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International Airfield >.>

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So, after randomly respawning in a town roughly 20 minutes away from the international airfield (i thought u could only spawn on the beach?) and running TOWARDS the ocean, figuring out where i was n having to run back, I finally made it to the airfield where the "big boys" play. Luckily for me, no one was around but I was truly disheartened. I was hoping to find a sniper rifle of some sort and maybe some camo but I did however come across an AKM and that one full auto uzi pistol thingy. But I'm at a loss... I really want a sniper rifle as when I've come across other players we wind up killing one another, or i wind up with a broken leg and get picked off buy the guy's bandit buddy while I'm trying to crawl away. So my question is - WHERE ARE THE FRIGGIN SNIPERS SPAWNING AT! INB4 Barns lol. And yes, I've tried several different low pop servers and checked both barrackses, the firestation and all 6 hangars (the 4 clustered and the 2 a little farther down)

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I guess I just have really rotten luck then.... Ive logged almost 50 hours now and have never even SEEN a player with a sniper rifle or found one, but yet again I suppose I'm lucky for that one. I just want to get my hands on one so i could *cough* make sure OTHER people aren't camping on top firestations *cough* or other conspicuous buildings.

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sniper rifles are very rare + barracks etc are looted by serverhoppers especially in lowpopservers.

try to find some hidden wrecked helis.

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I guess I just have really rotten luck then.... Ive logged almost 50 hours now and have never even SEEN a player with a sniper rifle or found one, but yet again I suppose I'm lucky for that one. I just want to get my hands on one so i could *cough* make sure OTHER people aren't camping on top firestations *cough* or other conspicuous buildings.

Something could be arranged. ;)

Lol. Truthfully I don't like to PK, unless I have to. I'm more the secluded type.

However when I'm at stary or nw airfield it is no holds barred because of the dangers.

A few poor souls have gotten an AS50 round to the head.

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