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Love and beans given to Mr.

Niko Kalmeka

He came tooting in a big truck, and saved my life. Even offered me lift ;)

I am very grateful, as my present character has been getting under my skin.

Was on a nightraid in Cherno, but it went south in a hurry.

Managed to get NW a bit, feeding of chickens along the way.

My lowest bloodlevel was 700'ish, but managed to raise it to approx 2500.

Ramdomly passing out while waiting for Mr Kalmeka

Ty very much ;)

No Problem at. Just doing my job.

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Any medic available to give me some blood? I have the blood packs, but sadly no way to dose myself. I had an unfortunate start in Cherno. I crawled my way out, headed Northwest. Trying to get to a safe rendevous area.

Just topped off my med supplies in cherno. Where you want to meet? Preferably send me a friend request on steam(id on my profile), I don't check here as often.

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Anyone available at NW airfleidl asap?

Got a Bandit kill out of a near death experience at least.. What's NvG's worth nowadays..?

Edited by Dean050

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I'm at Stary, can get to the NW airfield fairly quick.

Steam : Snortan

Edited by Snortan

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Oops sorry for my recent post, it turns out Im in Cherno! I can barely see I have such low blood so if anyone can provide a transfusion it would be much appreciated:) I have the blood bags!

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Oops sorry for my recent post, it turns out Im in Cherno! I can barely see I have such low blood so if anyone can provide a transfusion it would be much appreciated:) I have the blood bags!

If no one else has gotten to you yet, I'm still near Cherno. Add me on steam, my username is Prizza (look for the same picture as my avatar here).

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If no one else has gotten to you yet, I'm still near Cherno. Add me on steam, my username is Prizza (look for the same picture as my avatar here).


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If no one else has gotten to you yet, I'm still near Cherno. Add me on steam, my username is Prizza (look for the same picture as my avatar here).

I added you on steam

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I wish to give "Fonzie" my life time of beans. i just added him on steam via a different person on this list even tho he is northeast and im southeast he is still coming to my aid.

Im so greatfull to this group of players for saving my life. Thank you.

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THC Connor and Brony both cleared. Still in vicinity of Cherno

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This is really amazing! When I first started this game the other day, my goal was to lone-wolf it for the most part. Maybe engage in some deathmatch-style tomfoolery in the future when I got the hang of things.

This thread has inspired me towards a more pacifist lifestyle and a long-term goal of being a field medic. Although, it seems like resisting the bandit life while still thriving is like playing this game on hardmode.

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This is really amazing! When I first started this game the other day, my goal was to lone-wolf it for the most part. Maybe engage in some deathmatch-style tomfoolery in the future when I got the hang of things.

This thread has inspired me towards a more pacifist lifestyle and a long-term goal of being a field medic. Although, it seems like resisting the bandit life while still thriving is like playing this game on hardmode.

Glad to hear we have been an inspiration!

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This is really amazing! When I first started this game the other day, my goal was to lone-wolf it for the most part. Maybe engage in some deathmatch-style tomfoolery in the future when I got the hang of things.

This thread has inspired me towards a more pacifist lifestyle and a long-term goal of being a field medic. Although, it seems like resisting the bandit life while still thriving is like playing this game on hardmode.

While I'm not sure this is the right place for it, I'd like to point out that while banditry is at an all-time high it is still an essential part of gameplay. Someone has to be the bad-guy, especially since the zeds can't run indoors.

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MikaelM reports as ordered.

After adding sya on Steam we went on to save greg in Berezino. While sya, Ben, Smack and Terror drove their van to Berezino I tried to get to the patient per pedes. All went according to plan when an Infected unconscious-hit me while I was alt-tabbing to look for updates on this very thread before he devoured me. After the group found greg and aided him, they went out to look for my remains, took what they deemed useful and let my corpse lay on the ground because the Infected seemed so hungry. In the meantime, I respawned at the worst location possible: Kamenka. Without food or water I ran as fast as my feet could've taken me to where I suspected NE to be.

Turned out that I'm as geographically lost ingame as I am in real life because I managed to end up in Shakhovka when I was aiming for Gorka. sya wanted me to take the road towards Dolina as they were on their way to give me a ride. With only two directions to go I still managed to take the wrong one and so I got to Staroye where I fought around 40 Zeds in the small barn. While doing so I was about to die of thirst because I was so smart and did not have anything to drink with me. Luckily a corpse had a coke and I had two seconds of peace - until I started to starve. With 1,7k blood left sya and his team fixed me up and together we went on a long journey in which I killed more Infected than all previous incarnations together.


sya and his team fixed me up while having an epic gunfight inside a small barn. Five people with shotguns, rifles etc. and a huge pile of bodies before them. True medics.

I nearly got myself killed again shortly after our departure and I found another antibiotic. Either the spawn rate has increased or I'm just a lucky bastard when it comes down to this.

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I'm in need of some blood. I am near the town of Gorka - I can offer you a Morphine Injector in return.

Steam: Darundo

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I'm no medic, but I'd love to help the cause if I can and help with recon/overwatch when responding to patients. I don't have any rep to back this up as I started playing a few days ago, but I'm learning quickly and really want to help others out and play with a few other people

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Request assistance in berezino appartments, bleeding bad no bandage, i have a blood bag for transfuse though

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