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Why was I banned from US628 ? [YOLO gaming]

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I just logged onto US 628 and was insta-banned. My IGN was Icy and I hadn't even got in game before being banned. I was on their server ages ago for nothing more than 1 hour, and as I remembered it I just played some DayZ, nor was I at any point banned from their server.

This happened at around 10:30 PM GMT+1. Heres a picture of the message I get when trying to join their server : http://imgur.com/gr6eh

I'm just hypothesizing here but maybe it was because only their clan owns the server and they dont want anybody else playing on it but [YOLO]. If I read the server owner rules correctly all DayZ servers are meant to be public, even if a clan buys one they can't ban anybody that wants to play and isn't in their clan, whats the point of having a public server if you're just going to ban people that aren't in your clan ?

If the server owner/admin can give me a legitimate reason as to why I was banned, (Maybe Icy is an offensive word in their language ? (lol)) then i'd be glad to move along home.

Did a quick search, he says that someone gained access and that this 'has been dealt with' but a post below says otherwise. Please can the a developer/admin for the dayz servers look into this matter, people have been getting banned from there since Monday. seems obvious that they just want the server for their clan.




Edited by icy100

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prolly because you are me and you cant be me, sorry

Are you an admin of the server ? Did you ban me because my name is so similar to yours ?

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