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Aether Services - now recruiting

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Hey guys! So a few of us want to start up a community. We all have fun playing together, and we're always on the lookout to find more players to play with. As of right now, we have a teamspeak server and a website hosted by enjin, and that's about it lol.

Anyway, having this said, we're all adults - 18 - 38. You can play whatever games you want, none of this YOU WILL PLAY BF3/COD/ARMA2/LFD bs. Come hang out. Play what you want. If we like it, we'll play it with you. The majority of us play BF3 and ArmA 2/DayZ together already. We play Trine, Total War, LFD, Borderlands, and some of us will be starting a Guild Wars 2 clan up at launch. I am hoping to start a DayZ server if we get enough donating members as I'm not willing to throw $75/mo towards a server out of my own pocket. I want to run a kind of RPG style DayZ server. More details can be given out in TS as it gets kinda long, but it seems like it would be fun. We are willing to start BF3 servers if they become warranted.

Again, this isn't some "clan". This is a community. We want a group of guys who enjoy gaming as much as we do and who are willing to maybe branch out and try new games, instead of lone-wolfing it up 100% of the time.

Here are our rules:

  • No drama. Keep your baggage at the door. Seriously.
  • No kids. Sorry guys, but we're grown ups and play like them.

That's pretty much it. Just come, play, hang out and join us and have fun guys. PM for TS info, or see our webpage at http://aetherservices.enjin.com

Edited by Psikys

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My son and i have been trying to find a group or server that promotes more coop style playing. (my son in 27 just so you know). atm we have teamspeak thru my day of defeat clan and use that for coms. We are looking to run a server ( our fearless leader has been looking into it so see how that goes) But in the meantime it would be good to hook up with others of a like mind.


we are based in melbourne....

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Hey Anthraxripple. Anyone is always welcome on our teamspeak, and you're always welcome to come in and play. The only thing I see happening is us not being able to play together due to latency issues on the servers. Unfortunately we're Americans and that's going to mean a whole lot of latency issues for someone lol. But sure thing friend! Hop on in, I forwarded you the TS info in a PM.

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I'm still a kid, but very grown up.

Got a good mic, Blue snowball.

Age 15.

Maybe you can make a exception.

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Hey Guz. No offense, but a lot of us are pretty set on playing with other adults. No offense at all brutha.

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Morning bump. We just got our server up and running as well. :D

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Does your server have a PW so only ppl in the Aether community can use it?? I am just looking to get away from hackers and ppl that play Dayz like its COD.

I am 28 and play BF3, Guild wars 2 (at launch), and Dayz (of-course) currently.

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Unfortunately, servers are not allowed to be locked anymore. I personally like this as locked servers would quickly become boring, knowing what's going to happen every time you log in. You're welcome to hop into teamspeak with us. I just shot you the info in a PM.

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hi guys, i am 21 looking for a clan, i play BF3 and day Z mainly but i am always willing to try new games!

i am a part time graphics designer so if you need logos doing for a site or anything i am always willing to help out!

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Hey fuZion_jr. Go ahead and hop into the TeamSpeak server! I sent you the address in a PM. There's about 3 - 5 guys on all day and at our peak ours we end up around 12 - 15.

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All over. I'm AK, some are in NM, some in California, some in Texas, some east coast, some Canada. Our server is in Phoenix.

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Im pretty sure i tried to get on your Takistan server today and was admin kicked or banned and told not to come back.. I take it this was because my ping was too high and i tried a few too many times ? AetherServices 2 hosted by Vilayer? Just checkin.... It made me a sad panda

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So, we started kick/banning people after we got griefed. Long story short, we were trying to setup a bit of an RP system on the server, and got griefed by hackers. We asked players to leave while we fixed the server, no one did. So we kicked. People rejoined. Kicked again, they rejoined again...that time we banned. A lot of people ended up getting banned all over. Currently we are setting a new private server on a dedicated box, no ViLayer hives, completely controlled by us. We are using rMod, and will be whitelisting players. Originally I Wanted to charge players $5 a month to play on the server, to ensure that hackers just fucked right off. Reasoning? Hackers aren't going to fuck up a server they help pay for. But, Im open to ideas. Please be assured, there was nothing personal meant by any kick/bans on the takistan server. Feel free to join us in Teamspeak. ts3.aethergames.us. Password is Welcome123 (only on there to keep the trolls from joining from the public ts3 lists).

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