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Dr Wasteland MD

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Someryguy, you where trying to start up a team. did you shoot each other in the process? :)

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Thanks to Bombadil personally and to all other guys that do this for all your help! You are amazing!

You're welcome bud, glad I could help!

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Between a rock and a hard place....

I am in dire need of a transfusion(or cow). I have no bloodgear myself, but can offer in return my help in

another situation or something from my gear (except axe or revolver).

Just NE of Kozlovka and mobile.

Down to 900 bloodlevel - nightraid in Cherno gone bad ;)

Add me if you need help http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035656886

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I am online and currently IVO Elektro if anyone needs medical assistance. I might be maken my way to Cherno to meet up with a body guard.

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I'm available again, but quite backed up with requests through steam. I will do my best to get around to everyone through steam as well as the forums!

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Waz up ladies? I'm currently operating west side of map. MASH unit ready to role... call for help! Add me on Steam

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Junior QC and Moonwalker are both taken care of...anyone else still need treatment?

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Ladder took my legs out and I have no morphine. I'm willing to offer my spare bandages, food and drink, or even some ammo to whoever can help out.

My steam is nashbem, I also have skype if needed.


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Junior QC and Moonwalker are both taken care of...anyone else still need treatment?

Patched me up from 300 blood :thumbsup:

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Nope we were holding out against a horde and some missfire from our sniper and he hit me down to 2 k blood it was a miricle i survived anyway

I think I have two blood bags left and I'm actually still in mogil from healing up moonwalker...if you're still not helped this could be a quick job. My steamid is on my profile on this forum; i sent you a skype request.

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Ladder took my legs out and I have no morphine. I'm willing to offer my spare bandages, food and drink, or even some ammo to whoever can help out.

My steam is nashbem, I also have skype if needed.


Just added u on steam. give me a hollar

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Ladder took my legs out and I have no morphine. I'm willing to offer my spare bandages, food and drink, or even some ammo to whoever can help out.

My steam is nashbem, I also have skype if needed.


Generalized locational data, like "near [insert town]" help us to try and figure out whether reaching you is feasible. Coords are nice, but certainly not necessary at the preliminary stages.

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Generalized locational data, like "near [insert town]" help us to try and figure out whether reaching you is feasible. Coords are nice, but certainly not necessary at the preliminary stages.

Udak, he is west of gorka. To far for me as I have atask closer. can u or someone else help him?

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Available near Cherno/Balota...

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Oh heh, I'm at Gorka, just west of it at a deer stand.

Gonna take care of this one. Already in contact

Edited by goodcat

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If anyone can give me a blood transfusion in Elektro PM me please!

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Ladder took my legs out and I have no morphine. I'm willing to offer my spare bandages, food and drink, or even some ammo to whoever can help out.

My steam is nashbem, I also have skype if needed.


Udak, he is west of gorka. To far for me as I have atask closer. can u or someone else help him?

I'm on it

added you to steam

edit: someone beat me to it

Edited by GreasyMnky

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Any medic available to give me some blood? I have the blood packs, but sadly no way to dose myself. I had an unfortunate start in Cherno. I crawled my way out, headed Northwest. Trying to get to a safe rendevous area.

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Love and beans given to Mr.

Niko Kalmeka

He came tooting in a big truck, and saved my life. Even offered me lift ;)

I am very grateful, as my present character has been getting under my skin.

Was on a nightraid in Cherno, but it went south in a hurry.

Managed to get NW a bit, feeding of chickens along the way.

My lowest bloodlevel was 700'ish, but managed to raise it to approx 2500.

Ramdomly passing out while waiting for Mr Kalmeka

Ty very much ;)

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