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Bad Version, Server rejection connection

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It's currently 4:18 am est time 7/20/2012. I just updated my sixupdater which is what i use to play dayz. and i downloaded both arma 2 and arma oa off steam. it was working fine until the most recent update to sixupdater. now when i click a server or quick match i get "Bad version, server rejection connection." Also, on the multiplayer screen for internet dayz servers it says i have 1.61 in red and requires 1.61 so i dont understand what i need to update. please someone reply.

EDIT: 10:58 am est 7/20/10

What works for me is instead of using the six updated to connect to a certain server, i just click the launch button using sixupdater to launch the game and go to multiplayer and sort the servers by name. the servers with a yellow "?" or green circle will work. the red servers will not. works for me. just gotta wait for servers to update i heard typing "95168" to filter the servers will work but u one of my friends was started with a new characters so i dont wanna try that.

Edited by haederjonny

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Pretty sure there was just an update, and most of the serversmost likely aren't updated yet.

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Same problem also. And im unable to downgrade back a version to play on the servers my friends play on.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 8:32 AM, euser said:

Pretty sure there was just an update, and most of the serversmost likely aren't updated yet.

That's what I was thinking. I could get onto the 95170 server, but it still had a "Wait for Host" message.

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In your SixLauncher search bar above the server list type "95168" i can connect to these no problem after i patched 5mins ago.

- Artful Dodger

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^^ This patch doesn't seem to be backwards compatible. So if you update to it, you will need to wait to all the servers update to it to before being able to go on them.

I can only go on about 6 servers at the moment, as i had six updater to automatically download updates

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You should be able to connect to the 95168 servers just fine. The others haven't updated yet.

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There are no '168.

its either '100 or the next ones are '170

I dont know why they have to release updates every 5 minutes. Each day I must try for about an hour to get this game working before I can play it.

Alpha or not, ita an absolute farce. I know its not bent to be smooth sailing, but why force the clients to updat and not the servers? Joke.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 9:34 AM, mikey182 said:

There are no '168.

its either '100 or the next ones are '170

That's odd. I'm able to type in the search "95168" and 124 servers come up in the search result.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 9:34 AM, mikey182 said:

There are no '168.

its either '100 or the next ones are '170

I dont know why they have to release updates every 5 minutes. Each day I must try for about an hour to get this game working before I can play it.

Alpha or not, ita an absolute farce. I know its not bent to be smooth sailing, but why force the clients to updat and not the servers? Joke.

maybe to avoid hackers attacks? I've got the same problem here

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Changed over from Six Launcher and still hasn't fixed, I don't know what is wrong with it, I hope we can atleast get an admin in here to explain the issue to us.

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I have had this problem for the last 4 hours i have reinstalled everything... still not working if anyone finds a fix or has an idea please post here :(

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Guys I rolled back my version successfully.

Basically just renamed my Expansions/beta folder to beta1 (keep a copy). Then install a previous version of the patch from the Arma 2 Beta Patch site (just google it and grab the 2nd latest one).

From here you will get an error about deleted content and something else - I just copied my Addons folder from Arma 2 into the Arma 2 OA folder and it fixed.

Am not using Sixupdater as it will just update to the new version thats incompatible again. I am using Dayz Commander to connect to games now.

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ive got the same problem. last night was working fine till this morning i get the same problem

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Same problem. Working fine until I restarted Six-Launcher and updated to newest version.

"Bad version, server rejected connection"

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I filtered the Six-Launcher search with 95168 and got into a game without any problems, although it DID start me with a new character... :S

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