White Listed or part of the TMW?

For now just white list since I don't know how consistently I will be able to play, and I have somewhat restricted communication because mics and headphones don't work on my computer, so I don't have skype or ts. :blush:

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Hey, I got pretty messed up at the NWAF. Broken bones and in need of blood. Any help would be awesome.

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I need morphine due to a broken leg, Im just N of the factory on the outskirts of electro and would greatly appreciate help

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If anyone needs help in the cherno-elektro area I'm back in action with a backpack and inventory full of supplies.

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Hey Mobes12. I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm somewhat new (got the game during steam summer sale) and I've finally gathered up some equipment and headed north. I have a tent setup close to green mountain and Zelonogorsk. I'm not a medic but I helped out a couple medics on the forum when I was near the coast. Perhaps you and I can team up and at least stock up on some things and maybe find a vehicle? I've been playing solo and could use some co op gameplay. Let me know if you are interested.

Steam ID: The Bear Jew

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Got wacked earlier today near the NW Airfield by some no-good piece of ****.

I'd like to thank the 7+ people I've meet through this forum that did not shoot me on sight even when they had no idea who I was. This is a wonderful community that has given me the faith to give other players the benefit of the doubt. Some have even given me some aid/equipment which has helped save myself and other players in the game. That being said, I'm back in my old stomping grounds on the southwest coast! If any fellow medics need anything I am willing to resupply them with anything I have so long as a I can keep a basic weapon, watch, compass, and some easy-to-find survival stuff so that I can continue to support myself and aid others in High-Risk areas, but with less risk of losing high-value items to afformentioned bandits who only deserve a bullet.

--- Means of Contact ---

Skype: RogueOperator (AKA Bones McCoy)

Forum: Operator

Steam: Too Buggy to use with DayZ...

Good Luck out there everyone.

Edited by Operator

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I need morphine due to a broken leg, Im just N of the factory on the outskirts of electro and would greatly appreciate help

im right by you m8

Need morphine: I'm stuck in electro on top of the powerplant's warehouse with broken legs.. I've finally got some decent loot to start my journey north and I lagged off the tower's roof... scared to crawl to the hospital, need help :/ PM me or Steam: number_forty_seven47

im there at the moment. couldn't find you on steam.

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I'm near the fire station @ the NW airfield, my server got invaded by hackers and all my clan mates including me got teleported there with a bunch of satchel charges around us. I survived but I've bandaged myself but I'm badly in need of a blood transfusion :3

Skype : Azepro23

Steam : Natas2136

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trout helped me out like a boss with the antibiotics

thanks for bein a bro, bro

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