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My best friend shot me in the back..

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My Fucking best mate just shot me in the back of the head!!!!!


he then immediatly went off teamspeak

not answeing my texts!?!


when i see him next he is dead, in the face

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Kick his ass and post pics.

/edit: Nice keywords btw :D

Edited by Rolle

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Good shit, tell us how the rest of your life goes without your best friend.

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My Fucking best mate ....

when i see him next he is dead, in the face

friendship is over I guess :)

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I guess he ment Inet best friend? Otherwise, not in the nuts, since only girls do that, right in tha face.

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Not sure if "best friend" really is the words u should use here.

Also, DayZ shows true colors i guess :D

I let my friend die in a 2v2 firefight just so i could run away. He wasn't to happy either.

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talk him round, get him back on side, then shoot him.

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i had nvgs, bur it's all good, its just a game..... >:( i taught him everything he knows. im gonna get him on his loot path :D

he wont enjoy those sweet nvgs for long,

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i actually think will have some IRL impact lol. *breathe* its just a game *breathe*

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