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About icy100

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. So I died, respawned and I have -12000 humanity (Turban and all), is this a bug with the new patch ? EDIT; just alt tabbed and now I have 0 humanity but i still have my turban + no backpack
  2. First of all let me say that I did what was said to fix the getting kicked instantly and I no longer get kicked instantly from any servers, this server, GB #200, had the admin on which I believe kept kicking me on purpose and for no reason. I was just in Stary Sobor looking for loot and I intended to stay there for about 40 mins. However, when I got in game in that server it would take like 30 seconds before I was kicked again. Note that I hadn't played on that server before today, and had had no interaction with any players so there was no reason for me to be kicked. I can join any other server without being kicked. Please view the pictures 2nd > 3rd > 4th > 1st : http://imgur.com/Kkh...m,6BSPv,bHmPw#1. This happaned at about 2:50 PM GMT + 1 and my nick was Lampaio ( I changed it after I got kicked a few times to see if it was the nickname) (with an accent above the a). Thanks
  3. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7876-server-hosting-quick-faq/ Darf ich einen Server für meinen Clan? Ja, das können Sie. Wir ermutigen Clans an einen Server einrichten, um als ihre Heimat zu handeln. Was Sie nicht tun können, ist jedoch um den Server zu Ihrem Clan nur zu beschränken. Das Gameplay von DayZ beinhaltet Konflikt zwischen Überlebenden als auch Zombies, und die Beschränkung eines Servers zu einem einzigen Clan wegnehmen würde diesen Aspekt des Gameplays. Es würde auch der Clan auf Gang, ohne zu riskieren Interferenzen von anderen Spielern, die es ihnen einen unfairen Vorteil zu bewirtschaften.
  4. icy100

    All Away from DE13

    I got this bug too but it's not related to any specific server. Press respawn and then join another server, for me my stuff came back and my position.
  5. Are you an admin of the server ? Did you ban me because my name is so similar to yours ?
  6. icy100

    Strange Character Problem

    My story and my fix : Played some, quit, logged back in and I respawned with no gear and at the coast again. My friend told me to hit respawn and join another server. Worked like a charm got my old character + position back.
  7. I just logged onto US 628 and was insta-banned. My IGN was Icy and I hadn't even got in game before being banned. I was on their server ages ago for nothing more than 1 hour, and as I remembered it I just played some DayZ, nor was I at any point banned from their server. This happened at around 10:30 PM GMT+1. Heres a picture of the message I get when trying to join their server : http://imgur.com/gr6eh I'm just hypothesizing here but maybe it was because only their clan owns the server and they dont want anybody else playing on it but [YOLO]. If I read the server owner rules correctly all DayZ servers are meant to be public, even if a clan buys one they can't ban anybody that wants to play and isn't in their clan, whats the point of having a public server if you're just going to ban people that aren't in your clan ? If the server owner/admin can give me a legitimate reason as to why I was banned, (Maybe Icy is an offensive word in their language ? (lol)) then i'd be glad to move along home. Did a quick search, he says that someone gained access and that this 'has been dealt with' but a post below says otherwise. Please can the a developer/admin for the dayz servers look into this matter, people have been getting banned from there since Monday. seems obvious that they just want the server for their clan. http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__yolo http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__yolo http://dayzmod.com/f...olo#entry325744
  8. icy100

    Wait for host with the new patch

    Well i'm an idiot,apparently this version dosen't play well with lower versions, make sure to join servers with only (filter )95054 Thanks.
  9. Six launcher just updated my game and now i'm stuck at wait for host...was playing fine an hour ago, how do I get this fixed ?
  10. Hey, Reinstalled battleye in the steam folders, my dll's @ C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\Expansion\BattlEye are all messed up now, they don't matter do they ? How do I reinstall them ?
  11. This all started last night when I tried to update to 94997, I didn't download the right dlls + it crashed every time I clicked ok ( Tank screen > crash ). Just redownloaded over night and it's still not working. I'm using six launcher, does anybody know a way to reset battleye files ? Reinstalling didn't seem to do it. Thanks Edit : If people could link me to the battleye dlls for the other version i'd be very grateful
  12. Yep I use six launcher, currently following the guide for wrong cd key (http://dayzmod.com/f...24-error-fixes/) , where do I find this executable ? I've been using Six Launcher for the past 2 weeks with no problems. Thanks you for your help. Icy Edit: Just found this guide http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29401-guide-steam-to-those-spawning-invisible-no-debug-errors-beta-update/ following it now,thanks.
  13. Just read through the topic,seems like I have the newest Battleye but old ArmA, indeed in game it does not say 94997 but the one that the servers currently run (85xxx? This is when running with steam and not with six launcher) , when I run the setup for the newest ArmA I get an error saying Wrong CD Key but the installation still continues and it even says that it's done, anyone else having the same problem/ how do I fix it ?
  14. Just updated because I was getting kicked for battleye not updating, now I crash while trying to get the mission file, I click OK > A flash of the mission file being downloaded then the tank loading screen > crash.. Any help ? Thanks