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Deathmatch with a side of zombies EDITED FOR IDIOTS

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At the moment I feel as if zombies aren't the central feature to this mod. It doesn't seem to be very hard to actually survive against zombies at all.

Assuming I'm not..

1. Suiciding

2. Being a jackass

3. Reenacting a scene from the Walking Dead in a fire house in Elektro

the 90% of the time I die from players not zombies

such is life in the zone

This isnt the zone
Zombie survival

Zombies must be more threatening <-- READ THAT


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Extra crispy please! And do you have those curly style zombies or just the regular kind? :P

Very obvious if you spend as much time reading the threads here as I do (I haven't been able to join any servers in a couple of days now due to spawning in "Wilderness").

My favorite suggestions are one of my own: Have zombies spawn "inland" (off the "dry" edges of the map where players can't go anyway) and migrate towards the coast in search of "food". This would explain why zombies keep popping up around towns and villages, when all the local zombies should be wiped out by now, and sprinkles them in the wilderness too, making travel there (especially up north) much more dangerous than it is now... at least from zombies.

and one by someone else (don't remember who) who suggested a few different types of zombies; slower, tougher ones, fast weak ones, and maybe even the rare "zombie bear" that would seriously take some teamwork to conquer.

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  'Oktyabr said:

Extra crispy please! And do you have those curly style zombies or just the regular kind? :P

Very obvious if you spend as much time reading the threads here as I do (I haven't been able to join any servers in a couple of days now due to spawning in "Wilderness").

My favorite suggestions are one of my own: Have zombies spawn "inland" (off the "dry" edges of the map where players can't go anyway) and migrate towards the coast in search of "food". This would explain why zombies keep popping up around towns and villages' date=' when all the local zombies should be wiped out by now, and sprinkles them in the wilderness too, making travel there (especially up north) much more dangerous than it is now... at least from zombies.

and one by someone else (don't remember who) who suggested a few different types of zombies; slower, tougher ones, fast weak ones, and maybe even the rare "zombie bear" that would seriously take some teamwork to conquer.


interesting ideas, as long as they dont change the feel of the game too much.

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It's amazing how the gameplay has degraded in just 2 days. Before, even strangers, could hook up and play along side each other. Two days ago, if I saw you running with Zeds behind you I would help you. Not today.

I don't know anyone else who plays this game, so from now on I don't want any strangers near me and I'll have to stop crossing open fields for fear of being shot from afar.

It's a pity that this is what the gameplay has come to. I don't even worry about the Zeds anymore.

PS: That Markarov sucks!! :)

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I tried to join them today. I figured might as well just PvP and start shooting people in the back for fun. I started on the beach and right away see some flares in the distance at some town. I make my way there and hear gunshots up ahead. I hustle up to get the drop on my mark and gank that scrub baddie.

Low and behold the poor little fella is on the ground being eaten by 2 zombies. My Grinch heart shattered in a single moment and I took a long hard look at my humanity meter...the only thing that separates the zombies from us humans.

My instincts kicked in snapping me back to reality.

POP POP POP my Makarov couldn't put holes into those flesh fiends fast enough. I destroyed those monstrosities and went to work bandaging that poor unconscious fella on the ground. He lived...maybe not too much longer...but long enough.

I can't do it. I can't gank people and shoot them in the back and find that fun or enjoyable. I guess I am missing the douche bag gene.

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I can't do it. I can't gank people and shoot them in the back and find that fun or enjoyable. I guess I am missing the douche bag gene.

Naw, you've got the gene, just not in the game proper.

As far as people that are actively fighting zombies? I either do nothing, or try and take one or two down as best I can. Depends if it's in a city or not.

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I'm at work watching one of the Wyatt Earp movies and just realized that the game is like the old wild west. With all the bandits, gunslinging tough guys and all.

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Away from the respawn towns I've actually been finding that people don't always shoot on sight. Over the last couple days I've met quite a few people and neither of us shot at the other.

Course its open season in noob town if you stick near those, which I wouldn't suggest.

If it wasn't so easy to get your humanity back up bandits probably wouldn't shoot as quickly and instead pick targets that looked like they actually have things they want.

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I'm just going to +1 this and add a quote I posted in another thread which I saw a player say in-game once:

"Oh nvm, it's just a zombie"

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Treat every moment like a combat situation. Deal with the Pkers, this mod is a PK mod. So get used to it. Without PKing this mod wouldn't be as good as it is.

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Got shot again, minding my own business. Screw it, you guys can have it....

It was fun until this crap started.

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frankly I like that there is PVP. but not in this sense. the idea of not trusting people is one of the coolest things about the mod. what I would like to see is more punishment to shooting your fellow human beings.

anyone know if we are supposed to be civilians or PMC's?

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  'R Lee said:

Got shot again' date=' minding my own business. Screw it, you guys can have it....

It was fun until this crap started.


Don't let them win, don't let them have it. Because the PKers will piss all over this mod while the pickings are easy. Once they've dwindled the playerbase to just other PKers and the kills aren't as easy anymore they'll move onto the next griefable game. So don't let them have it because unlike those coming for the zombie apocalypse play, the PKers don't intend to stay for the long run.

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yeah i hate getting randomly killed too...like i just DCed because me and my friend were alive for days we had all this stuff my friend spawns and this guy shoots at him and he puts a clip of shotgun into him and i put a clip of full auto ak into him andi hit him with every bullet and the guy kills us both with 3 makorov shots...just stupid

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Guys suck it up, i had the same thing and wanted to whine about it a lot more than I did. Just push throu and try to adopt and learn how to SURVIVE. in the end the reward is all worth it. You will learn to love this game in a while just try to get better.

Yea and just head north when you spawn, forget chern and elektro, its not worth it going there for quick loot and just dying, you wont get better and just be food for pk. if you have difficulty surviving start making rules for yourself. mine first one was "avoid all players at all cost" this got me going pretty good, if I saw or heard a player and wasnt very sure he is friendly I would just leave asap in other direction, map is big enough for everyone. also when you start traveling north the towns are small with lots of zombies so taking them on will also be a choice, worth it or not. bullets food and other supplies play a much more important part then, aswell as subtlety, planing, adventure, exploration...

Tonight I met 4 dudes and we player for hours together so breaking a rule is worth it. and yea "enjoy the little things" :D

there are still some bugs in game but its alpha so stay cool and enjoy the best zombie survival made to this day.

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  'Hesher said:

Guys suck it up' date=' i had the same thing and wanted to whine about it a lot more than I did. Just push throu and try to adopt and learn how to SURVIVE. in the end the reward is all worth it. You will learn to love this game in a while just try to get better.[/quote']

Get better at what? avoiding people? shooting people? in a multiplayer mod, why not just make it single player?

tbh, you need to get better at THIS game, the one where it's a zombie apocalypse, not the game PKers are making it to be. You take it lying down and you'll have no one to blame when the PKers take over.

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I have a group of 15 guys who all jam together, we dont like people because we dont trust anyone due to PKers, but we try not to kill people if we can avoid the situation, but then you get the noobs who run at a group of survivors who are taking on a town of zeds and start trying to PK because they want to troll. That is what I have a problem with because the chances of a real pker getting one of us is slim but a random chance a noob poping up and shooting you is always there.

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Griefers, gankers, paradise wishlist.

1- Full loot. This enables you to really know that you ruined someones day. After they work hard to earn items and advance their character you make sure to kill them on sight so everything they have done for the past few however many hours is utterly completely destroyed.

2- No way to identify who killed them. This makes sure that the rest of the people that you intend to grief the ever living fuck out of have no way to defend against your actions at any time except to shoot first on sight anyone that they see.

3- Everyone looks the exact same. This is a great one to blend in. Just make sure that you shoot every single person that you see in the back. Type the word "Friendly" in general chat when someone has you in their sights and are debating if they should kill you first.

4- No need to actually PvP. Enough supplies are in game that PvP isn't even required. The ONLY reason to PvP at the moment is to grief and gank people just for the sake of it or to kill people so that they do not grief and gank you first. Items respawn very rapidly and new food/water/ammunition/supplies magically gets refilled constantly and continuously.

5- Very limited spawns in only a few spots. This is great for nighttime griefing. People will have to use flares to see when they spawn on the beach. Just sit back and wait for the red gank sticks to light up like the beacons of Minas Tirith and the fun begins! Why have people spawn all over the entire map when that way I would only be able to gank one person every so often.

6- Wandering NPC's that really have no effect on the way that I play the game. The noobs call them Zerbies or something. Who gives a diddly fuck because we do not even bother with that portion of the game. We gonna GANK SUM BADDS! Oh they gonna be so mad! They gunn nerd raeg after we ROFLstomp them just for the hell of it! GO BACK TO WOW NOOBS! This game is uber hardcore and I am so l337 I am about to show you how hardcore and l337 I am!

7- One shotting people! PEW PEW PEW! Oh god this is even better than playing my Rogue! I can one shot every noob right in the back. Full loot? Why bother I don't need any of their shit I do it because I am fucking PRO for the Lulz! I don't even need to stun lock them or hit more than one button!

8- Server hopping. Oh shit they found me and are firing back at me. Good thing I am all the way up on this rooftop. I better transfer servers so I don't die. Wouldn't want to have to risk that now would we? Where is the fun in it that?

9- Global comms so people asking for help, to team up and play together, you know the BADS and SCRUBS all have to announce where they are at if they do survive and make it off the beaches of Normandy. I will know RIGHT where to go and setup an ambush. I AM SO FREAKING L337!

10- Did I tell you how pro and l337 I am and how trash those baddies are? BRB I need to comb these cheetos out of my mouth breathing neckbeard. I need to get more ammo for my sniper rifle. No zombies up on this mountain.

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  'TurkeyBurgers said:

Griefers' date=' gankers, paradise wishlist.

1- Full loot. This enables you to really know that you ruined someones day. After they work hard to earn items and advance their character you make sure to kill them on sight so everything they have done for the past few however many hours is utterly completely destroyed.

2- No way to identify who killed them. This makes sure that the rest of the people that you intend to grief the ever living fuck out of have no way to defend against your actions at any time except to shoot first on sight anyone that they see.

3- Everyone looks the exact same. This is a great one to blend in. Just make sure that you shoot every single person that you see in the back. Type the word "Friendly" in general chat when someone has you in their sights and are debating if they should kill you first.

4- No need to actually PvP. Enough supplies are in game that PvP isn't even required. The ONLY reason to PvP at the moment is to grief and gank people just for the sake of it or to kill people so that they do not grief and gank you first. Items respawn very rapidly and new food/water/ammunition/supplies magically gets refilled constantly and continuously.

5- Very limited spawns in only a few spots. This is great for nighttime griefing. People will have to use flares to see when they spawn on the beach. Just sit back and wait for the red gank sticks to light up like the beacons of Minas Tirith and the fun begins! Why have people spawn all over the entire map when that way I would only be able to gank one person every so often.

6- Wandering NPC's that really have no effect on the way that I play the game. The noobs call them Zerbies or something. Who gives a diddly fuck because we do not even bother with that portion of the game. We gonna GANK SUM BADDS! Oh they gonna be so mad! They gunn nerd raeg after we ROFLstomp them just for the hell of it! GO BACK TO WOW NOOBS! This game is uber hardcore and I am so l337 I am about to show you how hardcore and l337 I am!

7- One shotting people! PEW PEW PEW! Oh god this is even better than playing my Rogue! I can one shot every noob right in the back. Full loot? Why bother I don't need any of their shit I do it because I am fucking PRO for the Lulz! I don't even need to stun lock them or hit more than one button!

8- Server hopping. Oh shit they found me and are firing back at me. Good thing I am all the way up on this rooftop. I better transfer servers so I don't die. Wouldn't want to have to risk that now would we? Where is the fun in it that?

9- Global comms so people asking for help, to team up and play together, you know the BADS and SCRUBS all have to announce where they are at if they do survive and make it off the beaches of Normandy. I will know RIGHT where to go and setup an ambush. I AM SO FREAKING L337!

10- Did I tell you how pro and l337 I am and how trash those baddies are? BRB I need to comb these cheetos out of my mouth breathing neckbeard. I need to get more ammo for my sniper rifle. No zombies up on this mountain.


You going to be ok? You started to lose it there at the end.

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Every point was valid.

As well frustration is completely understandable given the time required to actually get things not being a PK'er, and getting ganked by the same sort of idiot who teamkills in regular Arma. The shiftless morons who get banned now have an outlet.

I've stopped playing until something is done about it. I give the mod a week max before the actual players are tired of being fodder.

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6- Wandering NPC's that really have no effect on the way that I play the game. The noobs call them Zerbies or something.

I literally lol'd at that one. +1

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  'bacon55 said:

Every point was valid.

As well frustration is completely understandable given the time required to actually get things not being a PK'er' date=' and getting ganked by the same sort of idiot who teamkills in regular Arma. The shiftless morons who get banned now have an outlet.

I've stopped playing until something is done about it. I give the mod a week max before the actual players are tired of being fodder.


Why don't you defend yourself? Warn people off, stop using global coms, don't light up the night with fourteen billion flares?

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  'Freyar said:

Every point was valid.

As well frustration is completely understandable given the time required to actually get things not being a PK'er' date=' and getting ganked by the same sort of idiot who teamkills in regular Arma. The shiftless morons who get banned now have an outlet.

I've stopped playing until something is done about it. I give the mod a week max before the actual players are tired of being fodder.


Why don't you defend yourself? Warn people off, stop using global coms, don't light up the night with fourteen billion flares?

I don't use flares, I don't announce my location on comms unless absolutely necessary, and "defending myself" against someone 500m away with an assault rifle is not possible. Apparently at this point it's gotten so bad I have to shoot anyone I see before they see me.

That's not good gameplay, that's fucking stupid, and the game won't last if it continues.

Anyone defending it wants this mod to burn out as the fodder is going to stop coming, and thus the long distance PK'rs are left with nothing to do, and leave.

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