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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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From now on I make my services available as a Medic. I'm on the European servers, such as LU, UK, DE. Contact me if you need medical help.


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On route to NW AF solely for sh!ts n giggles. Anyone on the way is welcome to medical assists. Contact info in my sig

Edited by Paraskies

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Hello everyone! I have been interested in Dayz for a few weeks, but reading this thread the other day pushed me to get it. I love what you have started here, and hope to someday persue a similar service.

At the moment I am near Novy Sobor at roughly (75,73) with a broken bone. Since you all do this for fun, and since it doesn't sound like much fun to crawl for hours... I thought I'd give this a try!

If anyone is available, my steam name is The_Uprising and my skype is Armalitus. I can also hop onto vent or ts3 if needed. I'm currently hunting sheep, and will be logging in about an hour.

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Hello everyone! I have been interested in Dayz for a few weeks, but reading this thread the other day pushed me to get it. I love what you have started here, and hope to someday persue a similar service.

At the moment I am near Novy Sobor at roughly (75,73) with a broken bone. Since you all do this for fun, and since it doesn't sound like much fun to crawl for hours... I thought I'd give this a try!

If anyone is available, my steam name is The_Uprising and my skype is Armalitus. I can also hop onto vent or ts3 if needed. I'm currently hunting sheep, and will be logging in about an hour.

Right nearby, add my steam handle in sig.

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I'm located on the roof of the hospital in cherno, by the apartments, if anyone who has antibiotics wants to trade for them let me know.

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After figuring out how to add people on steam(you have to do "add friend", simple player search doesn't work) I contacted Paraskies to ask for help. He sent me to a quiet server, I gave him my coords, and he gave me his ETA. He found me in no time(in the dark) and despite my noobish inability to put away my handgun(double-tapping ctrl wasn't working) he administered the morphine that I requested and even broke me off with some extra meat. First class service for sure!

Paraskies should definitely be added to the white-list imo

Thanks again!

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So if you see a blue van driving around full of people chances are its us in the Ambulance so please dont shoot us, and if we do help you and offer you a weapon from the van and you try and take the Bizon SD and its ammo you will be taking a bullet in the head as a bonus free gift ;)

I figure if you have someone over direct comms attempting to make the sound of an ambulance (WHEEE-WAHHHHH-WEEEE-WAHHHHH) that would help, both from identifying it as an ambulance and for providing a bit of brevity in a fairly serious game.


Back up in vic of Electro. Lemme know if you need help!

Edited by Udak

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MikaelM reports as ordered.

After adding sya on Steam we went on to save greg in Berezino. While sya, Ben, Smack and Terror drove their van to Berezino I tried to get to the patient per pedes. All went according to plan when an Infected unconscious-hit me while I was alt-tabbing to look for updates on this very thread before he devoured me. After the group found greg and aided him, they went out to look for my remains, took what they deemed useful and let my corpse lay on the ground because the Infected seemed so hungry. In the meantime, I respawned at the worst location possible: Kamenka. Without food or water I ran as fast as my feet could've taken me to where I suspected NE to be.

Turned out that I'm as geographically lost ingame as I am in real life because I managed to end up in Shakhovka when I was aiming for Gorka. sya wanted me to take the road towards Dolina as they were on their way to give me a ride. With only two directions to go I still managed to take the wrong one and so I got to Staroye where I fought around 40 Zeds in the small barn. While doing so I was about to die of thirst because I was so smart and did not have anything to drink with me. Luckily a corpse had a coke and I had two seconds of peace - until I started to starve. With 1,7k blood left sya and his team fixed me up and together we went on a long journey in which I killed more Infected than all previous incarnations together.


sya and his team fixed me up while having an epic gunfight inside a small barn. Five people with shotguns, rifles etc. and a huge pile of bodies before them. True medics.

I nearly got myself killed again shortly after our departure and I found another antibiotic. Either the spawn rate has increased or I'm just a lucky bastard when it comes down to this.

A picture of said gunfight in the barn can found here:



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anyone near zelenogorsk?

i am there for 2 days with a broken leg

i think i will commit suicide.

is there any chance to find morphine in zelengorsk?

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I figure if you have someone over direct comms attempting to make the sound of an ambulance (WHEEE-WAHHHHH-WEEEE-WAHHHHH) that would help, both from identifying it as an ambulance and for providing a bit of brevity in a fairly serious game.

I was doiing that for a bit yesterday, didnt want to annoy the others on teamspeak too much though :lol:

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Tired medic in the area around Berezino reporting for duty.

[...] Also, if anyone can let me know how you do the spoiler thing for posts where the text is hidden and you have to press the spoiler button to show the text that would be great. As it stands this is a bit long lol

You can either mark your text and hit the "Special BB-Code"-Button (the third one from top left) and select Spoiler in the drop-down menu or you simply write [spoiler ][/ spoiler] around it (without the spaces of course).

Edited by MikaelM
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After figuring out how to add people on steam(you have to do "add friend", simple player search doesn't work) I contacted Paraskies to ask for help. He sent me to a quiet server, I gave him my coords, and he gave me his ETA. He found me in no time(in the dark) and despite my noobish inability to put away my handgun(double-tapping ctrl wasn't working) he administered the morphine that I requested and even broke me off with some extra meat. First class service for sure!

Paraskies should definitely be added to the white-list imo

Thanks again!

Not a problem! I then went off and had a fun adventure with the server admin who was talking to us in hopes to find a Ghillie or Camo to make my sneaky sneaky medic tactics easier but no luck! Still a very cool guy from vVv(?). However he did warn his clan is KoS most times so a fair warning to any medics on that server, but they aren't all bad!

Quite the fun.

Also signing off for the night, will be back around same start time tomorrow!

Edited by Paraskies

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Just wanted to thank EvilSWAT for helping me with a blood transfusion and restoring me from 380 blood level!!

Immediate help, even though I didn't know where I was at first, since the server let me respawn somewhere totally different.

Fucking great job!!!

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I was at the top of the ACT Tower in NWA and i added Smack on steam and he went from Stary to Berezino just to get me the correct meds to ficx me up. BTW His name is Smack if you didnt catch my drift.

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Long story short, joined a hacked server and lost all my inventory :(

I got an AS50 with 7 mags, but lost my m4sd. Just gave away the as50 as i hate sniping.

plus side, resupplying in Electro just won me some antibiotics.

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I was at the top of the ACT Tower in NWA and i added Smack on steam and he went from Stary to Berezino just to get me the correct meds to ficx me up. BTW His name is Smack if you didnt catch my drift.

And this is what happened after that :D http://cloud-2.steam...1D4BF973C55385/

I fired my M14 (woops) and shitloads of zeds came after us. We had a nice looting around NWA though.

Edit: I was on 120 zombies when I started the rescue. LOL

And Im still available for meds btw. Hit me up on steam if u need anything.

Edited by SmacknTumble

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I can report that I have now two tents with plenty of medical supplies. ^_^

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I'm in need of antibiotics and I would really appreciate if someone could give me, I'm in the South-east area.

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As I stated previous, I've got antibiotics and am in Electro. Glad to help out! steamid is udak

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I'm in need of antibiotics and I would really appreciate if someone could give me, I'm in the South-east area.

If one is sufficient, I'll be on my way. Hit me up on PM or add me otherwise.

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Is anyone still on duty? I am near Vybor and desperate for a blood transfusion. I don't have a bag on me at the moment but I can get one in return in under 5 mins from my stash If I need to. Other med supplies I could trade as well if needed. I have 2982 blood, and I am just a Helpless girl. I need help please!

+Thanks a ton Doc B!+

Edited by Helpless Girl
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I'm at Gorka at the moment, but I'm heading to NW so I can help you out.

Add me on steam.

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Appreciation for Udak helping me with antibiotics :)

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