Freyar 8 Posted April 29, 2012 I don't use flares' date=' I don't announce my location on comms unless absolutely necessary, and "defending myself" against someone 500m away with an assault rifle is not possible. Apparently at this point it's gotten so bad I have to shoot anyone I see before they see me.That's not good gameplay, that's fucking stupid, and the game won't last if it continues.Anyone defending it wants this mod to burn out as the fodder is going to stop coming, and thus the long distance PK'rs are left with nothing to do, and leave.[/quote']Why are you in the open? Weren't you making small-ish movements, going from cover to cover, keeping something between you and a potential place a bandit might be? How do you know it happens to be an assault rifle? (Even then, I'd suspect that most of them don't have scopes, just iron sights which means that while they have a range advantage, they won't have too much of a "zoom" or clarity advantage.)Let's talk, and learn. Don't assume you know people's intentions here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donziboy2 1 Posted April 29, 2012 This game is degrading....I don't even bother to play my 11 hour old character with every piece of gear save for a sniper rifle.Starting to see bandits killing up north for the fun of it....This isn't about fun and trolling people.Its a SURVIVAL MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Right now there is no consequences for killing.A bandit out fit makes no difference if they hide the whole time.And totally anonymous? What kind of BS is that..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Palora 6 Posted April 29, 2012 Why are you in the open? Weren't you making small-ish movements' date=' going from cover to cover, keeping something between you and a potential place a bandit might be? How do you know it happens to be an assault rifle? (Even then, I'd suspect that most of them don't have scopes, just iron sights which means that while they have a range advantage, they won't have too much of a "zoom" or clarity advantage.)Let's talk, and learn. Don't assume you know people's intentions here.[/quote'] Come on, now your just trolling, you want everyone do move from cover to cover, from Elektro to the airfield for ex? What part of "it doesn't matter what you do, you will be ganked" do you not get? I got my 1st and only intentional pk (no self defence or accident, out of total of 4) because i stumbled upon a guy with an m24 with his back towards me as he was making sure the town up ahead was safe. And i shoot him in the back, 3 times, then i shoot him again when i saw he was still alive. Didn't trust him because he had a good weapon, and i did want it since it was better then my hunting rifle, i got killed right after since he had a buddy I didn't see. So let's recap, he had the better equipment and did everything right (he was scouting the town from the tree line, with a buddy), i got lucky and ended all his progress right there. No skills needed.1) Hunting rifles are everywhere, i found 3 in 1 barn.2) Most assault rifles I've seen have ACOG or Aimdots on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandit (DayZ) 3 Posted April 29, 2012 Got shot again' date=' minding my own business. Screw it, you guys can have it....It was fun until this crap started.[/quote']Player killing has been around since the mod started... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mihajlo Pavlovic 1 Posted April 29, 2012 I stuck my head out for a second on top of cherno silos to scope the area out, my head wasn't out for a second and i got pk'd. There's no point in going near other players, you'll die no matter what. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlackAlpha 12 Posted April 29, 2012 Well, here are my findings on the whole PvP thing. Being a bandit is less frustrating, more fun, and much easier to do. Unless something changes, I suspect more and more people will choose to go for the bandit's path.First of all, I have to point out that shooting zombies is not what the mod is about. Shooting zombies is even pointless most of the time because they respawn very quickly and you have very limited ammo (that is not to say that zombies are completely useless in this mod). So the focus of your activities lays elsewhere: Staying alive, looting and killing players. That's where the satisfaction of playing really comes from, that's why people keep playing.To have fun, it's pointless not to kill players because you will get frustrated by playing the good guy. At some point you will come across someone who will instantly kill you, which means that the time you spent on that character has gone to waste. You will need to start all over again with sneaking for hours on end through buildings in search for better gear. It is sort of frustrating and it happens a lot.If you do not want to get frustrated and if you want to have more fun, then you are better off killing players and grabbing their loot. That way, you drastically reduce the time you have to spend on finding loot. Then later on, you will get killed again because there are many bandits, so getting killed is inevitable. But because you didn't spend as much time in search for loot, it's not so bad to die because you can easily start over. You'll simply kill the next guy you come across and grab his loot. This results in a lot less frustration and more fun.What this means is that there's no reward for not killing players and it's ultimately less fun overal. But there is a huge reward for killing players. You get to kill someone and you get nice loot. Since there isn't really anything else to do in this mod, being a bandit is the most fun you can ever have.Yes, when playing the nice guy you can choose to work together with other players. But you can still do that even when you are a bandit. You can work together every now and then, but you can also do all the other stuff, like killing players. Also, note that teamwork is a pain due to lack of tools that facilitate effortless and effective teamwork, so it's much easier to go lone wolf or teamup with some buddies on TeamSpeak and alienate everybody else ingame.In the long run, being a bandit is more fun. Being a good guy will simply piss you off at some point, while being a bandit will allow you to experience everything this mod has to offer, which is basically killing people and getting better loot. And we play games for fun, so it's sort of obvious what most of us will be doing in the long run... Unless, we get an incentive to be a good guy.There are already many suggestions what this incentive could be, so I won't go into that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x7steelers7x 1 Posted April 29, 2012 I haven't had THAT much trouble with PKers. Yes I've ran into a few but yesterday I met a few friendlies. It all just depends on the server and the people. But having that worry of bandits and friendlies is what makes this game fun. This is suppose to be an apocalypse! Of course there's going to be people looking to rob you or help you just like there would be in real life! It's suppose to be unpredictable. Maybe once these chat and bandit skin issues are fixed so will the pvping. P.S. if you want less pvp combat go deep into the north.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patrickollo 3 Posted April 29, 2012 Zombies are not supposed to be smart and they are not threatening AT ALL if you make smart choices. That is how the game is intended to be played. HUMANS on the other hand are volatile variables and there is no way to predict what they're going to do. It is YOUR choice if you want to risk trusting a stranger, or travel into a large city [notorious for bandits] and have the chance of being gunned down while scavenging.Bandits are part of the game, and they would be part of real life, too, if this scenario presented itself. I'd love to hear all of you rolling over in your grave cursing the person who killed you, knowing that shouting obscenities or complaining would get you nowhere.It is not hard at all to acquire new gear in this game. If you think the only places to go are Cherno, Elektro, that B place on the east coast, and the airfields, maybe you should take a second to re-evaluate what the real problem is (hint: it's not the bandits).TL;DR - Maybe this game isn't for you if you don't like PvP. It's part of the game and you'll have to deal with it.P.S. - I'm not a bandit, but I still love having the risk that at any time I could lose my life in the blink of an eye. If there was no PvP in this game and only zombies (in the current state they're in), it would be very boring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drake Sigar 9 Posted April 29, 2012 It's not part of the game, it IS the game. Yeah if the world went to hell, there would be bandits. But not this many. There are more bandits in DayZ than there are in Skyrim. We need more encouragement to team up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodycount 83 Posted April 29, 2012 Zombies are not supposed to be smart and they are not threatening AT ALL if you make smart choices. That is how the game is intended to be played.If there was no PvP in this game and only zombies (in the current state they're in)' date=' it would be very boring.[/quote']So why not just admit that zombies play a very small insignificant meaningless part of this game. Why not remove them completely? Let's just call a spade a spade. Stop giving people this false illusion that this is a Zombie mod. It is a PvP mod through and through. Remove the NPC zombies and just make it 100% PvP.It's not part of the game' date=' it IS the game. Yeah if the world went to hell, there would be bandits. But not this many. There are more bandits in DayZ than there are in Skyrim. We need more encouragement to team up.[/quote']I once was a Survivor like yourself until I took a Bandit sniper round to the knee. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghost_kage 5 Posted April 29, 2012 Griefers' date=' gankers, paradise wishlist. 1- Full loot. This enables you to really know that you ruined someones day. After they work hard to earn items and advance their character you make sure to kill them on sight so everything they have done for the past few however many hours is utterly completely destroyed. 2- No way to identify who killed them. This makes sure that the rest of the people that you intend to grief the ever living fuck out of have no way to defend against your actions at any time except to shoot first on sight anyone that they see. 3- Everyone looks the exact same. This is a great one to blend in. Just make sure that you shoot every single person that you see in the back. Type the word "Friendly" in general chat when someone has you in their sights and are debating if they should kill you first. 4- No need to actually PvP. Enough supplies are in game that PvP isn't even required. The ONLY reason to PvP at the moment is to grief and gank people just for the sake of it or to kill people so that they do not grief and gank you first. Items respawn very rapidly and new food/water/ammunition/supplies magically gets refilled constantly and continuously. 5- Very limited spawns in only a few spots. This is great for nighttime griefing. People will have to use flares to see when they spawn on the beach. Just sit back and wait for the red gank sticks to light up like the beacons of Minas Tirith and the fun begins! Why have people spawn all over the entire map when that way I would only be able to gank one person every so often. 6- Wandering NPC's that really have no effect on the way that I play the game. The noobs call them Zerbies or something. Who gives a diddly fuck because we do not even bother with that portion of the game. We gonna GANK SUM BADDS! Oh they gonna be so mad! They gunn nerd raeg after we ROFLstomp them just for the hell of it! GO BACK TO WOW NOOBS! This game is uber hardcore and I am so l337 I am about to show you how hardcore and l337 I am! 7- One shotting people! PEW PEW PEW! Oh god this is even better than playing my Rogue! I can one shot every noob right in the back. Full loot? Why bother I don't need any of their shit I do it because I am fucking PRO for the Lulz! I don't even need to stun lock them or hit more than one button! 8- Server hopping. Oh shit they found me and are firing back at me. Good thing I am all the way up on this rooftop. I better transfer servers so I don't die. Wouldn't want to have to risk that now would we? Where is the fun in it that?9- Global comms so people asking for help, to team up and play together, you know the BADS and SCRUBS all have to announce where they are at if they do survive and make it off the beaches of Normandy. I will know RIGHT where to go and setup an ambush. I AM SO FREAKING L337! 10- Did I tell you how pro and l337 I am and how trash those baddies are? BRB I need to comb these cheetos out of my mouth breathing neckbeard. I need to get more ammo for my sniper rifle. No zombies up on this mountain.[/quote']Agree 100%. Although it wasn't intended, this game couldn't be setup more perfectly for greifers and assholes to ruin someones day. Don't get me wrong, I accept that I'm going to die before I even start playing, but I still wish my death would at least be a little more interesting than watching my character roll over and go to sleep, simply because a sniper picked me off from a mile away. The Devs have really made something special here, and I have faith that they will figure things out to make the game more balanced, we have to remember that its in alpha. There needs to be more incentive to working together, and less for just shooting everyone you see. I think one of the first steps could be removing the sniper rifle and scopes all together, or at least make it to where it doesn't zoom so much and make it easy to to pick people off from a distance. If you think about - how often have you EVER used the sniper rifle to pick off a zombie? No it's used for PK 99% of the time. I also think a grouping system could make players more willing to work together. If you group up with someone and now its not possible for them to shoot you in the back, you will trust them 100%. If you encounter someone, and invite them to a group and they decline, you know its time to get the hell away from them or shoot them in the face. Now... I know the realism police will jump all over this post, but we have to remember this is a game, and in a game, gameplay is the most important thing. I myself wish something like this didn't have to be implemented, but I worry that if something isn't done eventually to keep PKers in check, the game will eventually die.-End Rant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x7steelers7x 1 Posted April 29, 2012 Griefers' date=' gankers, paradise wishlist. 1- Full loot. This enables you to really know that you ruined someones day. After they work hard to earn items and advance their character you make sure to kill them on sight so everything they have done for the past few however many hours is utterly completely destroyed. 2- No way to identify who killed them. This makes sure that the rest of the people that you intend to grief the ever living fuck out of have no way to defend against your actions at any time except to shoot first on sight anyone that they see. 3- Everyone looks the exact same. This is a great one to blend in. Just make sure that you shoot every single person that you see in the back. Type the word "Friendly" in general chat when someone has you in their sights and are debating if they should kill you first. 4- No need to actually PvP. Enough supplies are in game that PvP isn't even required. The ONLY reason to PvP at the moment is to grief and gank people just for the sake of it or to kill people so that they do not grief and gank you first. Items respawn very rapidly and new food/water/ammunition/supplies magically gets refilled constantly and continuously. 5- Very limited spawns in only a few spots. This is great for nighttime griefing. People will have to use flares to see when they spawn on the beach. Just sit back and wait for the red gank sticks to light up like the beacons of Minas Tirith and the fun begins! Why have people spawn all over the entire map when that way I would only be able to gank one person every so often. 6- Wandering NPC's that really have no effect on the way that I play the game. The noobs call them Zerbies or something. Who gives a diddly fuck because we do not even bother with that portion of the game. We gonna GANK SUM BADDS! Oh they gonna be so mad! They gunn nerd raeg after we ROFLstomp them just for the hell of it! GO BACK TO WOW NOOBS! This game is uber hardcore and I am so l337 I am about to show you how hardcore and l337 I am! 7- One shotting people! PEW PEW PEW! Oh god this is even better than playing my Rogue! I can one shot every noob right in the back. Full loot? Why bother I don't need any of their shit I do it because I am fucking PRO for the Lulz! I don't even need to stun lock them or hit more than one button! 8- Server hopping. Oh shit they found me and are firing back at me. Good thing I am all the way up on this rooftop. I better transfer servers so I don't die. Wouldn't want to have to risk that now would we? Where is the fun in it that?9- Global comms so people asking for help, to team up and play together, you know the BADS and SCRUBS all have to announce where they are at if they do survive and make it off the beaches of Normandy. I will know RIGHT where to go and setup an ambush. I AM SO FREAKING L337! 10- Did I tell you how pro and l337 I am and how trash those baddies are? BRB I need to comb these cheetos out of my mouth breathing neckbeard. I need to get more ammo for my sniper rifle. No zombies up on this mountain.[/quote']Agree 100%. Although it wasn't intended, this game couldn't be setup more perfectly for greifers and assholes to ruin someones day. Don't get me wrong, I accept that I'm going to die before I even start playing, but I still wish my death would at least be a little more interesting than watching my character roll over and go to sleep, simply because a sniper picked me off from a mile away. The Devs have really made something special here, and I have faith that they will figure things out to make the game more balanced, we have to remember that its in alpha. There needs to be more incentive to working together, and less for just shooting everyone you see. I think one of the first steps could be removing the sniper rifle and scopes all together, or at least make it to where it doesn't zoom so much and make it easy to to pick people off from a distance. If you think about - how often have you EVER used the sniper rifle to pick off a zombie? No it's used for PK 99% of the time. I also think a grouping system could make players more willing to work together. If you group up with someone and now its not possible for them to shoot you in the back, you will trust them 100%. If you encounter someone, and invite them to a group and they decline, you know its time to get the hell away from them or shoot them in the face. Now... I know the realism police will jump all over this post, but we have to remember this is a game, and in a game, gameplay is the most important thing. I myself wish something like this didn't have to be implemented, but I worry that if something isn't done eventually to keep PKers in check, the game will eventually die.-End RantSo what would you like them to do? Completely take out pvp? That would ruin the game more than pvp. Yes, it is annoying to get killed when you've spent hours collecting stuff but shit happens. Just deal with it. It's happened to me plenty of times but I'm not complaining because I know that without that aspect of the game it would suck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lt gunner 4 Posted April 29, 2012 Palora that was me you took out. You did a smart thing killing me. We were focused on that town because we heard automatic gun fire just seconds before. We were watching for whoever was down there, in order to kill him and raid his gear. You got me, and you were smart to execute me, however we recovered my M24 and I have it again. Your lucky I wasn't able to regroup with my team before your group raided my body for the rest of my supplies. You were stupid enough to mark the map with the position, we knew you were coming.... if only I didn't spawn in the very south east, and get in the most epic makarov fight with somebody who spawned 50m away from me at the same time... which I didn't lose. Your team would have met the same fate as MilGO, who foolishly tried to declare the NW airport as their territory. My team is better trained, better equipped, and better disciplined, you try to claim prime territory, we will strike from the shadows, and you will not survive the encounter.TurkeyBurgers; QQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghost_kage 5 Posted April 29, 2012 So what would you like them to do? Completely take out pvp? That would ruin the game more than pvp. Yes, it is annoying to get killed when you've spent hours collecting stuff but shit happens. Just deal with it. It's happened to me plenty of times but I'm not complaining because I know that without that aspect of the game it would sucklol, where anywhere in there did I say I want them to completely take out PVP? You missed the whole point of what I said, but then again I couldn't care less. I'm opening up the floor for discussion on changes and improvements that could made to the game in order to balance it out more and make teaming up with players and looting just as rewarding as PVP. The game is in Alpha phase so obviously they have other features planned, if everyone "just dealt with it" as you and many others just love to say whenever people have constructive criticism, there would be no reason to play this. You should be able to enjoy a game without saying to yourself 'Oh boy I better just push through it even though its not any fun." We aren't doing lawn work people, or doing chores, we're playing a video game intended to be fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dunnobe 3 Posted April 29, 2012 The amount of CZ550's should be reduced + we need a fix for all of the PVP at the airports.A working military camp in Stary Sobor would be nice as that gives us an extra option to go to if we want military stuff.Or perhaps an extra military base around solnichny or berezino or more inland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murphy (DayZ) 1 Posted April 29, 2012 This isn't a constructive thread as some posters would have you believe, to me it feels more like the "vent your frustrations because you got ganked" thread.There have been no solid suggestions towards minimizing the PvP part of the game other then an abstract "can't kill people in groups" muddle. If you're so angry at the PvP sit down and find a logical solution for the developers to consider using, don't whine about being PKed. We have all felt it, and will all feel it again. Running into zombies isn't inevitable, but running into players is. Be prepared or log out and go play something else to cool off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deviant (DayZ) 43 Posted April 29, 2012 If more zombies spawn, the game will lag, and people will complain.If zombies are more difficult to take down, people will cry (more) about how zombies can hit you once and knock you down and eat you while you are passed out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted April 29, 2012 Edited cuz MrShovelFace is mad :C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrShovelFace 2 Posted April 29, 2012 Edited this shit for the less intelligentstop discussing pvp that isnt the point of anything i said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goatsenator 11 Posted April 29, 2012 EDIT: Apparently some people are too fucking stupid to read so stop discussing PvP you mentally deficient apes and discuss the pathetic amount of threat that zombies pose to one's survivalI posted this page two days ago to come back and see 5 pages of PvP bullshit discussion. READ THE GOD DAMN FUCKING THESISSo what you're trying to say is, you're mad? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrShovelFace 2 Posted April 29, 2012 EDIT: Apparently some people are too fucking stupid to read so stop discussing PvP you mentally deficient apes and discuss the pathetic amount of threat that zombies pose to one's survivalI posted this page two days ago to come back and see 5 pages of PvP bullshit discussion. READ THE GOD DAMN FUCKING THESISSo what you're trying to say is' date=' you're mad?[/quote']I am pretty mad I must say Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted April 29, 2012 Keep it clean guys, I'm watching youO_O Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murphy (DayZ) 1 Posted April 29, 2012 Someone needs to learn manners. You frustrated that people aren't following your ill written posts learn to express yourself better without resorting to childish name calling. I hope you catch a few warnings for your attitude.@OP: Frankly speaking sounds like you have your fair share of frustrations and might find more enjoyment in single player games such as the L4D series or Dead Island. Don't take your anger out on the forums it makes your lack of reasoning too apparent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodycount 83 Posted April 29, 2012 Start thread with the word Deathmatch. Not allowed to discuss the word Deathmatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpenn 9 Posted April 29, 2012 There have been no solid suggestions towards minimizing the PvP part of the game other then an abstract "can't kill people in groups" muddle. Read the thread instead of speaking from your rear! I myself have already listed at least 1 suggestion that would work and there are many others:killing players increases the "Rage" of a player.Rage increases the ease at which you are detected by zombies.This brings back the impact of Zombies, and hey since PKers' all have their "l33t skillz" then let them test them out on a horde since they're "dying" for something to shoot right? It also helps to detect when PKers are around if they get sloppy (though it won't do much about that sniper in the woods 500m off, but it's a start)As for complaining, I've been fairly active in this thread but I've been tk'd at most maybe 3 or 4 times. You don't have to be personally wronged to realize when a wrong exists.Finally, if we're going to decide that PVP is going to remain as-is then immediately this mod needs to stop billing itself as a Zombie apocalypse. Tear down the whole false "zombie" theme, label it what it is (a Deathmatch mod) and I guarantee the interest in this mod will drop below half. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites