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How do I make a secret stash?

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Hey, so, I keep dying a lot, and losing valuable stuff, and having to find new shit again, so obviously, I want to make a stash with some basics, like a gun, some blood packs, and so on, but there's a few things i'm wondering.

- Do things stay on the ground forever?

- If they do, do they stay only on the server you dropped them on, or on every server?

- Is there any other way to make secret stashes?

Thanks in advance! I'm tired of being unarmed after I die :) It's time to up the odds in my favor!

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Find a tent,

Place Tent

Stock tent

Hope tent stays.

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My best advice would be to hunt for a tent or vehicle and put your goods in there. I would highly advise to put this on a medium populated server so you can rely on it being there.

IMO your better off not stashing weapons, this makes the game a lot more fun and realistically if you have everything ready when you die it gets a little boring.

Like they say the chase is better than the kill.

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If you place a tent it remains on that server only.

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So, it only stays on the server where you left it? Or it is created once you log in and disappears when you log out?

@ Jayke it's not finding weapons I find fun, that's just an annoyance, what I like is crawling through cities with my friend urban warfare style.

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If you're not looking for weapons/gear, why would you go crawling through the city in the first place?

The tent stays on the server even after you log off, and other players can get into it, so be sure to hide it well.

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If you're not looking for weapons/gear, why would you go crawling through the city in the first place?

The tent stays on the server even after you log off, and other players can get into it, so be sure to hide it well.

Because it's dangerous, that's why I find it fun, and there is PvP

Edited by Thorzen

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