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Backpack eating guns

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Not too sure where to post this thread, but I've had a strange problem with guns in my backpack dissappearing after I disconnect and reconnect to a server.

It's eaten two MP5 SDs, an M24, and a M249 for me to realise that it seems to be a repeating problem. The first few times, I probably thought it was a minor glitch in the database while saving or something or one of my squadmates trolling me, but have come to realise that something's up with the game.

I can switch between my primary weapons fine, and can see my other gun in my backpack, but every time I connect to a server immediately after, the gun is gone, though the ammo is still there. It's the full sized coyote backpack if it's of any relevance.

Any ideas/thoughts would be appreciated. :huh:

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Backpacks save a lot slower than your normal inventory. Wait at least five minutes before you log after you put something important into it.

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Last night I played a bit and noticed the saving seems a lot more delayed than usual. I got whole clips of ammo returned to me, morphine and a bloodpack.

What seems to happen is, you'll have 8 slots in your pack and remove 2 things to make 10 slots, enough for a primary gun. You log out and those 2 items you removed are returned to you, so your gun is deleted to make room.

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I blame the midgets that live in the backpacks.

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lost a night vision FAL and a normal FAL this way, it seems as if placing a weapon in the backpack then messing around with the leftover content/spaces in it has bad results.

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when you switch between two main weapons, make sure you pull the weapon OUT of backpack, not put the one in your hands In

yeah that drops the weapon to the ground, as well as any ammo you had for your former main weapon, just clarifying.

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yeah that drops the weapon to the ground, as well as any ammo you had for your former main weapon, just clarifying.

no, that will put the weapon from your backpack in your hands and weapon in your hands into your backpack

if you do it other way around, weapon in your hands will disappear

make sure you got room for ammo or both ammo is in your main inventory

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Another guy that already posted this in bug forums for your reference. Enjoy

This is a different bug. I know how to switch weapons properly. I have both my weapons before I log out, but as soon as I reconnect, they are gone.

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yeah, that happens, but its okay, you just gotta be carefull and then thats a fix for you, the same with ghillies, just remove the backpack, put on ghillie, put on backpack, and boop, there you go :) hackers are a bigger problem since it doesnt have a temporarily fix

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Backpacks save a lot slower than your normal inventory. Wait at least five minutes before you log after you put something important into it.

i had it happen to a bizzon ive had for (10+days real time) then the following day it ate the cobra i found to replace the bizon

i kept the pack full so it didnt try to move the ammo when i switched weapons (can end up loosing ammo that way) noticed each time somthing in my inventory had duped, first day i got a free smoke nade, second day a free raw meat . both times it would have taken my pack to 21 items so the rifle got deleted

Edited by stuffnthings

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The way I've found to do it(after losing a FN FAL ANS)When switching primarys always move the weapon from backpack first. Seems to leave open space for your current weapon and doesnt munch it up.

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Bag of Devouring. OP. Sorry it wasn't a Bottomless Bag.

You need to re-read the OP. He said nothing about not having space. It's a saving delay issue.

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The way I've found to do it(after losing a FN FAL ANS)When switching primarys always move the weapon from backpack first. Seems to leave open space for your current weapon and doesnt munch it up.

thats the onyl way to do it without the gun vanishing, were talking about guns vanishing from within the pack, not when your trying to switch the weapons over

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I happen to get similiar bug, tho it's more funny, sometimes my mags, usually stanags turn themselves into pieces of meat or beans. kinda funny, and annoying.

also not trolling, this really happened to me, twice.

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It is a known fact that a backpacks favorite food is guns.

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Sigh, another AS50 gone, last time my tent ate it, along with alot of other stuff actually. This time my backpack is the bad guy.

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Sigh, another AS50 gone, last time my tent ate it, along with alot of other stuff actually. This time my backpack is the bad guy.

feed it some beans :D its obviously hungry

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feed it some beans :D its obviously hungry

My tent got a dinner fit for kings, my bag isnt that big, it should be happy with an AS50, thats all it will get.

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