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Freakin' BANDITS omg pvp in this game

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So I was playing with my friend and we had just started our wonderful care-free adventure. We had no guns, we were running around trying to find our way, when he aggro'd 6 zeds. We run to the nearest barn, figured we would die, but then we see a player! Perhaps a friend in this wasteland? Well yes. He killed all the zombies for us and stayed in the barn to protect us. I went to the other side of the barn and found a CZ 550! Now I can help him kill the zombies and be on our way, so then I turned immediatly and shot him in the fucking face because fuck that guy my friend can have his gun.

qq pvp omg bandits need carebear servers rocket.


Edited by Kyouren
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He helped arm his friend, nothing wrong with that.

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You are exactly why shoot on sight is the only sensible option right now. Thank you for being one of the mindless selfabsorbed masses_ all six hundred thousand of us and cunting.

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Oops.fucking double post. Sorry. And nicely written OP.

Edited by youSOB

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