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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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frost, hit me up on steam, as i am by novy, which is not far from you. your buddy needs antibiotics, which i do not have, but i can get you and him both fully healed and leave you with some meats to keep combating the sickness.

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ok, i just tried a different server and i was back in the deer stand with a broken leg... wtf?

i'm at 48, 107 just outside of Koslovka


still looking for a medic

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Need morphine for my broken legs if someone can help. I am in Kozlovka. If anyone that can help pm's me I'l disclose what server. Thanks medics!

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This is absolutely ridiculous..


This is the M-O-S-T A-B-S-U-R-D thing I have EVER heard. I am disgusted.

I'll tell you what going on when the player got shot. I was offline from dayz. And had told him to get to the barn before I reconnected so that I could join to be given blood.

I have read all your messages, and even if i dont post much here i pretty much read every post that gets on this thread...

1st thing i would like to say is that i understand your anger of the mistrust you are getting here and if you are innocent thats to bad!

But i think you go about it in a very immature way with the raging and all that, if you would just have shared youre side of the story in a calm, slightly more mature way im sure someone would have given you a chance to clear youre name, i know I personally would but to be honest...

I do have some issues with ppl acting out and raging, and i do not really feel the urge to give you a shot at redemption anymore...

Anyways... best of luck to you m8 and i hope someone will give you a shot!

As I said ... it's up to the individual ... or group :D I'm sure your method is safer but I've been an indie Medic throughout. While I could certainly use a large thuggish, hulking henchman (not that I'm suggesting your group is either large or thug ... never mind, you know what I mean) I don't go into the NW Airfield and my methods seem to work most of the time.

The great thing about Day Z is that it affords the opportunity to do whatever you like, for good or ill, and your group performs a vital function. Of course considering the places you tend to go you really do NEED a group of large, thugg ... there I go again :D

Vive le difference...


Thats what i LOVE about this mod... there are so many different ways to play it and none of them is right or wrong!

The reason why we mainly go into those areas that are dangerous is cuz most medics wont set there foot there and its also grate fun if you engage other players =)

It gives us more then gear when we go in those areas and since we are pretty loaded with gear and dont need that much, this makes it so much rewarding!

Also we are no carebears and this is a great way to give something back to the community =)

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ATTENTION ALL MEDICS Im currently east of novy heading to stary then NW. I have a few extra med supplies(everything except antibiotics) i would be willing to give to the cause. Reaper has saved me twice already and would like to return the favor to someone.

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Hey, this is my first post, just started the game. Got myself some basic stuff, would love to be helped out.. Currently on 2,000 blood. I can't really move (due to not being able to see where I'm going).

I'm at the high low value farm (according to this map http://dayzmap.com/) at Kamyshovo. If anyone can help I would be very happy!

Edited by Zurrgle

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Hey, this is my first post, just started the game. Got myself some basic stuff, would love to be helped out.. Currently on 2,000 blood. I can't really move (due to not being able to see where I'm going).

I'm at the high value barn (according to this map http://dayzmap.com/) at Kamyshovo. If anyone can help I would be very happy!

First, the are no high value barns. Second, you've just started the game, so you may not know this. But a medical assistance is quite dangerous for the medic and if you JUST started the game it's probably better to just learn from your mistakes and start over.

That being said, I'm quite sure someone will help you anyway, but I wanted you to know that.

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First, the are no high value barns. Second, you've just started the game, so you may not know this. But a medical assistance is quite dangerous for the medic and if you JUST started the game it's probably better to just learn from your mistakes and start over.

That being said, I'm quite sure someone will help you anyway, but I wanted you to know that.

Yeah I already corrected myself, it's a low value farm. OK, I will just kill myself, don't really have anything of value to put others at risk :P

Edited by Zurrgle

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Looking for assistance - NW airfield 100meters SE of the South High Yield barracks. Need a transfusion and morphine, got blood. PM me.

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I need some help. I am in grishino. I was travelling to the airstrip when I noticed I was thirsty. Went to get some more water when I started loosing blood from being hungry and thirsty. I think I am at 2k or 3k blood. I need some food, water. I have a blood pack in my bag.

edit- i died.. damn

Edited by girango

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I need some help. I am in grishino. I was travelling to the airstrip when I noticed I was thirsty. Went to get some more water when I started loosing blood from being hungry and thirsty. I think I am at 2k or 3k blood. I need some food, water. I have a blood pack in my bag.

edit- i died.. damn

Awe man, i was in your area, next time log out and wait for someone.

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Hey! I hope I can trust of your medics! I have a broken leg, am bleeding, and most likely need a blood pack not to mention unconsious. I have all the items someone needs to heal me in my backpack. Can someone help me? if i can get help I will say where. By the way I am logged out and can log back in to be treated whenever and IF a medic can help and arrive

edit- this is worth while i have an aks-kobra and 9 mags not to mention and m1911 with several and a PDW with 1 mag, also alot of food water an alice pack AND a flashlight, military flashlight, binoculars, NV goggles, gps, map, watch, compass, hunting knife, hatchet, entrenching tool, and matches.

Edited by xXShootToKillXx

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Hey! I hope I can trust of your medics! I have a broken leg, am bleeding, and most likely need a blood pack not to mention unconsious. I have all the items someone needs to heal me in my backpack. Can someone help me? I am in Zelenogorsk, if i can get help I will say where. By the way I am logged out and can log back in to be treated whenever and IF a medic can help and arrive

edit- this is worth while i have an aks-kobra and 9 mags not to mention and m1911 with several and a PDW with 1 mag, also alot of food water an alice pack AND a flashlight, military flashlight, binoculars, NV goggles, gps, map, watch, compass, hunting knife, hatchet, entrenching tool, and matches.

Let me see if I've got this straight, you've got a name of xXShootToKillXx and YOU want to know if you can trust US? :D

Check out the OP, we've all been vetted many times by many players. If you see a medic on the TMW list you can take it to the bank. We'll go out of our way and risk our own virtual lives to help you and ask nothing in return. That's true of RMG and 5th Element as well.

I'll be out of town for the next three days but I'm sure someone here will be along shortly with what you need ...

{edit} That being said ... everyone has to make their own decision about who to help ... something about this strikes me as ... dangerous. But then I'm a big chicken ...


Edited by Joe Shaw
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Looking for assistance - NW airfield 100meters SE of the South High Yield barracks. Need a transfusion and morphine, got blood. PM me.

Noone? Could really do with this.

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Noone? Could really do with this.

Not many medics like to go to the nwaf alone, since they will probably die.

You might get lucky though

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snake, message me on steam if you still need help.

just wanted to give some BIG props to jackwhitter (wooDy). not only did he repair my broken leg, but a few minutes later after we split up he found a downed chopper and sent me a message with the coordinates.

absolutely awesome!!

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I could crawl to the high yield barn south, if it seemed safer.

lol im in cherno.. how bad do you want that transfusion?

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Made an account just to commend these selfless individuals.

I'm a newbie at DayZ and was having the best run in my two weeks of playing. Found a 24 slot bag, 2 primary weapons and 2 sidearms. Was also good with food and water. I was at a fatal 800 blood and no friends whatsoever to administer a blood transfusion. I found this thread hoping for salvation.

Low and behold, I found it. My rescuer was pastyfarian. Awesome guy who sailed across the sea just to save me from bleeding out, in the pitch black night, no less.

He was even nice enough to give me a map, binoculars and a compass, vital assets that I was currently lacking and was in dire need for. As if that wasn't enough, he even gave me my first coop experience in DayZ, and it was a blast. He took me along his trip to Berezino, which was across the map from where we were, to get medical supplies. It was a painful journey because of my lack of night vision goggles and the downpour. Made it almost impossible to navigate without his assistance.

It was glorious. Just wanted to share my measly story here and to vouch for the great and selfless group of players known as TMW. I'm hoping I can return the favor to them once I grow more accustomed to the game.

Thanks again pasty. I hope to travel with you once again.

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I am near Kamenka and in need of blood, down to 3200, can you help? my steam name is GeoZombie

Edited by GeoZombie

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How do I contact a meic on the list?

Two ways, you can friend anyone on the OP in your general area on Steam and send a PM ... or you can just tell us here what you need and generally where you are and anyone who is in the area can pick it up. I'm not available right now but others may be able to help.


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