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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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Add Vehicle deformation to the game, it would make it way more dramatic to crash your car, then just hit a little rock and than explode.

It was programmed by a few guys from a Company named BeamNG

Please Contact them Rocket:@beamng


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everyone! let's read through this thread again and place links to the best suggestions! WE CAN DO THIS!

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Not sure of this will get read but got to try.

*Water Canteens*

Just a simple idea regarding water canteens they should have more than 1 use. At least 2 maybe 3 instead of 1.

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Crowbar opening system - open car trunks etc.

/ custom Infusion bag - craftable item : to cure hard disease over time, to gain strong pain relief over time ( pain caused by burns can be f crazy) ,

Do someone know more about medical stuff ? Is possible to take Infusion bag with you?

PS: Eng is not my native language , so I can not fully describe this idea with Infusion

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Add Vehicle deformation to the game, it would make it way more dramatic to crash your car, then just hit a little rock and than explode.

It was programmed by a few guys from a Company named BeamNG

Please Contact them Rocket:@beamng


This would be awesome.

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Would definitely love to see realistic car crashes in the SA. So if people try to play chicken, it's not going to end well.

It would also be really neat to have blood and gore. Imagine coming across a head-on collision with both drivers mangled in the wreck..

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Abbility to write on map.

Abbility to read others players map and journal.

/ Oh that guy I killed had wrote note before he bleeded out ... ""f*ck you bandit"" :D

Edited by Cain42
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So you are immune to Zvirus..... What about get bitten and get like semi ill from Zvirus due to mutation and your weak health.

And you can try find cure .... or slowly get some Zombie perks .... pain resistence , eating raw meat with out penalty.

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ITEM: Diazepam/Valium/Beta blockers drugs

EFFECTS: Relaxes your muscles, makes you breathe slower and blocks the effects of adrenaline. Makes you twitch less when aiming and gives you increased firing accuracy for a period. Great for snipers. (It can also for example be used to reduce shaking for a period when in pain if you don't have painkillers).

RARITY: Very-Rare/Super-Rare Military and Hospital Loot & maybe some Hyper-Rare Civilian Loot

Pictures for inspiration:


Occasionally, diazepam is used by military and paramilitary snipers to relax muscles and slow down breathing for increased firing accuracy. The drug is also widely used in many precision shooting sports especially in the Olympics, that's why athletes are tested for it now.

So now people might think: But will it not be overpowered? The simple answer is, No. First of all the idea is that the item will be very hard to find and because its so rare you will most likely hold on to it for a perfect occasion (you will probably die before even using it.) Also the effects of the drug are time limited so you might not even get the chance to fire a single bullet on another player before the the effects have worn off.

The effects of the drug could start when you take item (like painkillers) OR gradually kick in after a couple of minutes (for extra realism). You would have the effects for a period of time and then it would gradually wear of.

The best way to to balance the item is by tweaking the duration of its effects and how much it improves your aim.

Edited by detras
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the drug idea is good i think becaus if you are support sniper for group of players which are scavenging in town and you will see bandits good time to use it but valim is to good if you need to run from zombies

this is my opinion

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the drug idea is good i think becaus if you are support sniper for group of players which are scavenging in town and you will see bandits good time to use it but valim is to good if you need to run from zombies

this is my opinion

Yeah it creates even more depth and decision making in the game.

But what do you mean that it is good if you need to run from zombies?

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sorry forgot to put there NOT good if you need to run from zombies. becaus if valim will relax your muscle it will be hard to run

Edited by Berhemoth

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One problem, only 176 WA-2000's were ever made. The likelyhood of one being Chernarus is slim to none. ("Don't tell me the odds!"-Han Solo)

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ITEM: Diazepam/Valium/Beta blockers drugs

EFFECTS: Relaxes your muscles, makes you breathe slower and blocks the effects of adrenaline. Makes you twitch less when aiming and gives you increased firing accuracy for a period. Great for snipers. (It can also for example be used to reduce shaking for a period when in pain if you don't have painkillers).

RARITY: Very-Rare/Super-Rare Military and Hospital Loot & maybe some Hyper-Rare Civilian Loot

really love the idea of using drugs not only as a way to cure disease, but also as a way to solve other problems.

this can be expanded alot more... for example rocket mentioned something about a unconciousness meter. when it exceeds the health level you become unconcious. the already existing epi pen (adrenaline) should also be used to hinder unconciousness before it even happens by lowering the unconciousness meter... if your character is in shock, and about to drop unconcious afer a zombie attack or bullet wound an epi pen might get him back up on his feet, make you run faster again, remove the black/white filters and clear your vision. but it will cause twitching and nervousness, and therefore hinder aiming.

valium should have the negative effect to increase the unconciousness level a bit, but it should be no problem if you are in good shape.

and there is a shitload of drugs which can act in a similar way, with different side effects. by raising or lowering the unconciousness meter and therefore control your mental state in a way.

with increasing unconciosness, blurryness and black/white filter will occur, maby also a slower movement and such.

so it can defenitely happen, that a person with low health on adrenaline might have a clear vision of the world and behave rather normally, while another person which is actually healthy but got too much valium might actually become unconcious and feel symptoms that normally occur to people on low health.

so you should be able for example to poison beans with stuff like valium in very high doses to make a person fall unconcious and rob it whitout having to do violent actions. (also as mentioned on pax, blunt weapons which deal alot of that "unconciousness damage" if aimed at the head)

Edited by Wep0n
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really love the idea of using drugs not only as a way to cure disease, but also as a way to solve other problems.

this can be expanded alot more... for example rocket mentioned something about a unconciousness meter. when it exceeds the health level you become unconcious. the already existing epi pen (adrenaline) should also be used to hinder unconciousness before it even happens by lowering the unconciousness meter... if your character is in shock, and about to drop unconcious afer a zombie attack or bullet wound an epi pen might get him back up on his feet, make you run faster again, remove the black/white filters and clear your vision. but it will cause twitching and nervousness, and therefore hinder aiming.

valium should have the negative effect to increase the unconciousness level a bit, but it should be no problem if you are in good shape.

and there is a shitload of drugs which can act in a similar way, with different side effects. by raising or lowering the unconciousness meter and therefore control your mental state in a way.

with increasing unconciosness, blurryness and black/white filter will occur, maby also a slower movement and such.

so it can defenitely happen, that a person with low health on adrenaline might have a clear vision of the world and behave rather normally, while another person which is actually healthy but got too much valium might actually become unconcious and feel symptoms that normally occur to people on low health.

so you should be able for example to poison beans with stuff like valium in very high doses to make a person fall unconcious and rob it whitout having to do violent actions. (also as mentioned on pax, blunt weapons which deal alot of that "unconciousness damage" if aimed at the head)

I agree. It gives you more depth in the game and more to do.

But the poisoning thing can be a bit tricky. You will have to wait for someone to get the food first and then follow that person for who knows how long because the player will probably not eat the food immediately... Plus the Valium that i suggested is a specific dose that is used to steady your aim. :rolleyes:

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Plus the Valium that i suggested is a specific dose that is used to steady your aim. :rolleyes:

yeah, i was thinking about being able to add very high doses... if you know SS13 you know what i mean... if you are lucky to find enough doses to be harmful and waste them all on one person, which might not even ever eat those beans... i know what you mean xD

maby there will be other drugs where lower doses do the trick... or potent poisons which can be added to an arrow tip... if you shoot someone in the leg, and follow his trails you might find him unconcious/dead depending on the dose you used.

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Considering there were only built 176 WA2000s, I don't think they should be in at all, and if they are, at least make them hyper rare. I also don't see the point with antique weapons, but that is just my opinion.

For some reason I can't explain, 3D scopes would also limit the effectivity of sniper rifles and other scoped weapons (the ones with high magnification in perticular) for unexperienced users, saw it happening with the sniper rifles for the BF2 mod, Project Reality.

Also, making nights lighter and make the NV much more rare, or even completely removing the Night Vision Goggles would make the game more challenging at night for end-game players, it would also make flares, flashlights and weapons with flashlights more attractive and usefull. And most of all it would bring the scare-factor up and help bring back the first experience feeling.

Other than that, great list!

Edited by Addetter

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apologies for ideas/suggestions that have most probably been thought of and written before this post, i don't have the time or patience to read through all of them :).

im just going to outline a few of my main ideas:


- primarily there should be more of them on the map. i understand people's concerns of more vehicles seeing as the map is not overly massive (still the chernaurus map) but wouldn't it be awesome setting up ambushes or seeing another vehicle and have a high speed pursuit? however parts should be much rarer, being found only in some industrial building (rare) and commercial garages, not residential ones (higher chance). also fuel would obviously be much harder to come by than in the dayz mod. not saying there should be a limited amount as that would again decrease amount of vehicles actually used but to make only a few places able to get fuel from, like fuel depots, and some military encampments, or upturned fuel tankers, as well as being able to siphon fuel out of un burnt car wrecks (with the correct equipment).

- cars should also be customize-able you should be able to add racks to the roof of your cars to increase there carrying capacity. also cars carrying more objects would slow you're car down, as added weight would slow it down. and when you reach 50 objects inside a car you can keep adding but substitute a car seat for every 10 items say? you could also add scrap metal and other objects to the exterior of your car to make eg a shovel thing on front of your car ( like in Zombieland :D , awesome movie ) and grills on your window, again substituting speed for added protection. could also put in a big fuel tank in stead of back seats for extra mileage?

- kind of an incentive to bulk up your car against zombies is to have vehicles both take damage form zombies when stationary (when your in them) and when you plow into/through them. maybe with hull and wheels taking damage, and a small percentage of your engine cutting out from zombie parts clogging it up. this would make people a lot more cautious about driving into towns and hoards knowing they could end up stranded surrounded by a tonne of zombies. and not using vehicles as an easy way to clear out zombies from an area.


- despite the idea of subterranean bases i would much rather bases be above ground. for instance it would be much better to have a gate and be able to park your car inside your base instead of having to hide your car under a camo net next to a tree. and this would also allow you to have such things as watchtowers and make other cool additions to your base.

- base parts should be relatively hard to come by and unless small like the tools eg hammer and nails would have to be transported by a vehicle (you would not see someone running around with 20 wooden chipboards on their back? :) ).

- there should only be a certain number of bases per server ( like 10 ) to stop the server having a ridiculous amount and not being able to walk 1km before seeing one. also they should only be buildable in certain sections of the map. mainly the black forest (probs would be very popular), the fields south of vybor, and the forests covering the west and north of the map, as well as not being allowed to be built closer than say 2km form settlements and other bases.

- bases should not be enterable by other players (i no not very realistic but they would be really easy to find and subsequently loot). however they could be attacked by zombies, any zombies within sight line of it would wander over an investigate, and if anyone is inside at the time the zombie would attack the base, would take a long time for zombie to break in, maybe an hour? so if a hoard sees your base and your in it ....... If a zombie attacks it will not stop until it is in even if you disconnect, forcing you to deal with it. and if zombies break in and you do not repair your base within the day the base becomes open to everyone for a week, a derelict base (you can retrieve your stuff and such but so can other players).

- and to stop servers having pointless bases you must have at least one other person to make a base and everyone is only allowed one base each(shared), so that there are still servers where people who haven't bought the game straightway can build in. possibly could have 1 man bases but have to be small, so the more people you have the bigger your base can become.

i have other ideas but only wrote about ideas i really want to see in the standalone and im not sure have been posted about :D hope these have or will be implemented into it!

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also i think they should add a good river system, so that boats are more popular and there are more places to make a base that you could only reach by boat. having rivers would also make certain places only accessible but say a bridge, so you could lay ambushes and stuff. i think the map would really benefit from a river system

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Great topic ruarz and this is exactly what I want Dayz to be. Cheers, King Beans

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Wow I haven't looked at my own thread in ages. 90,000 views, thats ridiculous!

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I would like to see the flora fauna and biodiversity or at least player interaction increased.

In the wild there are many food sources.

Mushrooms (better pick the right kind unless your planning on poisening someone.. wohoo trippy man!)

fruits/nuts perhaps only in key areas (farms or plantations or along certain roads)

Fishing... fish in ponds and on the coast!! fishingn rods to be found in supermarkets and high value residentials. ( high risk as your sat still in fairly open areas for a length of time but reward in terms of nutrients could be high)

aye that and make sure we can drink with our hands ( probably been said)

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fruits/nuts perhaps only in key areas (farms or plantations or along certain roads)

This has been confirmed methinks.

About the fishing rods, it'd be neat if we could craft them. Fishing nets would work too. I'd love to chill out on the docks of Kemenka and fish for a meal. :)

I'm pretty sure rivers and creeks will be added to the SA as well.

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