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Deathmatch with a side of zombies EDITED FOR IDIOTS

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Palora that was me you took out. You did a smart thing killing me. We were focused on that town because we heard automatic gun fire just seconds before. We were watching for whoever was down there' date=' in order to kill him and raid his gear. You got me, and you were smart to execute me, however we recovered my M24 and I have it again. Your lucky I wasn't able to regroup with my team before your group raided my body for the rest of my supplies. You were stupid enough to mark the map with the position, we knew you were coming.... if only I didn't spawn in the very south east, and get in the most epic makarov fight with somebody who spawned 50m away from me at the same time... which I didn't lose. Your team would have met the same fate as MilGO, who foolishly tried to declare the NW airport as their territory. My team is better trained, better equipped, and better disciplined, you try to claim prime territory, we will strike from the shadows, and you will not survive the encounter.

TurkeyBurgers; QQ


I guess i should keep a better eye out for m24s and don't flinch when i go for the head :D. I marked the position a while later for a wounded friend to try and get some supplies, but he couldn't find the bodies and he moved on. As for who you ambushed, I don't really know. (I might have left the marker when i logged for the day, at about 13:00 gmt)

Stary Sobor is prime territory?

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"Your team would have met the same fate as MilGO, who foolishly tried to declare the NW airport as their territory."

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